Jun 05, 2011 03:32

[How? How did it become like this? Red doesn't know, and he doesn't care to ( Read more... )

letty is a sadist, !ic

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a wild not bad end!Blue appeared :D reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 02:14:55 UTC
[Blue was taken by surprise when his gym doors burst open. He turns around expecting to see Chris (he was brash enough for that--) only to see an all too familiar figure on the floor.

Dashing over, Blue kneels down, placing a hand against his back and silently looking him over. At first, he had thought it may have been Cassian but upon closer inspection this was Red. But how? Red was--...was he...Red's second clone?]

...keep still. You're going to be alright.


:DDDDDDDDDDDD Letty sent out Angst! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 02:40:44 UTC
[Red's eyes roll in his head, he's dizzy with the pain. Still, when he manages to recover enough to register his surroundings, when he sees your face... There's a look of recognition. He... He knows you. He silently mouths "Blue" at you, telling you he remembers you and hoping you understand.]


IT'S SUPER EFFECTIVE! reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 04:09:42 UTC
[Blue will take note of that look, and how he's mouthing "Blue". Then this really was Red? Pausing for a brief second, Blue nods back in response. In an attempt to soothe Red, he runs his hand against Red's back.]

...save your strength, Red. Close your eyes, rest. I'll watch over you.


POKEBALL GO! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 04:22:59 UTC
[He has so, so many scars, you may be able to feel the deeper ones through his clothes. He does close his eyes and try to rest, though. Even after everything, he can still trust you. Even with all his barely-cared-for injuries... He knows he can afford to drop his guard with you.

Nevertheless, his entire body is quivering in pain. They've wreaked havoc on his muscles and ligaments, he can't bring himself to really relax. He is, in simplest terms, a mess.]


Aksjas- /caught reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 04:36:25 UTC
[He'll grimace at the sensation of all those scars, through Red's clothes. There was no doubt in his mind the Project had a hand in all of this. He couldn't help but ponder how they managed to get their hands on Red. Mt. Silver was supposed to be safe - tearing away from those thoughts Blue will slowly lift Red up.

The mere sight of the state Red was in made Blue feel sick to the stomach, literally. He had to help Red, especially in this current state.]


\o/ /VICTORY SHUFFLE!! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 05:17:46 UTC
[Red inhales sharply on being picked up, opening his eyes in panic. He closes them again after confirming it's only you moving him, though.

It hurts. They don't even give him time to heal before they tear him apart again. So many injuries... He's trembling, even in your grip. Even in a safe place, he's terrified of being hurt and killed again.]


[insert glitched Pokédex entry here] reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 05:32:42 UTC
[Blue will notice that, as he frowns. They must have put Red through a lot if he's reacting this badly.]

...sorry, Red. I know you're already in so much pain but I can't have you sleep on the floor. It's not good for you.

[He'll speak up, while leading Red away from the Gym through a back door. At least inside his own home Red would be safe. He could keep an eye on him, and make sure no one was out to hurt him.]


OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY 8Dc livingisdeath June 7 2011, 06:14:08 UTC
[Of course... Of course you'd be worried about sleeping on the floor... He could almost laugh at how little has changed.

Still, Red will let you carry him. Even like this, he knows to trust you. You're... You're Blue. His best friend. His only friend. You can help him.]


...btw I also made a bad end!account for Jiro too :3c reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 06:22:46 UTC
[Red was sadly, easy enough to carry on over to his own bed. He'll try to make sure Red was as comfortable as he could be, before placing the covers over him. Blue was unable to keep a neutral expression at how broken Red looked. It only served to fuel his anger towards the project for doing this.]

...try to sleep for now, alright?


What kind of an evil mun would I be if I hadn't made one for Insanedrian? 8)c livingisdeath June 7 2011, 07:19:55 UTC
[He's still way too light, yes. He's hurt. Badly hurt. Even his clothing is starting to show spots of pinky-red where blood seeped through his stitches. They don't even use bandages.

He'll nod, opening his eyes to look at you one last time before sleep... He missed you. He missed you so much. Please, please don't lose him again. He doesn't think he could bear it.

And then... his heavy eyelids close, and he drifts off into the more welcome nightmares of sleep.]


ohohohoho! 8Dc reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 14:46:44 UTC
[It takes Blue a moment to notice those spots of blood on Red's clothes. He involuntarily wince at that. The sight of blood made him remember too much. He quietly watches as Red drift off into sleep. Slowly he'll stand up, deciding to look over Red for any injuries.

...he had to. Even if he was weary about the idea of having to see blood. Although one thing did bother him. Why did Red still remember? Had he ran off in the middle of being operated on?]


No icons yet, though. shatterminded is the name! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 19:13:47 UTC
[Obviously, checking Red for injuries means at least taking off his shirt and jacket. By the time they're off, the level of pain Red's in should be blatantly obvious.

There are scars, scars everywhere. He has barely any skin that isn't scar tissue. There are uncovered injuries, sewn closed, unbandaged, crisscrossing all over his body. They're in various stages of healing. Some are less than a day old. Some look infected. This is true on his body, arms, legs, back and front... Everywhere. Look for them and there are even scars on his face.]


Mine's soulsilenced /o/ he has icons but no info post yet reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 19:40:44 UTC
[Blue winces at the sight of all of Red's injuries. He knew it would be bad but he hadn't imagined it would be to this extent. His stomach begins to churn, feeling that same sickness again. How could they? How could they do this to Red?

Sighing he'll get up deciding to do what he can with his supply. He just hopes Red won't react badly, after all being forced to be operated on was bad enough to begin with... but Red needed a proper treatment. Especially those infected wounds.

Whenever Red wakes up, he might be surprised to see that he's been properly bandaged. While next to his bed, Blue will patiently sit there forever not sleeping waiting for him to wake up.]


I'mma make special icons for Insanedrian, like I did for this guy! Requires work thoough. livingisdeath June 7 2011, 20:04:13 UTC
[It takes at least twenty hours for him to wake up. Probably more. He's exhausted.

Where Red might once have panicked at being bandaged, he now feels only a muted confusion. They never use bandages anymore. So... Who did this? Was one of the doctors really kind enough to bandage him? Did they just not get the memo?

He's still too weak to do more than run a hand over the bandages, though. So much sleep... He just got so much sleep, they let him sleep... His mind feels numb. Huh... He doesn't recognize this lab... Or this doctor... His vision is swimming, nothing is registering right.]


Ooh, how awesome! I do like Red's icons yup yup |3 reachforfreedom June 7 2011, 20:08:42 UTC
[Blue wasn't sure how long it's been. He couldn't sleep even if he tried. he just kept waiting and pacing, hoping Red would wake up soon. Once he did Blue was by his side in an instant.]

...here, Red. I got you some water and pain medication. ...I bet you're thirsty...


I'm glad! I tried out a new style~ livingisdeath June 7 2011, 20:18:58 UTC
...? [Please, give him a few minutes. His processor is not processing properly.

Okay... Pain medication... Yes, that would be good, even if he barely notices the pain anymore. And... Water? Yes, water. Water... He doesn't even remember how water tastes. Nod, yes, he's thirsty. Water please.]


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