Jun 05, 2011 03:32

[How? How did it become like this? Red doesn't know, and he doesn't care to ( Read more... )

letty is a sadist, !ic

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hohohohohohohohoho 8)c losesthrice June 5 2011, 18:14:22 UTC
[Oh, another challenger so soon. He stopped counting after his fifth one. When he lifts his gaze to the new challenger he stares. Why is he on the ground? Why didn't he stand up and send out his first Pokémon?

Let's see...who to start out with. ...it didn't matter. He loses anyway. No need to start right away right? He ponders while gazing at the Poké Ball he doesn't remember taking out, in his hand.]

... ...hey. Challenger. Are you just going to lie there?


8D! losesthrice June 7 2011, 02:07:25 UTC
[The best Blue can do is to sling one of Red's arms over his shoulders while grasping around for that Poké Ball he dropped. ...okay, they had to get out of here and then...then what? Where could they run off to?

Blue had no idea. But Red said to help him. He had to help, help him get away...]


8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!! livingisdeath June 7 2011, 02:34:31 UTC
[Orre, Fiore, Oblivia, Almia... There are several regions you could take him to. Places where the Project has no grip. Somewhere, anywhere, anywhere they can't find him. So he won't have to die anymore.]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 04:00:53 UTC
[Unfortunately, sleep deprivation makes it hard for Blue to think straight. However he'll continue to pull him along and taking a step out of the gym. He can't seem to recall how long it's been since he bothered to leave on his own accord.

Which way? Which way...think, think, think. Where could he go to? Pallet? No...not safe. Not safe for either of them...]


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 04:10:22 UTC
[Unfortunately, the agents of the Project who brought Red here are waiting outside. They want to take him back. They're coming for him, Blue. Arms outstretched, ready to drag him back to the labs.]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 04:13:49 UTC
[Blue flinches, when he sees them with their arms stretched out. No. No. No no no no no no NO! He'll possessively hold Red closer to himself while pulling out a Poké Ball.]

....go away. ...get out of my way...


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 04:27:10 UTC
[They have Pokeballs of their own out, seeing your defiance. They'll just have to take you and Red both back to the labs. Can't have insubordination, you know...]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 04:43:30 UTC
[The labs, the labs the labs the labs labs labs. Those same disgusting labs where he's forced to stay alive after trying to end his own life. What was the point of remaining alive when the ones he lived for where long gone? But now was different...now he's here, and Blue had to protect him, keep him safe and not torn apart-

For a moment Blue fumbles before throwing what he hopes is Gyarados' Poké Ball. He couldn't be too sure, he had a hard time keeping track of which Pokémon is in what ball lately. He's taken off guard, when Pidgeot comes forth from said ball.]

...Pidgeot... ... ...Whirlwind.


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 05:08:37 UTC
[Fortunately, you're a gym leader and they're nothing more than goons. They'll easily be blown away, after a short battle. However, they will be calling for backup. Find safety quickly and maybe, maybe, maybe you can keep them from killing Red again.]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 05:27:35 UTC
[Oh, good. Good Pidgeot was still strong enough--good. Good boy--oh wait. He can't stop and pet you right now Pidgeot. They had to get away. Slowly, Blue will heave both himself and Red a top Pidgeot's back. Once on, he'll continue to hold Red close before he orders his Pidgeot to Fly up into the air.

He still didn't have a clue where they were headed--but any place at the moment was better then Viridian City.]


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 06:03:17 UTC
[During the ride, Red will come to, groaning. As always, everything, absolutely everything hurts. He feels sick from the altitude and motion, but what else is new? He's always sick. He's been infected with a horrible plague of death and more death. He's tired of it. But he's awake now.]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 06:08:53 UTC
[It takes a few minutes until Blue registers the fact Red is awake. He hadn't released his hold on Red, ever since he made their way out of the gym. He soon glances down with an all too tired smile, plastered on.]



livingisdeath June 7 2011, 06:28:37 UTC
... [Red nods, slowly, trying not to make the nausea worse. He's awake... He's out of the calmer nightmares of sleep, back in the nightmare that is his life.]

... Thank.... Th-ank you... [He hears his voice crack... He's gotten to that point, then? That point when he can barely voice his thoughts.]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 06:32:53 UTC
[He's awake and alive alive alive alive alive.

Blue nods back in return, as he felt something in his throat become stuck. He's unable to keep up the smile once he notices his vision blurring. He could soon feel wetness against his own cheeks. What was that...tears...?]

... ...you died. ...they brought you back...?


livingisdeath June 7 2011, 07:01:20 UTC
[Another nod.] ... Sssso many... S-so many times...

[He doesn't even know how many times he's been killed. More than ten. More then fifty? A hundred? A thousand? He can't even judge how long it's been since they recaptured him.]


losesthrice June 7 2011, 14:41:47 UTC
...too. ...me too...

[How many times have he tried to get himself to die already? He'd tried everything he could think of and they kept piecing him back together, and drag him back to that gym. That horrible gym.]

...no point if you three were dead. No point, no point...but you're...alive. I'm so happy...


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