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Comments 31

rhoboat February 20 2012, 04:55:50 UTC

Would love to meet you in person at Vividcon, but I can understand if you're not able to go.

I confess I have a bit of a bird phobia. That scene in BSG freaked me out, and I can't really read through your whole experience. I once ran and locked myself in the bathroom and screamed/sobbed until someone else got rid of the bird I encountered in the exhaust pipe above the stove. *shudders*


bop_radar February 20 2012, 05:45:10 UTC
Eeek, yes, I can understand such a phobia. I'm not fond of them in close proximity to me--I prefer a respectful distance, and I find pigeons particularly distasteful. :/ sorry for the eeky story!

It would be so cool to meet you finally! I saw you were going to be rooming with talitha78 for Escapade! That's so fun! She's so fab! Hope you guys have a great time!


anarchicq February 20 2012, 05:16:15 UTC
Wow, you're the first person I've heard say they don't like Rumple!


bop_radar February 20 2012, 05:46:00 UTC
Yeah, as always I don't follow the fannish centrepath. ;) I can't stand him--he's like nails on a chalkboard to me.


par_avion February 20 2012, 05:35:49 UTC
The pigeon story made me laugh.


Aww, poor puppy. Hope springs eternal!


bop_radar February 20 2012, 05:47:23 UTC
:) Yeah, he was particularly excited the next day. He was checking there hourly. I still find it funny that TWO birds managed to get into our house without him noticing. Some guard dog!


norwich36 February 20 2012, 06:03:50 UTC
Why am I not at all surprised that you like the heroic characters on OUaT, I like the villains (I'm not actually rooting for Regina or Rumple but they FASCINATE me, especially after the recent Beauty and the Beast episode), and both of us are completely bored by the central romance? :-)

Nice to hear from you!


bop_radar February 20 2012, 06:40:41 UTC
Hee, that's so funny! Yeah, I was crawling the walls in that Beauty and the Beast episode: NEEDS MOAR EMMA!!! :p
But yeah, the central romance is such a yawn, isn't it?? Charmless really should have stayed in a coma! I liked the gender reverse on the fairytale initially but once he woke up it was all downhill. ;)

So what's your take on Regina and Rumple? Do you want them to team together? Or you want them to tear each other down, or what? I guess liking both means you'll be happy with many outcomes...!?

Yeah, good to be actually communicating! I have late-onset lurkerness. ;p


norwich36 February 20 2012, 15:18:28 UTC
Yeah, Charmless in a coma was much better. Though I am a little curious as to how they expect the audience to get on board to what is basically an adulterous affair.

Up until Regina killed the Sheriff, I have to confess I was kind of rooting for Emma/Regina (what can I say, you know how I am about enemy slash, and then Henry would have two moms). Now I'm just kind of fascinated at how she plays people, and curious as to why she has such a grudge against Snow.

I've only really been interested in Rumplestiltskin the past couple episodes; I was a little impressed by the multi-levelled game he was playing during Emma's election, and I have to confess I was totally charmed by the whole beauty & the beast storyline, largely due to Belle, but I am a sucker for potential redemption storylines. And I'm also very curious to see who would win in a head-to-head match between Regina and Gold; they're both pretty ruthless and I'm curious about their end games.


bop_radar February 20 2012, 22:01:15 UTC
Mmm, that makes sense!! Yeah, I can see you shipping Emma/Regina! I've seen a vid or two for that pairing.. you're definitely not alone!

I actively fear Gold, whereas I just despite Regina, so that makes for good variety in terms of villains for me, I guess. ;) And despite disliking him, I do think there's a lot of narrative power in the mystery of what Gold's end game is. I'm sure there's mystery in Regina's too if I could see past the OMG I WANT YOU TO DIE!! rage that overcomes me every time she's on screen! ;) ;) ;)


yamakasi February 20 2012, 08:14:19 UTC
funnily enough, i am now obsessed with community and TVD! seems i joined the bandwagon late :P

also coincidentally, my mother has just come off her bipolar meds after 25+ years on them. i can sort of relate to how you are feeling (although obviously it is not me experiencing this directly, but as someone quite close to it).


bop_radar February 20 2012, 08:46:55 UTC
Oh that's cool! I thoroughly enjoyed both shows for ages.

Wow, that's HUGE for your mum! Congratulations to her! It's a big step. And it's really hard because I have to monitor my emotional state but there's a fine line between 'normal' level ups and downs and depression/anxiety-related ups and downs. And the hard thing of what to do when something seems like a relapse. :( I hope it wasn't too rough a journey for your mum.


yamakasi February 20 2012, 08:59:26 UTC
:] she was having other health issues due to the side-effects of the lithium she was on so it was finally decided to wean her off them completely. it really is a big step, i know i'd find it hard to stop taking drugs twice a day when i've been doing it for over two decades!

yeah, we (my family) are all keeping an eye on her and she knows to tell one of us if something feels off or wrong or she has any concerns with how she is feeling. it is very scary to do this (as i'm sure you know!) but hopefully the pay-off is worth it. surprisingly there have been minimal withdrawal symptoms.


bop_radar February 20 2012, 09:15:01 UTC
Yeah, support around you is critical, I think. And feeling like it's the right time. Certainly if there are other health problems associated with the meds, it's a powerful motivator. It's really good she hasn't had too much withdrawal. That's the hardest part for me sometimes--working out what is withdrawal-related, what's just 'me' and what is possibly a danger sign of some regression into depression symptoms. But how scary it must be to come off after 25 years! I feel sometimes like I'm not sure who I am without them and of course my memory of being without them is of Bad Things. So doing this is kind of like trying to build new memories, a new understanding of who I am. I imagine it's similar for your mother?


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