Vampire Diaries 2.5

Oct 24, 2010 12:35

Oh, Vampire Diaries! How is it possible that you are so consistently delightful?! I have so much love for this episode--it may be my favourite of the season so far.

cut for long squee )

vampire diaries

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Comments 16

callmeonetrack October 24 2010, 02:39:07 UTC
Caroline continues to be awesome and amazing. ♥ I was so glad to hear her mom notice and give voice to the change in her--she's totally more confident now. I was a little worried last week when they let her do a tiny bit of the I'm not worthy/You're so wonderful bit with Elena, but thankfully that was nipped in the bud really quick (almost as if the show felt it was pretty tiresome too!)

The Matt thing is gonna wreak some havoc, though I read interesting rumors about Caro that I don't quite understand how they're going to get there.

Poor Uncle Mason! I will miss him! (Or at least his shirtlessness. I think I enjoyed the actor a bit more on Trauma.)


amnisias October 24 2010, 09:24:25 UTC
I think I enjoyed the actor a bit more on Trauma.

I knew I'd seen him before somewhere. The newbie ambulance driver and budding authort. THANK YOU for clearing that up. Every time I watched i told myself to check it out on imdb but I always forgot.


callmeonetrack October 27 2010, 14:41:13 UTC
Yes, he was very cute as probie Glenn. A lot more angsty here of course. Mystic Falls: The Angst is in the Water. Heh.


bop_radar October 24 2010, 21:27:01 UTC
almost as if the show felt it was pretty tiresome too!)
I feel like the show has a REALLY GOOD HANDLE on these things! Something in the writing feels very self-aware even though the show doesn't do meta on itself in the dialogue or anything, and yet... there are quite a few moments where I can feel the writers consciously pulling things in. I love it!

Eeek, spoilers, no thanks! I love the suspense waaay too much for that.

I want more Alaric!!


sol_se October 24 2010, 04:06:37 UTC
Yes to everything! :D



bop_radar October 24 2010, 21:27:58 UTC
TY! LOL you know what's funny? I'm already a member. *facepalm* I fail at LJ.


bofoddity October 24 2010, 05:48:38 UTC
Yes yes YES to all of this! My love for this show is spinning out of control and I wouldn't want it any other way. Icons! I need icons. *runs around in squee-circles*


bop_radar October 24 2010, 21:28:30 UTC
You really do need icons! Let your squee FLOURISH!


darlulu October 24 2010, 07:50:13 UTC
Jeremy/Tyler has been pinging for me for ages. Like, I actually thought the writers were going to go there, but now I'm not so sure.

Oh, and here's the profile page of the Vampire Diaries vid community I'm currently following on my flist, but there might be more out there.


bop_radar October 24 2010, 21:30:09 UTC
Thank you! Hilariously, I'm already a member. *facepalm* I must do this stuff in my sleep sometimes...

I really don't know what the writers have in mind for Jeremy but I wish they WOULD go there with the gay thing. I doubt it somehow though. I think maybe he's going to die tragically trying to make Katherine pay? IDK! (And am happy not knowing: spoilerphobe)


amnisias October 24 2010, 10:13:07 UTC
Jeremy gay? interesting thought. To me he's more the archetypal "confused teenager" on his mission to find his identity. "Do I want to be human or vampire? Do I want to be dead or alive? Do I want to be part of the gang or mope around because I'm not part of the gang? Do I like boys or girls? Who has the more impressive body - Damon or Tyler?" It's all in a days soul-searching of an average teen ( ... )


bop_radar October 24 2010, 21:34:18 UTC
Haha, I hear you on the Jeremy soul-searchy being wider than just sexuality.

I approve that there is somebody on the show that doesn't go "You're a vampire? Cool, let's be friends!"
ME TOO. It's a refreshing reminder of how warped Elena's and Caroline's worlds are. And I think you are right that having that moment with her mother helped make Caroline strong enough to do the right thing. It was really heartwrenchy though. :((

Yes, Mason's torture was uncomfortable and I think it was mainly about Katherine. Yeah. I love these glimpses we get of Damon's internal world--where he's being perpetually tortured by Katherine. It helps explain his behaviour so well, especially that hardness. Oh, Damon!


callmeonetrack October 24 2010, 21:55:36 UTC
Not to hijack your thread, but this phrase really jumped out at me after I was replying to your earlier comment:

"Mason's torture was uncomfortable and I think it was mainly about Katherine."

It really occurs to me that this show has an awful lot of scenes where two men have conversations that are all about a woman (Katherine often, but sometimes Elena or Caroline, and occasionally even Bonnie). It's really refreshing that they have kind of this inverse-Bechdel Test passing going on. \o/


bop_radar October 24 2010, 23:03:53 UTC
Oh yeah! It's true. There was that line where Damon says 'doesn't it all come back to love of a woman'. I feel like there's a theme in this show that women hold a lot of emotional power over men--that could easily be exploited badly, but they handle it really well, and it makes a refreshing change to the 'men make women screaming, crying emotional wrecks' style of television.


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