Vampire Diaries 2.5

Oct 24, 2010 12:35

Oh, Vampire Diaries! How is it possible that you are so consistently delightful?! I have so much love for this episode--it may be my favourite of the season so far.

From the opening scene where they intercut from Stefan/Elena to Katharine/Mason I knew we were in for a good ep. That 'I promise you we are going to get through this' was a clear signal that we'd see that love tested hard in this ep, which made me squee in anticipation. I didn't mind that it was signalled because I feel so secure in the hands of the Vampire Diaries... and sure enough, the way they were tested was totally gripping and wonderful.

I love love love Jeremy hanging around Damon, and Damon's consequent snark about Jeremy's 'search for his sexuality life's purpose'. Sorry--I've tried and tried to see Jeremy as straight (mainly because I like the alpha chicks he dates) but I think I'm losing the fight. Something about him just keeps pinging my gaydar. Is it the actor? I don't know. Regardless, he seems to spark off every guy he's around. Reading the ep in that light made Elena's 'no, no, there is no "Damon and you"' hilarious. And even more so the scene where Jeremy watches Damon torture Mason with a squicky 'omg, I should NOT be finding this hot!' face. :D

Great to see Bonnie back in this episode, and I particularly liked her struggle to come to terms with Caroline as a vampire. I am glad they dealt with the awkwardness of the friendship issues in dialogue with Elena, at least a bit. It is definitely hard for Bonnie to reconcile her own feelings and beliefs with the situation of her friends.

Once again, fabulous plotting in this episode, with the way the truth about Mason was found out via Bonnie, and she thereby got embroiled in the Salvatore brothers' shenanigans (yay, more brotherly teaming up! LOVE IT!!). Love the brain aneurysm thing Bonnie can do--seriously creepy.

OMG, Caroline continues to steal the show! Keeping her mother in the basement and trying to get through to her... waah! Their D&M was really moving, and it was tragic but inevitable that Caroline would have to compell her at the end. I love that Caroline is so clear sighted about this. I am glad she got to hear her mother tell her that she was a strong person.

The well was a really cool trap, I thought. More girls save boys = yay! It's also good to see how tough Elena is. That well was creepy and disgusting and snake-filled and she kept her head to not only rescue her boyfriend but also find the stone. Good going, girl!

I love that we'd seen earlier in the episode that Jenna was the weak link that Katherine could exploit, and yet even after knowing that I didn't expect the stabbing until right before it happened (just as Elena herself realises what is going to happen). It was grotesque and horrifying, and totally convincing that it would make Elena break up with Stefan in shock. And so she should. They had been too indulgent. I loved their break up scene with Stefan's face so crumply and tortured. I only really get into this ship when they are in Epic Angst mode. :) But I did rather enjoy that.

Damon's emotional journey in this episode was kind of subterranean. I liked that. Katherine sleeping with Mason really rattled him, though he tried to make a joke of it. I'm sure killing Mason was cathartic. But he was clearly still riled enough to have a go at Katherine on the phone--again, brilliant plotting. I didn't expect him to confess to Elena, and she totally (once again!) doesn't see the significance of him doing so. He was totally falling on his sword there, even though the outcome (Stefan/Elena breaking up) was one he should be thrilled about. I think he saw in Elena's face just how deeply and irrevocably the damage had been done and it shocked him out of his self-centred headspace, where everything is about his personal struggle with Katherine.

As if all that wasn't enough they've now set Matt up to go after Tylar and potentially die. Eeek! EXCITEMENT!!! \o/ The ways this will impact on Elena, Jeremy and Caroline already give me thrills.

Is there a Vampire Diaries fanvid community on Dreamwidth or Livejournal, anyone know?!

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