2009 Vidding Meme

Dec 30, 2009 17:22

Squeezing in under the bell for 2009...

Summary: My third year of vidding was a bitch. :(

cut for details )


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Comments 37

beccatoria December 30 2009, 11:31:13 UTC
Well first off, I LOVE DLZ. I have a horrible feeling I may have failed to comment and tell you at the time (it was a crazy time of year for me) but that's my bad and dude, it's awesome. I can't imagine how it would have been construed as a failure at VVC, but if you say it would have been then power to you for keeping it safe elsewhere because it's one of my favourite TSCC vids ever. <3

I also wanted to say I really understand the problems with vidding with no fandom. It's really tough. I've largely been avoiding that issue so far by very slowly creeping away from BSG (which broke my heart too), but my response to its Epic Failure was to, um, go kind of insane and try to reclaim it with various vid-related shenanigans (including Very Bitter Stuff - srsly, if you make those vids, I can promise you at least Four Whole People who will be excited about it!) rather than running and hiding, but I'd be lying if I said my first impulse wasn't exactly that ( ... )


bop_radar December 30 2009, 21:42:33 UTC
Hee! Thanks, I'm so glad you liked DLZ!! I know you are a discerning fan so that means a lot. ;)

(I hear even the most action-based TSCC vids elicited groans at VVC.)

It's really tough.

my response to its Epic Failure was to, um, go kind of insane and try to reclaim it with various vid-related shenanigans
I think you did very well to keep trying with that... I disengaged entirely, rather like recoiling from having been scalded, but I have all this BSG-related trauma still piled up inside me that is unexpressed. In retrospect, I think it would have been better to get it out of my system. I've also realised belatedly that there are, as you say, a small number of people who would totally be up for bitter, vitriolic, RDM-hating vids. ;)

I would be okay with that...if I had a fandomSAME! Gah. The world should make new awesome TV so that we could both feel a lot more comfortable again ( ... )


beccatoria December 30 2009, 23:47:27 UTC
Haha, it's kind of you to say "discerning" instead of "really effing picky" which I think is maybe more accurate at times. ;) But either way, it's a fantastic video - so much of it's awesome, including the way it encompasses so much of the entire show and escalates brilliantly (to brilliant music), and I really love the way you use the "terminator static" to make those transitions. /belated feedback.

(I hear even the most action-based TSCC vids elicited groans at VVC.)

Seriously? O_O Wow. That makes me sad inside. *snuggles TSCC vids closer and wishes she had the guts to make one* ONE DAY!

As to BSG it's a tricky question. I can undoubtedly recommend making a ragey vid as a marvelous cathartic experience. I also got a lot of satisfaction from literally re-editing and AU and am now at the point where I'm learning to view every vid I make for the show as a vindication of my show rather than...whatever it was RDM was writing at the end of that trainwreck, but...it's still a process. I cannot say for certain that I found ( ... )


bop_radar January 1 2010, 08:26:58 UTC
instead of "really effing picky" which I think is maybe more accurate at times. ;)
Hee! I think being picky is a great thing, especially when it comes to a source you really appreciate and have a relationship with. It's an indication you really know both yourself and your taste, and also the source.

That makes me sad inside.
I know! I have to hope it was only a small segment of the audience but it's disheartening to hear... it's still weird to me that TSCC didn't acquire a bigger following, though its fanbase is very loyal so that is nice.

Psst, you should make a TSCC vid!!

Yeah, navigating the whole how-do-we-process-the-BSG-trainwreck thing is really tricky. Every choice has its pros and cons, I think. You should feel proud that you're starting to see your vids as a vindication of *your* BSG--ultimately I'd love to get to such a place, but it's pretty damn hard since the canon veered off so wildly from what I first thought it was.

I feel more that vidding is the way I like to "speak" about my fandom(s)?Yeah! I think I feel ( ... )


Boppy, my very own Hero of Canton... amnisias December 30 2009, 11:35:25 UTC
Just woke up, sitting over my first mug of coffee of the day while trawling the net and waiting to wake up...but this needs a response. I am a complete newbie in this community and therefor my perspective might differ from other people's, but here are my thoughts on your meme ( ... )


Re: Boppy, my very own Hero of Canton... bop_radar December 30 2009, 22:01:44 UTC
Oh, wow! Thank you for your very bolstering comment! *g*

one of the most important vids I'v come across this year. You managed to put your motivations, intentions and considerations into words so well and I learnt so much from this commentary that it most definately should count.
Oh wow! That's amazing! It was so personal to me it was hard to see outside my head, but I do actually get what you're saying about reflection in vidding and I agree that it is very gratifying to find good vid commentaries. (vid_commentary gave me a reason to keep going this year when I was despairing.)

vidding a show that I do not feel overly fannish about is easier because I feel less restricted by canon, fandom opinion and my reading of the show. I am free to play with the characters and have some fun....I love that idea! I think if I'd started out that way I would feel the same way. Perhaps I need to embrace it... I think the problem for me is that I'm used to vidding with a strong emotional connection to a show and lots of background in meta, so I feel anchorless ( ... )


laurashapiro December 30 2009, 18:00:57 UTC
::hugs:: I'm sorry it was such a sucky year for you. I wish I'd known what you were going through, because I totally would have offered help -- without strings even. In fact, fuck it, I'm offering help NOW if you want it. I will cheerfully talk to you about vidding at any time, in your journal, over email, in chat, whatev. I LOVE talking about vidding. I'm not certain there's anything I can actually teach you that you don't already know, but I am certainly willing to try! And feel free to ask for beta at any time. I can't always do it, depending on my schedule, but I love to beta and am always happy to be asked. (:

I fully support your plans for 2010!


bop_radar December 30 2009, 22:04:25 UTC
Oh, Laura, you are SO LOVELY! *hugs* That just fills my heart with joy! I would be so honoured to have you beta some time! It was part of my plan to try and be more brave with approaching people about betaing, but it does help immensely to hear you won't immediately dismiss requests. ;) (I'm sure there is tons you could teach me actually--and you vid on a Mac! But I shall try not to pester you with too many questions.)


laurashapiro December 30 2009, 22:20:19 UTC
::hugs you MORE::

Immediately dismiss beta requests? Are there vidders who do that? I've never heard of such a thing! Even when I was just starting out, nobody ever ignored my beta requests. Sometimes people are busy, that's normal. But I can't imagine being turned down flat.

At any rate, yes, I will cheerfully beta for you. And feel free to pepper me with questions. Did you see the part where I love to talk about vidding? (: IT'S TRUE. Rest assured I will tell you if it gets to be too much. But that's unlikely to happen.


bop_radar January 1 2010, 07:54:06 UTC
I'm starting to realise how distorted some of my fears are. I know it's common to have fears related to creative activities, but I think my worst ones are actually about other vidders. I seriously get very jittery about approaching anyone. I actually think it didn't help that I was a vid fan and lurked around vidding for years before I vidded myself. It's hard to shake the sense of distance between me and the people I knew as vidders before I ever started.

I will ask next time I have a question!! :D


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bop_radar January 1 2010, 07:35:05 UTC
I need to have something I want to explore with vidding, otherwise I can see how you feel a bit adrift
Yeah. I have a number of things I *kind of* want to explore but nothing that is really really pulling me, if that makes sense. And there's a lot of dithering around not really vidding as a consequence. When I started out it was far more straight forward--one big idea followed another and they just seemed to arise naturally from being into different things. I think I need to be a little less perfectionist about always wanting to be completely swept away and highly motivated with what I'm making, because like you say just the practice of vidding itself can lead to other ideas.

I must admit I opened your yearly meme and was so amused at how it was the polar opposite of mine! You made a TON of vids! :)

nobody can validate your vidding on a large scale and it’s futile to try for that? Totally. I think that's one area I'm pretty grounded about--it was a surprise to find I'd started caring at all about what other people think. I think it ( ... )


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bop_radar January 2 2010, 22:54:46 UTC
I don't know... I think I'd be happy to go back to a time when I didn't hang on to stuff for ever slaving over it... one can overthink things. ;)

I'm not actually upset about DLZ, at ALL. It's just objectively less noticed. I don't care. I'm fine with it flying under the radar, actually. ;)


daybreak777 December 31 2009, 05:07:39 UTC
When a vid matters to ME I will be 100 times more satisfied deep down even if it only gets 10 comments than if a vid that doesn't matter to me gets 100.
That seems to be a lesson a lot of us are learning with these memes. You have to do it for you. Fic or vids, it's the truth. In the end, you have to be happy with what you are creating. It's nice when that dovetails with what your audience likes but it's far, far more important that you like it.

You posted to a comm! And have vidding plans! And you were brave as hell with that post. All of that counts! Yes!


bop_radar January 1 2010, 07:36:02 UTC
It's interesting that that's a theme of so many people's memes. I did do a lot of productive vidding-related 'work' in 2009, it just didn't translate to many vids. But it's a new year and I'm happy to start it.


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