Catching up, sorta

Nov 24, 2009 21:15

I really suck at life balance. I lurch from prioritising one thing totally over all else to prioritising something else completely... for six months or so it was work, and then a month ago I realised that the rest of my life had fallen into ruin, so now I'm on a 'get fit/healthy, get organised, get a life back' kick. Who knows if I can strike a ( Read more... )

community, television, friday night lights, movies

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Comments 37

alias_sqbr November 24 2009, 11:40:57 UTC
Your spoiler cut for Twilight turned into a linky thing. Luckily I don't care about being spoiled :)


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:17:45 UTC
Ugh. Epic fail! *facepalm* Fixed now but SORRRRRRY WORLD!


alexandral November 24 2009, 12:55:04 UTC
Jacob's pecs brightened things up CONSIDERABLY.

yes, this was the best part of the movie:D


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:19:38 UTC


squirrelhaven November 24 2009, 14:06:08 UTC
What I love is that, even while you clearly have some (justifiable) contempt for the entire Twilight series, you've still read and given some thought to all the books.

(Not that I have any stones to throw. I found the first movie hilarious. The RiffTrax version of the first movie is one of my favorite entertainments when I want a good laugh. And I fully intend to read the books as soon as I find used copies for $1 or less, which I surely will one of these days.)


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:21:34 UTC
Oh, I have OCEANS of contempt! Oceans! But it pays to know your enemy. ;)

I was a little disappointed with the first movie--it wasn't quite hilarious enough (not as hilarious as the book) for me. But Movie 2 hit the spot nicely. :)

The books are seriously great fun to mock. My favourite line from the first one was: 'He stood in the doorway looking like a male model from a raincoat catalogue'. Meyer ... workin' that simile! :p


kassrachel November 24 2009, 14:26:45 UTC
The end of the most recent FNL ep made me weep. I didn't see it coming. I loved seeing Matt and Tim together -- they've never been friends exactly but I think now that they're both still in Dillon, both struggling with the question of who they want to be, there's more common ground than there used to be -- and I thought that whole scene with them talking and drinking beer by the fire was wonderful. And then oh, my heart, the way the music swelled so we couldn't hear what the Army men were saying but we knew the news was bad... Oh, show. &hearts.


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:23:06 UTC
I knoooow! I was so distraught and then I had to go to a party and I did not feel party-ful!

But yes, I did like Tim and Matt by the fire... it's lovely how they're so different but they have this shared past now. But oh, man, this is going to be hard for Matty!


rose_griffes November 24 2009, 14:31:45 UTC
I can't wait to see how they try to stranglehold the increasingly overt Mormonism of books 3 and 4...
I'd like to see more on that at some point, even if it's just in a PM to me. Maybe it's because I have the same religious background as the author, but honestly, most of what has been attributed to Meyer's religion, I view as a reflection of the genre (romance novels) rather than her religious beliefs. So I'm curious about your perceptions on it.

Thank god for Jacob and his clan of implausibly clad werewolves (werewolves are apparently all about the PANTS and not much at all about the SHIRTS. Become a werewolf and you will never wear a shirt again).

It was hilarious! That part made me laugh and laugh.

Oh, come on! What plot? Seriously I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND how this stupid story is considered so compelling.My theory: the same appeal that any dominant male romance novel has on women. Which is to say, there are many people who will care nothing at all for this type of storyline, but for those who do, it's not as embarrassing to ( ... )


rose_griffes November 24 2009, 14:40:20 UTC
Oh, and this: and is it just me, or was Pattinson not really feelin' it in a couple of those scenes?

It was laughable! Especially the scene in Brazil--his reaction to the news of Bella's 'death.' And just... yeah, he was much more comical in this, and not in a good way.


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:29:27 UTC
I'd like to see more on that at some point,
Sure! I read an interesting thesis on it which I found convincing--I'll try and dig that out... I do feel that Christianity (more generally) imbues the whole series (not that unusual for vampire books though!), but it's really in the later novels that I felt her specific personal background was showing. I agree the first ones are dominated more by the classic romance plot. But I have an atheist's aversion to Christian themes in any guise so bear that in mind in my crit. ;) I'm really not her market! not even vaguely.

Thanks for the serious answer to the non-serious question. ;) I think the books were very smartly marketed.


rose_griffes November 25 2009, 19:05:34 UTC
If you're interested in seeing other Mormons' POV on the series, I have some bookmarks here:

The word 'meta' in the link is unintentionally misleading, though. There are parodies and goofy posts mixed in with more serious thoughts.


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