Catching up, sorta

Nov 24, 2009 21:15

I really suck at life balance. I lurch from prioritising one thing totally over all else to prioritising something else completely... for six months or so it was work, and then a month ago I realised that the rest of my life had fallen into ruin, so now I'm on a 'get fit/healthy, get organised, get a life back' kick. Who knows if I can strike a ( Read more... )

community, television, friday night lights, movies

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Comments 37

cosetteferaud November 24 2009, 14:37:48 UTC
Seriously I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND how this stupid story is considered so compelling.

THIS. I know I shouldn't care but... I find the Twilight phenomenon a little bit frustrating. The first two books are almost tolerable. But the third and --especially-- the forth... Ugh. **shudders** I am going to watch New Moon though (morbid curiosity? ;P).

Jacob's pecs brightened things up CONSIDERABLY.

Glad to know. Jacob always was my favorite.


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:31:06 UTC
Totally! Actually my tolerance is much lower than yours. I was throwing the first book across the room in horror at the terrible writing (and gender politics). But they did get worse...

I think you'll be good with New Moon! I dreaded it but actually it was more amusing! And a bit faster paced than the first movie. Also Edward is blessedly off screen for a lot of it.


cosetteferaud November 24 2009, 22:23:11 UTC
and gender politics

Ugh. Dude, that is the worst part... I find the whole Edwatd/Bella dynamic upsetting. And it *really* bothers me that so many women respond so strongly to that sort of old-fashioned gender stereotypes (but well, I am pretty touchy with gender issues, I must admit :)).


bop_radar November 26 2009, 03:36:59 UTC
Totally! It bothers me too. I deal with it only by ranting a great deal about them to friends in real life, and via humour. ;) I'm very sensitive to gender dynamics as well--that can throw me out of a book or movie I would otherwise like, and the Twilight novels are irredeemable for me.


chatchien November 24 2009, 19:05:35 UTC
Thank God for Jacob and his clan of implausibly clad werewolves (werewolves are apparently all about the PANTS...

Werewolf: ::snarl, snarl, growl, growl, pant, pant pant, pant, pant...::

Well Yeah! Werewolves ARE ALL ABOUT THE PANTS! Duh!!!!

You just don't get it!!! :-D Hahaha! I just couldn't resist.

As for Smallville, I've been happy with the Season so far. Pandora was a little incoherent. And I am a Zod Lover, there! there! I like a raw, unpolished Zod. He doesn't have the ease and security of all that power of money behind him as the Luthors did. This Zod is an Horatio Alger kind of villain. He has to work for his badness ( ... )


bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:35:39 UTC
HAHA. OK, puns always get me!

I don't think that Clark would go crawling back to Lana if she ever showed up again.
Oh, I do! I just don't see that much from his side at all. Also he has a history of turning to whoever is there when he doesn't have a girlfriend. They haven't really shown me that Lois is special to him. If they played up the side where she gets the Blur better than anyone more, I'd get it. I think that Alicia thing is really important to Clark... but I don't feel he has as real and uninhibited a relationship as he had with Alicia. Even though that was crazy young love, Clark is holding back soooooooo much more with Lois. He's in control all the time and that doesn't imply any great affection to me.


waiiiiiiiiiiiiitttwut!!? enderwiggin24 November 24 2009, 21:11:00 UTC
And finally the marriage LULZ. Always good to enter the credits with tears of laughter...

what marriage!??!?!?
this is the second movie, they already are married?!?!?!?!?


Re: waiiiiiiiiiiiiitttwut!!? bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:36:16 UTC
Oh, man. *facepalm* Sorry about my cut tag, dude! Er, rumours of marriage may have been grossly exaggerated...


that isEVEN WORSE! enderwiggin24 November 24 2009, 21:39:31 UTC
they don't elope, they don't have sex, and they don't even marry!??!??!?

That is the worst kind of fanfic, hahahahah!

omg, now I need jacob/edward fic!

*waves magic wand, so that boppy gets fannish balance*


Re: that isEVEN WORSE! bop_radar November 24 2009, 21:42:45 UTC
they don't elope, they don't have sex, and they don't even marry!??!??!?
LOL! Correct! They don't even turn Bella into a vampire.. at least not yet! So boring!

Thank you. :)


frolicndetour November 24 2009, 22:50:12 UTC
More serious note: Re. your convo with rose_griffes above, I admit the general tenor of fandom discussion about Meyer's religion makes me uncomfortable. I'm not LDS and I haven't read the books, but I've never encountered anyone who both identifies with that cultural group and views the books as specifically Mormon; more the opposite. Of course, to a large extent we're all influenced by our cultural surroundings, but I feel like if Meyer were a member of a majority group (say mainline Protestant in the US), her specific background wouldn't be made an issue of. So I'd be interested in reading your thesis too!

Non-serious note!: (Wow, Edward, you are such a dreary dweeb... and is it just me, or was Pattinson not really feelin' it in a couple of those scenes? ;) )Ahaha. That poor boy cannot act at ALL. Which is good, because it adds to the wonderful cheesiness of the whole endeavor and ensures that I won't succumb to the id-candy appeal. A couple of my friends swear he's hot enough to make up for it, but I just don't see it. Not underneath that ( ... )


bop_radar November 26 2009, 03:59:08 UTC
I've never encountered anyone who both identifies with that cultural group and views the books as specifically Mormon
Really?! I'm trying to dig out a link to a series of posts from someone who was LDS and who wrote up really funny picspams about them drawing the parallels. So annoying, I can't find them right now.

But I can see why you might feel uncomfortable by people mentioning her Mormonism a lot. For me, it's irrelevant whether she's Morman, Catholic, Protestant, whatever... for me it's religion at all that bothers me (I'm stridently atheist). So I'd be as strident against it regardless but maybe that's different for other people... especially in the States maybe. I'm not surprised though, given the popularity of the books and their overt morality, that people are commenting on her religion.

it adds to the wonderful cheesiness of the whole endeavor Indeed! And I totally agree about Kristen Stewart's performance! I can't believe how bearable she makes Bella. It's quite uncanny. And I don't even like her looks or the actress ( ... )


rose_griffes November 26 2009, 14:36:15 UTC
Really?! I'm trying to dig out a link to a series of posts from someone who was LDS and who wrote up really funny picspams about them drawing the parallels.

You're probably thinking of the posts by... stoney123? 321? She's a former Mormon, and strongly anti-Mormon in tone. I wouldn't claim to be unbiased in my own posts about the books, but she certainly isn't either. I found her posts to be offensive; clearly I'm not her target audience. (Try the keyword sparkledammerung. I think she coined it.)

eta: it's stoney321, and googling the word works--first link on the page


bop_radar November 26 2009, 21:09:33 UTC
Yes, that's the one! They were hilarious! (I so AM her target audience. *g*) And no one is unbiased. I'm a highly biased atheist.


(The comment has been removed)

bop_radar November 26 2009, 04:04:16 UTC
It IS! I'm trying... there have been some small steps... but man, it's hard work! (Hopefully early days and it will get better.)


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