Being presumptuous, and vid commentaries

Sep 07, 2009 08:16

Hi! *waves* I'm Bop. I'm presumptuous. I didn't used to be. (Or maybe I did? *ponders entry into Smallville fandom with essays*) But anyway, I am now ( Read more... )

fandom_meta, vidding

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Comments 36

kassrachel September 6 2009, 23:05:37 UTC
I've been trying to decide whether to do a vidder commentary. I would probably either do it on "That Was Another Country" (my recent LOST vid, Hurley focus) or "Strange Angels" (my relatively recent Stargate Atlantis vid, ensemble.) But I vacillate on whether or not anyone would find it interesting; that's the anxiety that's so far keeping me from signing up. *g*

(Also, I would totally love for someone to do a viewer commentary, but I feel weird about posting in my dw/lj saying "somebody please commentary one of my vids" -- that totally feels presumptuous. *g*) Anyway. Hi. I'm being shy, apparently. :-)


bop_radar September 7 2009, 00:10:46 UTC
Join the presumptuous people! *tugs at your arm* :D Ohhh, was yours the Hurley vid from VVC? That was cool! I watched it but am yet to feedback on it. (Swimming in the oceans of VVC vids still, clearly!)

I say post to your journal! Bat your lashes at your friends... I bet someone will viewer commentary for you. Or you could bribe them by saying you'll vidder commentary if they viewer commentary. :p

We're all shy. Me, horribly so. (Wait til you meet me in person. I'll be the one behind the potplant. No joke.)


deathisyourart September 7 2009, 00:26:29 UTC
Kass.... I would LOVE for you to record or write commentary on your Hurley vid! I gave up on Lost a long time ago, and your vid made me CRY! I'm sorry that I haven't left you feedback on it yet; I have been swamped in school work since the beginning of August and mod duties is about all I can handle right now on LJ.



kassrachel September 7 2009, 00:49:53 UTC
Thank you so much for saying this -- this makes me really happy. I am so glad the vid moved you even though you've given up on Lost!

Okay -- I will sign up to do a commentary. Thank you for encouraging me. \o/


mresundance September 7 2009, 00:24:29 UTC
I am going to jizz in my pants when hollywoodgrrl posts her commentary for Marble House.

Just sayin'.

(Presumptuous? Whatevhs!)


bop_radar September 7 2009, 00:46:02 UTC
Is she doing that?! Whee!

Commentaries = yay!


rose_griffes September 7 2009, 01:09:19 UTC
I CANNOT WAIT. I keep peeking at her LJ and her comm to see if she's posted yet.


mresundance September 7 2009, 02:23:34 UTC
LOL. You might be waiting for awhile. She seems to have a habit of pushing the deadlines, from what I've noticed. :P


deathisyourart September 7 2009, 00:35:29 UTC
I don't get this presumptuous thing. Is it presumptuous when an editor/director/actor/producer records commentary for tv shows or movie? NO! If you worked on it without blinders on then there was intent behind the piece, an intent that the audience the vid itself had would be interested in. I love behind the scenes featurettes as much as I love the movies and tv shows themselves, so the more commentaries from both vidders and viewers I can get my hands on the better!

If you enjoy when others talk about the process, why assume that there is no one who would appreciate the same from you? Consider it a way to preserve the memory for yourself if it makes it easier, and then by "accident" you share it with others.


bop_radar September 7 2009, 00:44:58 UTC
I get it. At an emotional level. I totally get it. I feel presumptuous. It comes from the same place emotionally that thinks of myself as a whiny bitch for making that inclusivity post or that thinks the entire idea of ME making a VID is ... like... I don't know... one of those art cons where the painting turns out to have been made by a five year old. ;)

That said, intellectually? I totally agree with everything you have to say here. I think a lot of us just get trapped in the emotions of feeling like a fraud. It may be different for other people, but that's what it is for me.

Consider it a way to preserve the memory for yourself if it makes it easier, and then by "accident" you share it with others.
Nice! :D I like that idea. And I will cling to it.


deathisyourart September 7 2009, 00:54:04 UTC
*sigh* One day I will teach all you vidders that confidence is your FRIEND, and that pride in ones work is not a bad thing. Seriously, this is like the vidder version of Catholic guilt, and it needs to go.

*sells it all at 50% off when you are not looking*


bop_radar September 7 2009, 01:33:46 UTC
this is like the vidder version of Catholic guilt
*LOL* Um, ok... *bites tongue* Yeah... as someone who finds Catholic guilt incredibly frustrating, yeah, good call.


rose_griffes September 7 2009, 01:10:52 UTC
I have the same feeling a lot of the time when I write about my own fic. That's part of why I haven't done it much. (That and, um, I really have nothing that exciting to say beyond, "I wrote that! It totally works for me, because I'm my primary audience!")


bop_radar September 7 2009, 01:35:30 UTC
HEEEEE. You just summed up what one of my commentaries will be. The other one will be 'I don't really get this vid. It's not really for me.' :p


tearful_eye September 7 2009, 01:13:40 UTC
gah, i even feel presumptuous when i'm posting a vid... which is stupid, but i can't help it.

but anyway, i agree: vidder commentaries are WIN! even more so than viewer commentaries :)


bop_radar September 7 2009, 01:36:50 UTC
But your vids are so arty and gorgeous and I heart them! But yes, I feel presumptuous too posting vids. I still haven't posted any to comms. *hangs head in shame* I'd like to hear what you had to say about your vids! Are you doing a commentary? *hopes*


tearful_eye September 7 2009, 02:12:22 UTC
aw. you are really sweet, ♥
but i probably won't do a commentary this round - for one, i've got so much other stuff to do right now. and um... rose-griffes perfectly expressed the other reason ;) i don't think i'd actually know what to say about my vids.

also: whut? you should absolutely post your stuff to vidding! think of all the poor fans that would like to squee over your vids but can't, cause they don't even know they exist!
...i think i haven't even seen any of your vids, huh. i shall remedy this very soon-ish.


bop_radar September 7 2009, 02:47:40 UTC
Haha, thanks for the vote of confidence without even seeing them! &hearts I'm weird with my comm-phobia. I plan on getting over it soon. It is quite illogical, I know.


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