Being presumptuous, and vid commentaries

Sep 07, 2009 08:16

Hi! *waves* I'm Bop. I'm presumptuous. I didn't used to be. (Or maybe I did? *ponders entry into Smallville fandom with essays*) But anyway, I am now.

I've seen the word 'presumptuous' used several times in regards to vidder commentaries on their own vids. And I just want to say: I totally get that it feels like that. So if you are a vidder doing a commentary on your own work and feeling self conscious? Just remember that you're not alone. And that there are more presumptuous people than you out there: ME. I'm doing two. Feel free to throw rotten tomatoes at the actually presumptuous person. I'm also doing one on someone else's and I can tell you now, I am waaaaaay more excited about doing the viewer commentary. But! I want more vidder commentaries to read and watch, and I kind of figure the more people do them the less 'presumptuous' it will look or feel. Also, there's nothing in the rules (as far as I understand them) that says you have to have reached a certain threshold of interest level in your vids to make a commentary. I'm pretty sure only two people will be interested in one of my commentaries. But does that matter? Should I not take up 'space' by doing that? I had to struggle with that anxiety before signing up, but I think it's good for the vidding fandom to have more diversity of commentaries as well as diversity of vidders.

If I have recced your vid? Chances are I would like a commentary on it. If I've commented at length on your vid? Ditto. If I watch your vid obsessively and you don't even know it? Same. And I will bounce up to you and tell you so if I run across you worrying about whether to commentary or not. I also can't wait to watch vidder commentaries of vidders I don't know because that seems cool. So, hi, I'm your audience of one. Please don't dismiss me!

In other news? Vidlets are also cool.

fandom_meta, vidding

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