Smallville 8.20 Beast; Vidding

May 02, 2009 03:41

I found this episode abysmally boring. ( Where's Lois? )

smallville_meta, svseason8, vidding

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Comments 29

gildinwen May 2 2009, 11:35:18 UTC
So you wanted to punch Chloe and Oliver too? Chloe decided to martyr herself for Clark, except she's not doing just because she cares about him, she also wants to jumps Davis's bones, and how annoy and infuriating is that. And why can't they let Clark make a decision and stick because his plan was the best there was. The PZ was designed for cretures like Davis. I have a feeling that Jor-El (the real one) shared Clark's 'no-killing' stance, and created the PZ so that he could lock them away, without killing them. It's just....Kara was willing to stay behind to protect Earth and make sure no phantoms escaped. Clark was willing to do the same. If Davis and Chloe really wanted to make sure that no more innocent people would, he would have gone willingly into the PZ, and Chloe would have gone with him.

But no. Clark's an idiot and Chloe's th


bop_radar May 3 2009, 00:21:18 UTC
I did. I wanted to punch both of them.

I have a feeling that Jor-El (the real one) shared Clark's 'no-killing' stance, and created the PZ so that he could lock them away, without killing them.
Absolutely! It was great to see Clark make use of that, and it really sets him up well to be able to maintain a 'no killing' stance even when his opponents are dangerous on a world-threatening level.

I actually feel that with the characterization we've seen from Davis earlier in the season, he WOULD have been willing to do that. But that wouldn't be nearly dramatic enough...


gildinwen May 3 2009, 01:14:12 UTC
When Oliver was going off on Clark ? Telling him he needs to kill Davis. I really wanted Clark to say "We did," because they have and I wanted Clark to point that Davis comes back from because he CAN'T die.

Would it kill Oliver to come up with a new plan and respect Clark's moral code?? while doing so, because I can't see that he does.

I've said this to others but I do this that this is the fulfillment of the "Isis" reference WRT to Lana and Chloe, how as Lana has now become the lighter side of Isis, Chloe is now symbolising the darker side of Isis.


bop_radar May 3 2009, 01:25:14 UTC
really wanted Clark to say "We did," because they have and I wanted Clark to point that Davis comes back from because he CAN'T die.
I know, right?! Clark's plan made more sense for Davis than any other character. It's only the writers that prevented Clark from pointing that out.

Would it kill Oliver to come up with a new plan and respect Clark's moral code?? while doing so, because I can't see that he does.Yeah, it pisses me off because I feel like Oliver's characterisation this year has been abandonned to create 'drama'. I don't buy this whole 'Oliver doesn't respect Clark's code' line, because the two of them have explored that in the past and they know well and good that they each have different codes, but they respect the other. I also felt that Oliver telling Clark that CLARK and CLARK ALONE needed to deal with Davis was the biggest load of bull ever. Oliver would never say that! He'd be all 'Clark, we're here for you, let me call the guys and see if we can deal with this together'. And then Clark would be all 'no, Oliver, this ( ... )


butterfly May 2 2009, 12:27:33 UTC
Clark, honey, your plan was JUST FINE.

Yes. Clark's plan was really the only viable solution. (and if Davis did care about Chloe or the world more than himself, he would have gone willingly... but he became complicit in Doomsdays actions a while back).


bop_radar May 3 2009, 00:22:35 UTC
He did become complicit, and that journey was interesting, but I'm finding the resolution tedious.


daybreak777 May 2 2009, 13:07:08 UTC
You're not into the Davis/Chloe, thing are you? I don't mind them. I think that Sam and Allison are doing a good job acting. I really got Chloe needing to help someone. She needs to be needed. It's totally unhealthy and crazy for her but yeah, that's Chloe. And she and Davis have more chemistry than her and Jimmy, in my opinion. Almost wall!sex! If only he'd stop killing people . . .

And Dr. AJ was on! Last week it was Jammer! I love to see A.J. on my screen. :-)

I found success in a fic finishing community. There needs to be a vid finishing comm complete with support and techniques that help you finish vids. I don't have any vid WIPs or suggestions because I'm so new but it would probably help others.

I hate losing the 'zing'! That's why I learned to vid faster. I can feel the zing slipping through my fingers even as I vid sometimes. The vid might not be perfect in the end, but if I lose the zing the vid will lose something indefinable anyway. Something more than technical pretty ( ... )


bop_radar May 3 2009, 00:39:00 UTC
I don't like the way Davis/Chloe is written, though I've enjoyed Davis's personal character story until now. I don't like Chloe, her character make-up, her martyr complex.

A vid finishing community! That is a cool idea. Normally, I totally agree, I vid faster to avoid losing the zing. However I've found my 'big' vids required longer to make them due to their scope and I've therefore learnt how to vid without the immediate zing, but there's still a continuity of focus there that I don't have with these.

Hee, maybe a bit of cheerleading will be useful too... I have lost sight of whether they're any good or not.


daybreak777 May 3 2009, 00:54:08 UTC
Hee, maybe a bit of cheerleading will be useful too... I have lost sight of whether they're any good or not.
You know my e-mail. :-) I'd be happy to look!


anoel May 4 2009, 09:08:37 UTC
I've wanted there to be a vid finishing community! It'd be so, so helpful.


serenography May 2 2009, 13:52:11 UTC
I think you just go with what zings you the most and not worry about the ones that don't. It's not like you have a deadline to meet on any of them. It's good to go back to them every now and then since one day, you may feel a little zing draw you back into finishing one. If not... meh. :) Vidding should be your pleasure, not a source of stress. At least, that's how I justify my folder of photoshop pieces that are half-done, or total failures that I swore to get back to and fix one day.

Chloe's always had martyr tendencies on this show, IMO. It's part of why I could never really be much of a fan. Just when I was starting to finally appreciate her, they go and take her to this extreme. Ah well...


bop_radar May 3 2009, 00:43:23 UTC
Good advice, thank you!

I'm not into martyr characters, and I agree that Chloe is the show's martyr, so when they indulge that plot my eyes glaze over.


callmeonetrack May 2 2009, 15:05:31 UTC
I love any episodes that features a lot of Davis, but I was disappointed with the writing/messages of this one. I wish too that Smallville had the balls (or the time slot) to really go fucking dark with it. And why suddenly are all my shows trying to tell me passion = obsession?

Speaking of passion, vids...I agree with everyone that if you're no longer feeling it, don't feel obliged to do it. It sucks to go through the motions.


bop_radar May 3 2009, 00:44:50 UTC
*nods* I've often wished Smallville could exploit the darkness in some of its plots more. And yeah, I hate that passion = obsession message. Grr. I still find Sam's performance excellent, but like you say, I didn't enjoy the writing of this ep.


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