Battlestar Galactica

Mar 15, 2009 20:05

This post is about the spoilers for the Battlestar Galactica finale that Katee Sackhoff leaked in Portland. If you do not want to be spoiled for the finale PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS POST.

Thoughts within )


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Comments 40

chani86 March 15 2009, 11:50:30 UTC
You probably know I'm in complete agreement, but I do feel the need to vent apparently, sorry that it became so long, feel free to skip it if you've had enough of this BS:

I can honestly say I have never been so upset about any other TV show, it's ridiculous and I thought they couldn't do that to me anymore.

People are rationalising it that the writers/producers saw that they could get something extra out of MT and KS performances because of their friendship and that's why they went in that direction. But that doesn't make it any better, if this wouldn't have been the final season, okay, but they this was going to be the end, they should have had their priorities sorted. Sometimes you have to pass an opportunity up to keep with the overall goal and integrity of what you're doing! And to be honest they didn't exactly blow my mind in those scenes, was it really worth it? worth 4 episodes?

The crux of it for me is that the writers did not have a clear enough vision of Kara's endpoint as a character. If they did, they would never have ( ... )


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:51:12 UTC
feel free to skip it if you've had enough of this BS:
Hee! Nah, I enjoy your snark. ;)

o be honest they didn't exactly blow my mind in those scenes, was it really worth it?
*lol* It's have to be bloody mindblowing TV to justify it, imo. And it really wasn't THAT great. I wouldn't even say it was the strongest material we've seen on BSG!

.RDM reminds me of someone who has written the first and last page of a novel, thinking he was a genius for crafting that
Hee! Seriously. I'm an editor and I am just constantly ITCHING to edit the fuck out of him. He needs to be sat down and told some very basic home truths about writing and storytelling. Like 'if something is going to be significant later in the story, introduce it earlier on so it doesn't look like it comes out of your ass nowhere' and 'don't expect your audience to accept all leaps in logic on goodwill alone'.

pages full of disjointed sentences and a few smilies drawn in between, you can't call that literature!HEE! I think the middle's more like some really purple prose and a ( ... )


chani86 March 15 2009, 11:51:01 UTC
What I keep thinking is that TPTB are going to live to regret this.I don't know if they will, it's the end of the show anyway and noone expects Caprica to have big ratings. But yes I agree a lot more people seem to come out of the closet and admit to be upset about it even in fandom, the regular viewer, idk, there are not that many left and I just can't imagine them to have high expectations after all the jumbled mess of the last eps. I find it amusing how especially David Eick always says about the ratings that the name of the show harmed it, like that explains why the ratings dropped continuously, liek all of the sudden after season two people went: "wait what's this called? I'm outraged and shall stop watching" yeah good logic there ( ... )


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:55:28 UTC
Mmm, I guess I am naive but I sort of want to believe that RDM will look back on BSG later in life and think 'we could have ended that better' (regardless of ratings--I didn't mean they'd regret it in ratings terms as they have a guaranteed audience for the finale). But then that would require RDM reading those good books you mentioned and learning a thing or two about storytelling...

I was kind of pleased I did manage to enjoy the flashbacks (mostly: I squirmed at the gender stereotyping of Kara and Laura) despite the surrounding nonsense.

he separates characters from plot, like they're two unconnected aspects of the show,
And therein lies the problem. I think his days on DS9 probably did him no good there.


chani86 March 16 2009, 11:47:19 UTC
HEE! I think the middle's more like some really purple prose and a handwritten note from the author in the margin saying 'wasn't this bit AWESOME!?!!?!

Ha spot on, especially the last bit! I think you're right, maybe with some footnotes added saying "I originally planned on doing this and that, so this used to make more sense but I left it all out to write some more perverted sex scenes and pimping women out and figured the readers would know what happened off the page."

Mmm, I guess I am naive but I sort of want to believe that RDM will look back on BSG later in life and think 'we could have ended that better'I don't know, I think he'll always have enough people sucking up to him to sustain his ego, but who knows. That whole attitude of BSG being a innovative philosophical masterpiece of television is so irritating to me, if more people just acknowledged that it's a mediocre TV series like many others, I think I'd be cooler about it ( ... )


anonymous March 15 2009, 12:50:10 UTC
"how what she and his other friends were feeling for him influenced the scenes they were shooting and led to greater emotional intensity between Kara and Sam."

Too bad this didn't really translate on screen. KS and MT still have all the spark of wet cardboard, comatose or not.

Too little, too late.


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:56:18 UTC
:) Thanks for dropping in, anon! I agree.


rap541 March 15 2009, 14:26:00 UTC
Honestly -not a Kara/Lee Shipper at all and if Katie thinks she and Trucco had sparks.... I do lose a little respect for her as an actress if she thinks that was chemistry. She had chemistry with Lee and Leoben....


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:57:09 UTC
She did. I'm so not a Kara/Leoben shipper (despite vidding them once) but those two definitely had more chemistry for me than Kara/Sam.


callmeonetrack March 15 2009, 14:47:36 UTC
My BSG, my pilots, my Lee, my Kara, they existed earlier... they will always exist in my heart.

Yes. This.

Also, at this point, I'm feeling very zen (or numb) because we're so close. I'm very...curious...just to see how it all plays out from a story standpoint.

I do hope someone asks RDM after it's all over if it's true that they changed an original K/L ending to a K/S one because of real-life events. (I hesitate to believe Katee can affect these things as much as she thinks she does.)


rap541 March 15 2009, 15:14:05 UTC
I honestly think that Dirk Benedict had a point when he called her an empty headed little girl sometimes. Don't get me wrong - Katee is super gracious to fans and thats always nice, but sometimes she seems a lot less clever than her character, lets say.


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:58:48 UTC
Oh, you'll be in the bad books with fandom for daring to say that! ;p


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:57:52 UTC
Yeah I hope RDM gets asked the hard questions too. In a way that doesn't stroke his ego.

(gorgeous icon)


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