Battlestar Galactica

Mar 15, 2009 20:05

This post is about the spoilers for the Battlestar Galactica finale that Katee Sackhoff leaked in Portland. If you do not want to be spoiled for the finale PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS POST.

Thoughts within )


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Comments 40

ez_as_pi March 15 2009, 15:22:17 UTC
Someone I know that hung out on the SciFI okay thread (where MrsRon did), said that she worked in the past with Trucco, and just adores him. And the PC guy/neurosurgeon is a friend of the Moores.....

Seems like a bad way to run a show.... along with the 'this seemed like a cool thing' comment on podcasts... cause then you have to dig yourself out of that really cool.... plot hole LOL

I'm gonna wait to see what happens next week. I have five shippers coming in from across the US to hang out with me for a few days. Katee does say some cracky things... it's her right, and she was never required to be a shipper, so *shrugs*...we'll see...


bop_radar March 16 2009, 05:01:14 UTC
Oh interesting background on the Trucco-Moore connection. I totally agree it's a very bad way to run a show (or write a story).

Sounds like watching with other shippers will be good fun! If the worst comes to the worst at least you'll have a support group right there. ;)

Katee has a right to her own opinion, of course, but I'm not really sure she had a right to spoil everyone--didn't she sign a confidentiality agreement?


ez_as_pi March 16 2009, 12:32:50 UTC
It's not too cool if she did spoil the end... I wonder if they just can't talk about specifics under a confidentiality agreement... *shrugs*

I'm very happy to have some friends to watch it with... and cleaning the entire house from end to end kept me busy mostly this weekend! LOL


bop_radar March 17 2009, 02:08:56 UTC
That's good! Whatever it takes to stay sane. ;) Have fun at your finale party! \o/


grapefruitzzz March 15 2009, 15:29:27 UTC
How sad ia it that I'm four episodes behind and I still clicked on this? (My brother sent me a text yesterday saying "Law & Order had a busy shooting schedule". He knows my tastes.

I used to hold out hope that Lee was important but they were hiding him in plain sight, but they just can't use him. I don't get it.

I also don't get why the series went downhill so quickly. I was ok with all the S3 stuff, even the fat suit (sort of), but almost nothing in S4 has gripped me at all. I'm going to have a lot of spare icons spaces soon...


bop_radar March 16 2009, 05:03:20 UTC
Oh dear! Sorry you are spoiled but better to know? There has been very little Lee. :( BUT! We did get SUPER AWESOME CUTE BABY!LEE in flashback this week. :D :D You would like! As well as a cool Gaius-Lee scene in the regular timeline. It was the best ep for Lee for ages. (Pity they waited until the finale to use him again!)

I will keep my Lee icons (he rises above the rest of the muck in BSG for me *G*) but I may ditch the rest. Sigh.


grapefruitzzz March 17 2009, 01:01:59 UTC
BABY LEE? Zomg. I feel I can work my way through the four episodes now :D Something to look forward to. I suppose I should stop sulking, because I've had great outcomes and finales for my pet character in lots of other shows. I can't win them all - but still, what a waste.

The Baltar/Lee scene also sounds spiffy. I shall wait for it after four hours of Adama histrionics and Samlove.

I might keep some of the Lee icons (you have great ones) but the Lee/Kara one is definitely going.


bop_radar March 17 2009, 02:11:24 UTC
Yup pre-mini Lee has an adorable if baffling moment with a pigeon. :)

I shall wait for it after four hours of Adama histrionics and Samlove.
Sadly that is NOT an underestimation or exaggeration of any form.

I am keeping this Lee/Kara icon forever, because I think of at as 'the REAL Lee and Kara watch that Season 4 shit and laugh their asses off'. :D


antismiles March 15 2009, 16:08:09 UTC
Yes. This. All of it ( ... )


chani86 March 15 2009, 16:31:12 UTC
They got to the algae planet but the food wasn't able to be processed, and almost everyone died from starvation or committed suicide to avoid that. And then the supernova happened and all evidence of humanity was wiped out.

this is actually less depressing then the Ron's ending to me!

And then the universe's only humans were the people left on the colonies, like the resistances that were probably present on colonies OTHER THAN CAPRICA.

I said the exact same thing to a friend a when we watched that plotline, it's a pretty logical conclusion that there are other survivors on other planets but they aren't worth saving 'cause Starbuck's bf isn't one of them! My friend pointed out that Caprica is like the "America" planet and it's common knowledge that in the future any significant event always happens in America and that's where all the saviours of the universe come from! :D but yay for Ron's brilliant cultural and political insights!

And yes, what I'm most pissed about is that Lee is going to get screwed over because of this. He's ( ... )


antismiles March 15 2009, 16:48:25 UTC
It's less depressing to me, too. As an ending, it would've been tragic, but I would've preferred that to the superstitious, K/S, plot holes galore drivel we were given this season. Yes, I am still angry.

Caprica is like the "America" planet

Oh, totally! Everything you said I agree upon. It's always made me angry that no one in the Fleet raised this point. In that cut scene from Pegasus (it's in the extended version) they could've had Roslin point out the ramifications of going back to only one colony and not the others, et cetera et cetera. But of course the writers aren't smart enough to think of that. I HATE that so much of the show has become centralized around Anders. He represents so much of what I think has gone wrong with this show. I hate him. There was a time when I was moving towards tolerating/liking him, but then Demetrius happened, and that possibility ended pretty damn quick.

they don't respect Jamie either

This makes me angry as well. I'm sure the writers like Jamie, but I'm wondering about how much they respect him ( ... )


chani86 March 15 2009, 17:27:05 UTC
What I'm surprised by is that Jamie says the finale is "sublime" and he gave that interview (I don't know if you saw this) that the ending was "all about Adama and Kara for Lee."What else could Lee's story in the end be about? He never got anything unconnected to Adama and Kara since the mutiny in Season 1/2. I'm not counting that halfhearted attempt at a poltical storyline that none of the writers had any interest in or capability to write in an intriguing way. (If you think about it, the most poignant and well written scenes about that were the court scenes back in season 3 and he had to write them himself!) I think he's making the most of it and he hasn't got a big a big ego, so he wouldn't hold any lack of screen time against them. Still I hope he doesn't have to work with anyone of them again ( ... )


ethrosdemon March 15 2009, 16:11:53 UTC
I haven't watched this week's episode yet, but I would assume the flashbacks are to set up the spin off.

I'm not fannish about BSG, so I'm not really invested in it at all, for all the reasons you've stated here. I totally agree with your remarks pretty much across the board. What's always struck me about the show is the weird slavish fanbase who seemed to believe all the malarky about narrative planning that I never saw in the actual show. I just DO NOT BELIEVE that they had this planned out, or if they DID? They're horrible storytellers. I don't understand why the creative team get what amounts to a scifi ghetto pass from the audience.


rap541 March 15 2009, 18:52:40 UTC
Because season one was very good.

And because fans who kiss ass get treats. No the story was NOT planned out and RDM started admitting it in season three and not only are there fans who still believe the origanal party line of "we had it all planned" but there are also fans who get snitty if you note that there was an origanal party line. Now apparently, pointing out that lie is wrong since RDM has admitted to not planning it out.


ingridmatthews March 15 2009, 23:20:03 UTC
Translation ... because we hate looking dumb. I fell for it, hook, line and sinker until I could no longer deny that RDM pulled the entire thing out his ass and just got incredibly lucky those first two glorious seasons.


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:39:12 UTC
Yup, me too! And boy did I fight it when I first started to see the cracks in the foundations...


thrace_adama March 15 2009, 19:02:30 UTC
Hey, girl. You know I am trying to hang on and just see what happens, but yeah, this is just so disappointing if true. I don't really even know what else to say--that RDM would ignore 3.5 seasons (because NO ONE saw that K/S interaction on the Demetrius as romantic that I know of) and suddenly make K/S the OTP is disgusting. That Michael Trucco's character got more screentime than JB's (a LEAD character) because of something that happened in RL (and I agree, it was horrible and thank goodness he's okay) is WRONG. Lee deserves more, Kara/Lee deserves more, the FANS deserve more than to be yanked around like this.


bop_radar March 16 2009, 04:38:01 UTC
That Michael Trucco's character got more screentime than JB's (a LEAD character) because of something that happened in RL (and I agree, it was horrible and thank goodness he's okay) is WRONG.
Yes, regardless of what happens in the finale I think it is a mistake to have given so much screentime to Trucco just because he was unwell. And from a purely dramatic standpoint, dude-in-goobath is not all that compelling viewing. ;)


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