BSG 4.13 The Oath

Feb 01, 2009 09:24

I am meant to start my Insane Vidding Project today, so this is the world's worst timing... but BSG produced an enjoyable episode this week! (mskatej, I'd still wait until they do so consistently if I were you!) I mean, the show was still batshit, but in a FUN way.

cut for spoilery chatter )

bsgseason4, bsg_meta

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Comments 41

callmeonetrack February 1 2009, 01:50:03 UTC
Adama/Tigh > Adama/Roslin. Oh, wow, the jealousy and the subtext... I love it on principle. (though I really can't go so far as to say I ship two ugly cranky old guys--but if they die together I'd be very happy)

This made me think about how awesome it would be to see like a faux movie trailer vid with Adama and Tigh as the classic "Old man buddies who really love each other" like in The Bucket List and Grumpy Old Men and shit.

Re: your dream. That's hilarious. LEE CAN FLY. He really is Clark Kent..or superman. I dreamed about Anders and The Chief coming to an office where I worked (not my real office) and getting jobs there. Chief was head of security and Anders was tall and they were both knocking me out with hotness. (yeah I know I think the Chief is hot...)


bop_radar February 1 2009, 01:52:14 UTC
Hahaha, well it's cute that we each get BSG dreams in our own ways. ;) (I'll stick with my dream thanks *g*)

This made me think about how awesome it would be to see like a faux movie trailer vid with Adama and Tigh as the classic "Old man buddies who really love each other" like in The Bucket List and Grumpy Old Men and shit.
They are SO Bucket List! I would love to see a satire vid of them along those lines...

(Aside: I am in an absolute panic about Vidding Project. I have lost all will to vid!!!!!)


callmeonetrack February 1 2009, 01:56:12 UTC
Oh yours definitely sounds better. ;)

I know. I should totally be vidding right now, I just can't! TOO DISTRACTED. I'm going to have nothing to post tomorrow. I'd planned to do an introductory post, but I ended up writing one yesterday instead. WOOPS.


bop_radar February 1 2009, 01:57:27 UTC
Well mine had sex! *wins* :p

I saw your introductory post! I had jealousy that you got it done. I only have today to really vid hard, because I only get an hour or two a day on week days... I'm screwed.


butterfly February 1 2009, 02:48:02 UTC
I think that I agree with everything you said here (especially about Adama/Roslin -- though I have always had issues with their relationship because the civilian and military heads shouldn't be in one at all. Especially when both parties are prone to dictator-eske personalities to begin with).


bop_radar February 1 2009, 02:50:35 UTC
Oh, totally! I found Roslin sympathetic for a long time, even when she was prone to autocratism, but eventually my goodwill for the character gave way. I think the Adama/Roslin dictatorship, because that's what it is, needs to go. The fact that they're literally in bed with each other makes it even worse.


butterfly February 1 2009, 03:04:56 UTC
Icon love!

I wouldn't have such a problem with it if I thought that the creators of the show wanted us to see Adama/Roslin as a bad thing, but I get the impression that they think the relationship is humanizing and sympathetic.


bop_radar February 1 2009, 03:07:56 UTC
Oh, they totally do! It's like the way they think Adama is the hero, not an arrogant, limited, selfish old man with anger management issues and alcoholism.


thrace_adama February 1 2009, 03:27:55 UTC
Okay, first: Your dream? So. AWESOME. Why can't I have dreams like that? *pouts*

Annnnnd second: So glad you enjoyed the ep! I was just bouncing off the walls myself, as you probably picked up from my ginormous post of squee! ;)

Third: I loved her 'don't you remember that we're AWESOME?' message to Lee and apparently it's just what he needed to hear because after that he completely levelled up. YES YES YES! I loved this too. So wonderful to have Apollo back, even if Kara did have to rescue him and then kick his ass into gear first. :)

Fourth: Even when I don't feel the same about something, your comments just CRACK ME UP! For instance, I still do like Roslin and Adama a great deal (though I didn't need to see all the outmaking and such--seriously, Kara and Lee totally knew when to keep it quick!), but omg your Adama/Tigh comments were hilarious! So I just wanted to tell you that--I do so enjoy your reviews, 'cause they always make me think and sometimes even reconsider my own interpretations of/opinions on certain things. :)


bop_radar February 1 2009, 04:10:57 UTC
I enjoyed it!!! \o/ I even just read fic. For the first time in months! :D I'm ... recovering! I'm whizzing through reading everyone's posts and enjoying all the squee.

I thought it was hilarious that Kara had to reboot Lee into awesome with a kiss, but brilliant! I especially liked her wild-eyed 'are you kidding?!' look right before hand.

I'm glad my comments amuse you because I definitely don't mean them in a mean way to fans who have different opinions. It's very much a show where everyone has their 'own' characters and I think it's great that the characters I don't like at least speak to SOMEone. I did find Adama/Tigh very amusing in this episode.

Adama: Hi, Laura, let me snog you goodbye before dying a heroically pointless death with my BFF-Cylon buddy. Don't you see how romantic that will be?



daybreak777 February 1 2009, 03:59:49 UTC
Why wouldn't Adama get on the ship with Roslin? Why wouldn't they ALL get on? Why didn't Kara pilot? Why didn't Lee go and try and open a comm link to Gaeta and reason with him? So many questions. So little sense. *lol*
Good points all! I had the same questions. Except about the Lee and Gaeta talk. Because I don't think those two have ever exchanged words. Like ever. It must be some rule or something.

Gaeta, Gaeta, GAETA! OMG, he rocked this episode so much! I like to read it as he finally cracked it with all the bad writing and just took over the show. :)
GAETA TOTALLY PWNED. The show, CIC, my heart. Everything. I loved him and the phone calls. That was soo funny!

I loved her 'don't you remember that we're AWESOME?' message to Lee and apparently it's just what he needed to hear because after that he completely levelled up.How could Lee forget the awesomeness of THEM? Yes, Kara kissed the knowledge back into him. There are other ways too, but they were short on time. :-) Next week, maybe ( ... )


bop_radar February 1 2009, 04:18:11 UTC
Yeah, you're right... Lee and Gaeta don't talk. Which is annoying because I think they've got very similar minds, and I think they could get through to one another.

(love your icon, btw!)

I have less faith than you, I don't think this ep will see the end of either Adama or Roslin from leadership, but oh well. That's next week.

The happiness is such a relief. I haven't felt this way for months. It's not even elation, it's just... RELIEF. My dream was so peaceful and dreamlike. There was this one bit with Lee in a sunbeam... *giggles at self*


shah_of_blah February 1 2009, 04:17:06 UTC
Hi, I don't comment here often (if ever?) but I couldn't resist today. Your dream is awesome, and you are so right about the leaders and Adama's pointless heroics. I hope he and Roslin get out of the way soon and let the kids take over already.

But I also wanted to comment on this:
I found her eagerness to kill humans pretty chilling, but I get that she just needs to feel alive now, any way she can, and she has a lot of suppressed rage issues that she has no other outlet for.While yes, eagerness to kill humans is not exactly a good thing, I think it's more than just an outlet. Right now, Kara can't be thinking in terms of human vs. Cylon, since not only did she marry a Cylon, but she has strong reason to believe that she's not human. So it's all about her loyalties (a little bit like what Athena said in 4.0, about picking a side and sticking with it). It doesn't matter if you're human; you're either on her side or your her enemy. Maybe not the best mindset, but Kara's never been the picture of mental health ( ... )


bop_radar February 1 2009, 04:21:31 UTC
Hey there! Yeah, please take over, kids! :)

I like your Kara interpretation! Kara draws some pretty strange lines sometimes, but I think you're absolutely right. And I really think I can't judge her too harshly after all she's gone through--I can see why she'd feel like it's her (and the few people like Lee who she draws a line around as being in her circle) against the world. Her 'life' stopped making sense a long time ago.


fionn_a_bhair February 1 2009, 13:21:22 UTC
Well...(to jump in just a little), I think that in the first case at can I put this?

You don't threaten Lee Adama in front of Kara Thrace. You just don't. If you do, it's your own fault if bad things happen to you. I would have expected Racetrack and Skulls to know that when it comes to Lee Adama, Kara Thrace will NOT hesitate. If it's a choice between their lives and Lee Adama's, well that's just too bad for them - no one gets to hurt Lee.

(I did find myself giggling during the episode though because Gaeta, seriously? Your first priority should have been tossing Kara out an airlock if you wanted the mutiny to work out at all...)

Sorry, I actually loved this episode immensely, and I still love the show to an enormous degree, but I think it's worth noting that Kara probably wouldn't have defaulted to 'insanely hardcore' so quickly if it hadn't been Lee they'd threatened. I still love everyone (well...maybe not Zarek, and definitely not Connor, but everyone else) and this episode hurt to watch, but I...well, I loved ( ... )


bop_radar February 2 2009, 08:56:11 UTC
Wow, that's your idea of a rant?! It sounded more like squee to me. ;) Nice jump-in!

My best friend said the same thing: that it was particularly because it was Lee that they'd threatened that made Kara so hardcore. It was almost impossible for me to read it that way because I (still!) find it so hard to see Kara's love for Lee, but... I have to admit... your reading does make a lot of sense. I guess I'm just too scared of believing she really cares that much for Lee in case I get let down again ( ... )


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