BSG 4.13 The Oath

Feb 01, 2009 09:24

I am meant to start my Insane Vidding Project today, so this is the world's worst timing... but BSG produced an enjoyable episode this week! (mskatej, I'd still wait until they do so consistently if I were you!) I mean, the show was still batshit, but in a FUN way.

cut for spoilery chatter )

bsgseason4, bsg_meta

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Comments 41

mskatej February 1 2009, 12:33:43 UTC
Ha, thanks! I am quite interested in seeing the Kara/Lee kissing, but I can wait. :D


bop_radar February 2 2009, 08:07:56 UTC
The kissing is ace, obviously, and some of the big gaping silences on the big issues this season have been addressed, but I still fear it's shortlived and too late...


ez_as_pi February 1 2009, 14:18:05 UTC
I love reading your thoughts, even when you are scratching your head about the show.

YAY for clawfoot bathtubs....

I got a strong reminder when Kara was practically bouncing that she finally felt like her for the first time in a while... back to when she and Karl were in her apartment and she said 'I'm fighting cause I don't know how to do anything else" (I think that's it, I'm away from my DVDs!)....

And maybe this time, she does have something to really fight for.... :)

There have been lots of call backs in this last season... I kinda like it...


bop_radar February 2 2009, 08:06:07 UTC
Hee! I hope I provide amusement in my frustration, at least.

I'm not sure if Kara knows what she's fighting for, exactly, but it evidently feels right regardless and that seems like a good start for finding herself. :)

I enjoyed the callbacks in this episode. The writing has improved! I'm trying really hard not to get too excited but I was pleased/surprised this week.


brokenmnemonic February 1 2009, 15:25:07 UTC
Cracktastic. Excellent word! I still think it's hilarious that Adama chose to defend the secondary aft airlock of plot deviceness. It's an empty airlock! It must be defended! Otherwise the marines might open the airlock and throw rocks at the really fast Raptor flying away.

This'll probably end up being one of the episodes I enjoy more with hindsight - assuming it all doesn't shift to complete insanity over the next few episodes.


bop_radar February 2 2009, 07:59:04 UTC
I think I overuse 'cracktastic' these days. ;)

I think of Adama's pointless stand occasionally throughout the day and laugh. :) I spluttered my morning coffee when I read your comment--thank you!


boom_queen February 2 2009, 03:52:28 UTC
I loved her 'don't you remember that we're AWESOME?' message to Lee and apparently it's just what he needed to hear because after that he completely levelled up.

Well put! That is pretty much exactly how I read the scene too. The adrenaline and exhilaration of finding herself and them as duo in a situation where they MAKE SENSE and kick ass. For someone who has been lost inside of her own identity dilemma for a while, this much have been an amazing relief: I know how to do this. I know how to fight. And Lee is my partner.


bop_radar February 2 2009, 07:57:27 UTC
That's a great way of putting it! The relief you describe is exactly what I saw on my screen--and I was exhilerated for her. Kara's catharsis was very infectious!


katiebugs18 February 2 2009, 14:37:48 UTC
A few day late but...amen to all of the above. I think my initial reaction was a bit over the top but that is a direct result of FINALLY getting a good episode that at least reminded me of why I love this show.

That said...I get that Adama isn't going to abandon his ship but what exactly are you going to do? Keep repelling pointless attacks on an empty room until you run out of bullets and hope that Kara and Lee retake the CIC in time to save your ass? Because I'm not really seeing the point here.

Kara and Lee...SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! The kiss was totally random and out of the blue but I don't really care because it led to them being kick ass again. That's all I really need to be happy. Kara and Lee kicking ass, side by side.

Hoping for more next week.


bop_radar February 3 2009, 09:38:03 UTC
Hee! Yes, FINALLY is the appropriate word this week. ;) And yeah... there was ZERO point to Adama's last stand. ZERO. You can't tell me he's too fat to make it up a ladder? If he's going to fight at all then fight with Kara and Lee. Surely they're where it's at?!?!

Yeah, I am actually hardly interested in analysing what the kiss means for them ship-wise because it seemed to serve its purpose which was kickstarting them as a team again, and I want THAT more than ANYTHING.

I daren't hope. I daren't.


katiebugs18 February 3 2009, 19:25:22 UTC
I don't want to hope either. I really really don't but there's this little ember that won't go out no matter how hard I stomp. Grrr.


bop_radar February 3 2009, 20:49:44 UTC
Dastardly little ember! It is true.


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