I'm one of 'those' fans.

Jan 09, 2009 15:39

This is the post I've been meaning to make for a really long time. It's confession time. I have had it with Battlestar. I will be watching the rest of Season 4 because I'm a completionist and part of me needs to know just how fully and completely they massacre the show I once loved. But I may not be the chirpiest little fangirl on your f'list this ( Read more... )

personal, bsg_meta

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Comments 94

amothea January 9 2009, 06:52:54 UTC
I'm not watching the webisodes.

I was disappointed by halfway through season 3 that the plots weren't nearly as good as the first season and a half.


bop_radar January 9 2009, 07:20:57 UTC
Yeah, it really took an abrupt dive in quality. I tried to give it the benefit of doubt about it's capacity to come back from that for a long time, but I think that time has now passed.


lacylaces January 9 2009, 07:14:50 UTC
I have lost touch with BSG as well. My frustration has even prevented me from reading fan fiction. During Season 3 I think my frustration reached it's peak.

I also don't get why we had to see so much of Gaius' sex life and his cult, and the President's assistant and her existential crisis. That's totally time that could have been spent exploring the Cylon's history, evolution, and back story, as well as answering the billions of unanswered questions and unresolved plot points.

I will definitely be watching though because I need closure, even if it will only lead to more frustration. But once it's over I can let go of the show and move on and hold on to my love of when the show was amazing. And if we don't get it, I can pretend that Lee and Kara did get their happy ending with Kara choosing Lee and growing up, finally.


bop_radar January 9 2009, 07:19:59 UTC
It's good to hear I'm not the only one frustrated. Like you, I need closure. I think I'll mourn two things--the dive in quality in the show and also the death of Kara/Lee. And yes, like you, I've reconciled myself to writing my own ending (at least in my head!) if we don't get a Kara-chooses-Lee resolution.


daybreak777 January 9 2009, 07:57:14 UTC
Hee! This made me giggle. I like when people are ranty. And you sound more matter-of-fact now, rather than totally ragey and annoyed. I would respond in depth (yes, I read all of it) except you and I have kinda been discussing this for six months. I can't disagree with you about Kara's characterization or Gaeta's leg. Just can't. So you know most of my feelings on most of these points.

I'm just glad you are around BSG at all. There was a time when you couldn't even read anything about it.

And you know my vision for Kara and Lee. Together forever and since maybe the show won't do them justice (but I hope they will), I wrote an ending for them myself.

Watch the webisodes! Not BSG's finest but I found them amusing entertaining. :-)


bop_radar January 9 2009, 09:00:27 UTC
Yeah, I'm pretty zen now, DB! :)

(Sorry about earlier--there was a whole in-law-in-hospital thing going on.)

The webisodes broke me when Hoshi claimed to have some magical sparkly way to find Gaeta by sheer willpower. That and the dumbest murder plot ever involving safety tape being removed from a screwdriver.. I mean really! What is this? 'Inspector Gaeta'?!?! But ok, I'll try again...


daybreak777 January 9 2009, 14:23:18 UTC
Yay, for Bop!zen! Embrace the zen, Bop. One more week and we're back on for our last ride.

(No problem, hope everyone is okay.)

Hoshi and the universe! Hee! You gotta love him. :-) Seriously, I'm working on a crack vidlet about the webisodes, I think. I may ask for your help.

We all hang on to our zen in various ways. :-)


bop_radar January 9 2009, 22:18:19 UTC
Ok, well a potential DB vidlet is good motivation to watch the webisodes. Are they all out now? I was hanging on to watch them all in one go (which I think I will find more bearable).


elzed January 9 2009, 08:35:50 UTC
Eh, like you, there are several elements in season 4 that annoy me (and yes, the show's season 1 magic, well, as dimmed). Personally, the destiny stuff has always agravvated me - goes against my every rationalist principle - and the development of Kara's character in season 3 (not least with Leoben in her head, ack), well, sigh.

Havng said that- perhaps because I watched the first three seasons in one fell swoop over a few weeks; and season 4.0 is the first one I watched, as it were, in real time... well, I'm not quite as disappointed as you are. The unrelenting bleakness I think is absolutely inherent to the show; as for the love triangles - tiresome, absolutely, but at least they leave the fanfic writers creative space. Still, I could do with some form of Lee/Kara relationship this last season.

But, you know, I do feel your pain. On the other hand, mind you, the Adama/Roslin shippers have got what is surely a long overdue boost....



bop_radar January 9 2009, 08:55:01 UTC
Yes, I think if I'd only caught up with it recently I would not be so disappointed. But I disagree that the unrelenting bleakness is inherent--while the show has always been very, very dark, in the first couple of seasons, there were moments of relief. Hell, there was comedy occasionally--and I believe that the audience needs those moments of catharsis and release. I'm not talking about it taking up more than 10 per cent of the time. But there's something very unsubtle about showing utter blackness and nothing else. That's doesn't pass as 'clever' in my eyes (though I think it does in RDM's).

Oh, if I was an Adama/Roslin fan I'd no doubt be a bit happier.


elzed January 9 2009, 09:08:31 UTC
Oh, yes - I see what you mean - a little comic relief would not go amiss, you're right. Catharsis is good.

and judging by the outpouring of A/R fic, they are very much happiers... ;)


bop_radar January 9 2009, 09:11:19 UTC
Awww! *cuted by the A/R people* Well, good to know someone is!


latteaddict January 9 2009, 08:44:23 UTC
6. Kara needs to choose Lee and divorce Anders. While Anders is still alive. I've had it with the writers wanting to keep all ships possible/alive/open.You know I multi-ship but I actually need to see this scenario happen too. There's nothing more meaningless than a relationship being an afterthought or second choice or a result of inaction. If Sam dies (before Kara chooses) and becomes a martyr for Kara to carry a torch for, it definitely will diminish all subsequent Lee/Kara moments and any possible K/L ending. I also have the same requirement for Lee/Dee. From the brig kiss, it seems like Lee has definitely chosen Kara but in actuality, he chose Dee in TaB and reaffirmed that choice in Maelstrom and it's only because of random circumstance (Dee suddenly one day up and leaving him against his wishes) that he was free to kiss Kara in Six of One. Lee never had to make a choice. Dee removed herself so Lee was free to kiss girl #2. There's a possibility of Dee being killed off in 4.5 and I have the same fear as you (re Sam) that Dee ( ... )


bop_radar January 9 2009, 08:58:39 UTC
I have a very strong feeling that Anders is going to die a martyr's death. TBH I hadn't honestly even thought about Dee (does anyone care if she dies?) but I agree that it should be made 100% clear that they are both divorced and choosing each other, the past relationships were a mistake and that they're setting out on a new future together. Even if the show didn't let them have a happy ending after that (by killing one or both), I would feel far more satisfied on a fundamental level than if we get what I think we will get, which is martyr's death(s?) and ambiguity at best.

I suspect Sam and Dee's dignity will be preserved and if they die it will be heroic and selfless...which will basically taint any future Lee and Kara have.
That is so depressing, but I feel absolutely certain it will be the case.


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