Lee Love Week lists

Dec 04, 2008 17:47

I have a problem. I cannot stop working! *stares at clock disconsolately*

But dionusia has declared this Lee Love Week and I am determined to participate in this most wonderful of causes ( Read more... )

lee adama, bsg

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Comments 28

asta77 December 4 2008, 14:05:50 UTC
OK, someone needed to tell me it was Lee Adama week! Maybe I'll post some rewatch thoughts tonight. I'd at least be contributing something.

Leadership qualities. I maintain Lee demonstrated leadership qualities from the start--but I also like that he developed them and he grew more confident in this role over time.Lee wouldn't have been a Captain at such a relatively young age if he hadn't shown leadership ability. And it's clear from the mini series that, put in a high pressure situation, he can make the tough decisions in a very limited amount of time. Laura may have had to give the order, but Lee was the one that argued they had to leave behind the ships without FTL drives when the Cylons discovered their position ( ... )


bop_radar December 4 2008, 21:57:36 UTC
You don't have dionusia friended? There was I assuming you did... should never assume these things! Oops.

Lee didn't see the leadership ability in himself early on and it wasn't until he became commander of Pegasus that he started really believing in himself.
*nods* I agree that that's more of the issue--Lee never lacked leadership ability but he did lack confidence in himself, which I think is preferable to too much ego in one a young man... and he grew into that confidence.

I didn't become a Lee fangirl until 'Bastille Day', but the "Lady's in charge" line I found awesome because I really didn't expect the writers to have anyone, let alone the flyboy, accept Laura that quickly.
Hee. No. It made me fangirl Lee, but it also made me like Laura because somehow I'd already hooked into Lee and I figured if he he backed her then I should too. ;)


antismiles December 4 2008, 14:08:38 UTC
Lol, I have been in a state where I want to read Lee/anyone-but-Kara fic. So I love to read Lee/Kendra, Lee/Shevon, and Lee/Gianne fic. Unfortunately, there's not enough of it. *pouts*


bop_radar December 4 2008, 21:59:12 UTC
Lee/anyone-but-Kara sounds good! (I see a fic challenge premise there!) You're in an anti-Kara stage aren't you? I'm not antiKara but I'm antiS4 canon and can't reconcile that with Kara/Lee very well, so I'm all for the AU fic at the moment. I agree that there should be more of those pairings!


antismiles December 5 2008, 06:45:24 UTC
Well, I wouldn't say I'm anti-Kara so much as anti-S4!Kara. Like you said with canon affecting everything, I've become so frustrated and annoyed with Kara that it's affecting how I see her in past episodes. I can't even watch season one's awesome pilot scenes without getting pissed at her for what she'll become. Damn you, writers. Damn you to hell. If you ever do this with Lee, I will hunt you down and neuter you all with a wooden spoon - with splinters in it. (I would find a way, Bop. Maybe you'd like to join me? ;))


And yes, why is there so little fic about those pairings? I actually put in a request for some Lee/Six mindfrakking fic because dear god, I need some frakking variety in the fics I read. I'm just hoping people will somehow become inspired to write non-L/K stories soon. *prays real hard*

*uses Kendra icon because she was awesome and why did she have to be killed off and I want her back now writers*



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bop_radar December 4 2008, 22:00:03 UTC
Ohhhh yes please! :D I should hunt out your Ellen fic--I think I recall it maybe, but am foggy.


callmeonetrack December 4 2008, 14:49:44 UTC
These are really great lists Bop. I haven't always been the biggest Lee fan and I still go back and forth on him. But reading this, I realized that I really like the concept and potential of the character a lot, just haven't always liked the execution of it (either by the writers or Jamie Bamber's choices). Lee does have all these endearing qualities and we don't always see enough of them.

For a character that's been given somewhat short shrift by TPTB, he's also pretty complex. Lee is also the most grounded/relatable of the main characters on BSG (Helo don't count for this). He's sort of an everyman.

I also love your descrip of Kara/Lee. That's all it right there bundled into an awesome pithy little nutshell.


bop_radar December 4 2008, 22:05:41 UTC
Hee. Well you haven't had to suffer in real time through my crazy Lee fangirling yet, but I pretty much adore everything about him including all the shit that fandom hates. These days I do think the writers are kind of rubbish though. ;) Good ideas, bad execution... yes (though Jamie is faultless in my eyes ( ... )


callmeonetrack December 4 2008, 23:15:03 UTC
Uncanny. I was just saying in response to your post on DB's blog that I can't wait to read your metas in real time!

We don't have to agree for me to appreciate them. You so often point out things I've overlooked or go further with a theory that ocurred but I didn't examine fully. So much food for thought.

The way you feel about Lee is the way I feel about Kara. I've never for one second not loved her or gotten tired of her or been irritated by her actions. Her flaws just make her more endearing to me. Katee's portrayal and the writing for Kara both simply captivate me.

I do love the gender-switcharoo but I'm also guilty of being irritated by it in regards to Lee. It's a double standard. I know.

Thinking back though, I think I liked Lee the least in S1 and now I generally enjoy him a lot more. He's grown up and is much less petulant and unforgiving.


bop_radar December 4 2008, 23:57:54 UTC
I've come round on Kara a lot--and on Katee's performance. I must admit I found Starbuck totally over the top in the mini. My best friend was bouncing off the walls and saying 'isn't she AWESOME?' and I was left with 'er... she just seems like a jock guy in a girl's body. I'm not fooled that easily!' So I totally have a double-standard on the genderswitch too. ;) I like when I get to see Kara's layers, and I love it in the rare flashes when I see vulnerability beneath all that macho stuff. I think they've both grown and/or we've got to see extra layers to both characters over the years and so neither of them are a stereotype--they're both complex and interesting ( ... )


elzed December 4 2008, 15:34:15 UTC
Oh, I am so with you on the wealth of character traits to explore in Lee - I find I mainly write from his POV because I can really get into his head (well, it feels like it to me at any rate), and I love digging into the rich mix.

Sigh. I am a wee bit of a fangirl, really...


bop_radar December 4 2008, 22:07:02 UTC
:D Don't be shy of fangirling Lee! It's such a great cause! ;) Lee's head is so familiar to me, it feels like home--I am glad other people 'get' him too or else I'd feel like a freak. ;)


elzed December 4 2008, 22:18:32 UTC
I'm not shy. Just, you know, a bit grownup for all this, really. Er. Yeah, right.

And Lee's head feels very much like home - of all the characters he is the one I feel I identify with most (well, I do have a strong affinity for Starbuck, being a bolshie kind of girl with a tendency to drink my way around, and a past involving a few, er, shall we say, flings). But something about Lee's moral sense, and his relative intellectualism, really speaks to me.

Except that I can't fly a Viper, and lack combat skills, and really wouldn't be much use in a firefight.

But apart from that...



bop_radar December 5 2008, 00:05:36 UTC
Hee! Yeah, I'd suck at combat skills, alas! I definitely identify strongly with Lee, but if you look at my relationships I'm kind of more Starbucky, at least in being commitment-phobic and kind of hopeless at/nervous of romance. The way Lee's mind works definitely feels very similar to my own--the way he weighs issues, his secular morality, even his guilt complex (alas!) and family issues.


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