Lee Love Week lists

Dec 04, 2008 17:47

I have a problem. I cannot stop working! *stares at clock disconsolately*

But dionusia has declared this Lee Love Week and I am determined to participate in this most wonderful of causes ( Read more... )

lee adama, bsg

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bop_radar December 4 2008, 22:05:41 UTC
Hee. Well you haven't had to suffer in real time through my crazy Lee fangirling yet, but I pretty much adore everything about him including all the shit that fandom hates. These days I do think the writers are kind of rubbish though. ;) Good ideas, bad execution... yes (though Jamie is faultless in my eyes).

Lee is ULTRA complex! And yes, I think he is meant to be (or should be used as) an everyman character. He's not the hero, and that's actually really important to me. I think a lot of times when Lee doesn't measure up to fans' expectations or they get cranky with him it comes down to them expecting him to be a hero character and his heroism, when it does appear (pretty much everyone on BSG gets to be a hero occasionally!) is of an unconventional, unshowy kind. It's not necessarily action-based (though we might expect this from a pilot) but often has to do with his persuasive skills and capacity for self-sacrifice. Those are actually traits one would more usually see in a conventional heroine. (Another reason Kara/Lee is great--it gender swaps the hero/heroine roles!)


callmeonetrack December 4 2008, 23:15:03 UTC
Uncanny. I was just saying in response to your post on DB's blog that I can't wait to read your metas in real time!

We don't have to agree for me to appreciate them. You so often point out things I've overlooked or go further with a theory that ocurred but I didn't examine fully. So much food for thought.

The way you feel about Lee is the way I feel about Kara. I've never for one second not loved her or gotten tired of her or been irritated by her actions. Her flaws just make her more endearing to me. Katee's portrayal and the writing for Kara both simply captivate me.

I do love the gender-switcharoo but I'm also guilty of being irritated by it in regards to Lee. It's a double standard. I know.

Thinking back though, I think I liked Lee the least in S1 and now I generally enjoy him a lot more. He's grown up and is much less petulant and unforgiving.


bop_radar December 4 2008, 23:57:54 UTC
I've come round on Kara a lot--and on Katee's performance. I must admit I found Starbuck totally over the top in the mini. My best friend was bouncing off the walls and saying 'isn't she AWESOME?' and I was left with 'er... she just seems like a jock guy in a girl's body. I'm not fooled that easily!' So I totally have a double-standard on the genderswitch too. ;) I like when I get to see Kara's layers, and I love it in the rare flashes when I see vulnerability beneath all that macho stuff. I think they've both grown and/or we've got to see extra layers to both characters over the years and so neither of them are a stereotype--they're both complex and interesting.

I think one thing that always made me sympthetic to Lee was that I could see that he was struggling internally--his petulance, if you read it that way, was never fixed, it was always something he was battling with. I'm glad for Lee's sake he's worked through a LOT of stuff. I hope Kara gets to do the same because I'm not sure, with her death/rebirth, that she's quite had the same opportunity to mature. It's different, maybe?


callmeonetrack December 5 2008, 00:24:09 UTC
I was left with 'er... she just seems like a jock guy in a girl's body. I'm not fooled that easily!' ... I love it in the rare flashes when I see vulnerability beneath all that macho stuff.

It's funny because I never really saw her as being that macho. From the minute in the mini when Lee's back from the dead and she sees him and rolls out from under her viper I thought she was so incredibly vulnerable. Just laying it right out there on her sleeve. And he was the nonchalant, seemingly unaffected one. And that continued all through S1 for me. I could so easily read her feelings for him and I wasn't so sure it extended the other way till Colonial Day.

I hope Kara gets to do the same because I'm not sure, with her death/rebirth, that she's quite had the same opportunity to mature. It's different, maybe?

I think it is different. I can't say I've really thought Kara's problem was immaturity so much as just being incredibly frakked up. After New Caprica, I'd argue she's had a lot of moments of maturity (at least as many as Lee: bucking up and going to see Kacey, being honest with Dee in the raptor (both pilots were being immature with the affair so we can't count that), going to Kat in The Passage, her talk with Lee under the wing in Maelstrom.

I think her "special destiny" has really taken over all her storylines and not knowing who or what she is has made it hard to see where she is emotionally. Again I fault the writing in 4.0, TPTB wanting to drag out answers until the end of things both for Kara's rebirth and the K/L ship. It'll be interesting to see where it goes.


bop_radar December 5 2008, 01:11:09 UTC
Ahh, you're a classic Kara fan, alright! :) Kara fans always say they saw her vulnerability straight up. I saw Lee's strength, where others saw a petulant stuck-up brat (I think?). So fascinating!

I can't say I've really thought Kara's problem was immaturity so much as just being incredibly frakked up
Hmm. I think they can be two parts of one coin? I mean I look at Kara's relationships and think 'really immature', but I also realise that her behaviour patterns stem from being frakked-up. Same with Lee--when he and Adama fight it looks immature, for sure, but it also stems from their frakked up family history.

I think her "special destiny" has really taken over all her storylines and not knowing who or what she is has made it hard to see where she is emotionally. Again I fault the writing in 4.0
Gah, yes, totally! I have never felt so disconnected from either Lee OR Kara and I think the writing made it really hard to know where either of them were at. They were mainly being used to advance the plot, very few no interesting character moments at all. I hope the writers get it together.


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