Battlestar Galactica 4.06 Faith

May 11, 2008 16:51

I haven't been talking about it. I've been afraid to do so. But I've been really struggling with Battlestar this season. If you're feeling the love, you probably want to skip by this post.

cut for discussion of 'Faith' and general Season 4 issues )

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Comments 148

cherylad May 11 2008, 14:01:27 UTC
Me too with the woe ( ... )


bop_radar May 12 2008, 01:01:11 UTC
Come on Baltar doesn't really believe the crap he is spouting
I'm finding him slightly more sympathetic than usual this season because more than usually it feels like he's doing what he's doing against his will. When Head!Six lifted him up like a puppet, I felt really sorry for him. But Baltar being Baltar, he's run with it and he'll take what perks he can. It does play to his ego, and so I see how he can be ambivalent about it but still keep doing it.

I don't believe it will turn out to be that simple. I think he has an "October surprise" in mind for us, but I don't think we will get it for a good long while yet. Like 10 or 11 months or so.
At first I thought so too. Now I don't, really. I think it will be more about Kara's emotional journey from initially finding the prophecy repugnant to coming to terms with the end of humanity.

is about as believable as the Jewish state forming not only an alliance with the Nazis but actually LIVING IN PEACE & HARMONY in Israel with them in the late 1940'sYup. I have been thinking a lot about ( ... )


indigo419 May 11 2008, 14:16:45 UTC
Woe! I'm sorry that the show is not working for you, hon. I can see why you are not happy - the dysfunctional sexualization of the women, in particular, is bothering me as well. I guess it's true we are each watching a slightly different show; after this ep, in particular, I realized that various folks on my flist viewed the same scenes in quite divergent ways. I'm okay with that, though - this season I've been content to read opposing viewpoints and let them wash over me.

Not sure what to offer you in consolation, except to hope that RDM gives us lots of Lee from here on out! And hugs, lots of hugs for Boppy. *squishes you*


bop_radar May 11 2008, 23:43:44 UTC
I'm pretty much inconsolable, so don't worry about offering me anything. ;) I do hope I will get more Lee. I plan to tone down my expectations about the show IMMENSELY and watch it only for Lee. :D Although it hurts me, I'm actually very well practised in adapting to disappointments, so I think I'll perk up again once Lee is on screen.

after this ep, in particular, I realized that various folks on my flist viewed the same scenes in quite divergent ways. I'm okay with that, though - this season I've been content to read opposing viewpoints and let them wash over me. That's good! And you're right--I think this season is polarising people in ways it never has before. The main divisions used to seem like they were along character lines, and I used to know I'd be on the same page as Lee fans. But this season there are Lee fans who are happy with the show and Lee fans who hate it, Kara fans who are happy, Kara fans who are sad... It's quite interesing (when I take an emotional step back) because it goes to show that it really is about the ( ... )


sizequeen May 11 2008, 14:59:38 UTC
The show has been really off the rails since the end of season. The best season was the first season and it was only 13 eps. For whatever reason RM and Co. can't plot a 20 epsisode season of TV. Here at the end when he no longer has to draw in new viewers and everyne is saying what a genius he is, he can completely imdulge himself in these plotless exercises in angsty navel-gazing. Give the Adamas plot for gods' sake. Aren't theior still Cylons out there who want to kill them? Aren't there still internal problems in the fleet that need to be solved? I'm so tired of the Four. I hate Anders. He does not need to be carrying a weapon or flying a Viper because he's batshit ( ... )


bop_radar May 12 2008, 01:05:07 UTC
The best season was the first season and it was only 13 eps
I agree.

Give the Adamas plot for gods' sake. Aren't theior still Cylons out there who want to kill them? Aren't there still internal problems in the fleet that need to be solved? I'm so tired of the Four. I hate Anders. He does not need to be carrying a weapon or flying a Viper because he's batshit.
Thank you! Yes. He really is. I can only take it as a sign of how far the fleet is deteriorated that he passed basic training. He's got completely the wrong mentality. And it's got nothing to do with him being a Cylon--he's just always really seflish and limited in his thinking and he has no respect for authority. His characterisation makes sense: he was a sports hero and then a rebel leader. That's what he's good at. Following orders and being part of a team? NOT so good.

Sharon and Adama having a conversation about whether humanity *deserved* to live, and I was like, bitch please. Has anyone ever asked whether the Cylon ndeserve to live? True! I wish the show would go there ( ... )


rap541 May 11 2008, 15:15:03 UTC
I underrstand where you'e coming from because I have struggled with it as well.

I'm still watching, still enjoying, but I think my brain is mentally ending the show at season three when it comes to fond memories. Maybe I am just without faith in the human race but I don't think that humanity as a whole could commit to friendship with cylons.

And the one true god thing makes me thing RDM is planning a "cute" ending.

And I agree completely that the final four were chosen so people would *have* to like Cylons.

This recent episode was much better than the last five, but it confirmed something that I have been hesitating to say - they're dragging it out. I suspect we have 20 episodes when we really only needed ten, and thats not helping at all.


bop_radar May 12 2008, 01:07:18 UTC
It's good to know I'm not along.

I think my brain is mentally ending the show at season three when it comes to fond memories
I'm sadly coming to this realisation as well. :( I was so upbeat at the end of Season 3 and it's come to nothing...

And the one true god thing makes me thing RDM is planning a "cute" ending.
Oh noes.

This recent episode was much better than the last five, but it confirmed something that I have been hesitating to say - they're dragging it out. I suspect we have 20 episodes when we really only needed ten, and thats not helping at all.
Yup, I was hesitating to say that too. And it makes me worried on two scores: 1. because it will be boring and agnoisingly drawn out and 2. It means that RDM isn't the least bit interested in resolving things that I want resolved/explored. If he was he wouldn't be faffing about with all this Cylon/Final Four stuff.


rap541 May 12 2008, 03:36:18 UTC
It's good to know I'm not along.You really aren't ( ... )


bop_radar May 12 2008, 03:48:57 UTC
I heart that Gaeta icon so much! :D

I accept that to a certain point, the only ending that will satisfy me is the one that *I* want - and I am not so immature as to pitch a hissy because I don't get what I want.
I know. Me neither. I think that's why I'm admitting my feelings now, so that I can then sit back and watch others get what they want without bitterness. I am honestly happy for my friends who are still getting stuff out of the show: yay for them! It's got to work for someone!

Maybe I am too much of a girl, maybe I am naive, maybe I read Anne Frank's diary one too many times... but.... I still believe in the good of man.
Hee! Me too! I like it to be buried under a great deal of realism, and I like them to show the struggle, but I do like the silver lining being there somewhere at the end. BSG threw its silver lining overboard at the end of Season 3 and is now prancing around happily in the mud.

the biggest among them that Bill Adama would ever put crazy would be presidential assassin Kara in charge of a puppy, let alone ( ... )


asta77 May 11 2008, 15:16:04 UTC
I still have the potential to be squee-y about the show, but I see all your points. I, too, am unhappy with how the show is dealing with religion. I was hoping that humanity wouldn't 'see the light' and move towards monotheism. I do wonder if the two religious POVs are mutually exclusive. What if the Cylon god/the god Baltar speaks of is one of Lords of Kobol? What if that god split with the others because of differing opinions on how to lead humanity? Maybe the colonials finding earth is a way to reunite humanity and their gods? It's what gives me hope that things are not as clear cut as they seem right now.

I also feel that there have always been colonials who believed in a single god, unfortunately, it's only recently that Ron has decided to really focus on this aspect of colonial society so we didn't see these individuals until they created Baltar's Lair (Ron's name for it). It's like the sudden empathy were suppose to have for the Cylons, we have no real foundation for it.

And yay, Kara for finding the Hybrid hopelessly ( ... )


bop_radar May 12 2008, 02:09:46 UTC
I'm glad you still have squee. :)

I, too, am unhappy with how the show is dealing with religion. I was hoping that humanity wouldn't 'see the light' and move towards monotheism
I was really wondering how you read Laura's scene. It was such a SHOCK to me.

What if the Cylon god/the god Baltar speaks of is one of Lords of Kobol? What if that god split with the others because of differing opinions on how to lead humanity? Maybe the colonials finding earth is a way to reunite humanity and their gods? It's what gives me hope that things are not as clear cut as they seem right now.
I like those ideas though I'm not sure how they could reconcile one of the Lords of Kobol being the Cylons' God. *scratches head* But I'd like to believe there was a more subtle ending possible out there... I think I just need to get past my shock that the show is so yay!monotheism right now.

I also feel that there have always been colonials who believed in a single god, unfortunately, it's only recently that Ron has decided to really focus on this aspect of ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

bop_radar May 13 2008, 09:22:23 UTC
Hmm. This is interesting. Definitely interesting. But not necessarily conducive to me finding sympathy with them... *ponders more*


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