Battlestar Galactica 4.06 Faith

May 11, 2008 16:51

I haven't been talking about it. I've been afraid to do so. But I've been really struggling with Battlestar this season. If you're feeling the love, you probably want to skip by this post.

cut for discussion of 'Faith' and general Season 4 issues )

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bop_radar May 12 2008, 01:01:11 UTC
Come on Baltar doesn't really believe the crap he is spouting
I'm finding him slightly more sympathetic than usual this season because more than usually it feels like he's doing what he's doing against his will. When Head!Six lifted him up like a puppet, I felt really sorry for him. But Baltar being Baltar, he's run with it and he'll take what perks he can. It does play to his ego, and so I see how he can be ambivalent about it but still keep doing it.

I don't believe it will turn out to be that simple. I think he has an "October surprise" in mind for us, but I don't think we will get it for a good long while yet. Like 10 or 11 months or so.
At first I thought so too. Now I don't, really. I think it will be more about Kara's emotional journey from initially finding the prophecy repugnant to coming to terms with the end of humanity.

is about as believable as the Jewish state forming not only an alliance with the Nazis but actually LIVING IN PEACE & HARMONY in Israel with them in the late 1940's
Yup. I have been thinking a lot about that, and while the Jewish parallel is obvious the strongest, there are other cases of genocide in the world (in Africa, in Cambodia, in Bosnia) where people have had to live side by side with their murderers. However (and this is a big however) in most of those instants there WERE war crime tribunals and some sense of justice. I very much doubt that we'll see RDM sitting the surviving Cylons down before a war crimes tribunal. And even with war crimes tribunals, many perpetrators get off scot free and the sorrow and domestic strife is agonising for those countries. So in some ways I do see Israel as the exception, rather than the norm, and I admit that life is messier than that. Messier but uglier and I don't want to see any warm fuzzies around the idea of the Cylons and Humans hooking up. Unfortunately I think RDM is rather in love with the idea.

You pick a side and you stick" --- really, Athena? Try putting that into practice. Sometimes, being human & having faith in those on your side is ALL about blind faith. It just is. She doesn't get it - she won't.
Wow, it's fascinating to me that you read her that way. I have a different, more favourable, view of Athena. I do agree she chose humanity because of Helo and her daughter, but I don't doubt her loyalty because of that. If anything, my complaint with her is that she's TOO much of a human extremist. It takes Helo to temper her. She's always the quickest to damn the Cylons or anything possibly connected to them--and I think that's why she condemns Kara. Kara is linked to the Cylons, and she's picked humanity as her side. I would say she DOES have too much blind faith in humanity, and is too inflexible in tempering that the way, say, Lee did.

The Sixes? Remorse learned? Really? SHE JUST KILLED JEAN.
I don't think anyone is arguing the Sixes en masse have learned remorse, are they? I think Caprica has expressed remorse--but it didn't go far enough for me. And she's an individual. The model en masse definitely hasn't and Nathalie totally chills me.

The 4/5th's? Also color me *meh*.
Yeah, I feel the same way re. Tigh and Chief and Sam. And Tory. :) At least I have company!

We need icons! ;)

Finally, the blatant sexism. One of the BEST things about Faith .. no Baltar sexing anyone and no gratuitous Kara sexing either
Yeah, and did you see how RDM had to massively compensate for that by having a Six/Six kiss? *eyeroll*

Finally, if the "children of the reborn" living in their own country, end of line bit, involves Kara mating with Leoben or Sam to have hybrids? I'm packaging up my DVD's and sending to RDM with a note that I've watched my very last RDM production and I won't stick around for the end of this one either.
Srsly. Prepare yourself because I definitely think that's where it's headed. And while I won't quite be making the physical gesture, I'll definitely turn in my bsg fan status if that happens. What would kill me is that it would mean Kara never really escaped the Farm... she became a Cylon breeding machine after all. :((


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