Vidding meme

Jul 26, 2009 17:58

Stolen from the f'list. Since I'm not actually vidding, I may as well talk about it!

Your software:
Final Cut Pro, :D, with MPEG Streamclip for clipping, and FFMPEGX for compressing.

Favourite video: It's so hard to pick, but probably Middleman or Southside. Objectively, I think DLZ is the most accomplished but it has a very small potential audience.

Least favourite video: Like A Friend--it was a throwaway vid, so I'm not losing sleep over it, but I'd love to do justice to my favourite Smallville ship one day, and this really didn't cut it.

A video that got surprisingly good feedback, but you are not completely satisfied with it: *chokes laughing* Well, it's been a long enough time now, so I can probably come clean. I absolutely LOATHE Clint Eastwood. Words can't describe my repulsion, it's a total 'fail' in my eyes, but I am absolutely overwhelmed and delighted that people got into it, and ironically it's my most famous vid. supacat kicks my ass constantly for being down on it, since she loves it and I've examined her reactions in person and they're not faked. I have to respect that the viewer's experience is not mine. I've recently come to a place of quiet zen about it though, and actually managed to find the vid mildly amusing on recent rewatch. Progress!

A video you like a lot that didn't get the good reaction you were expecting: Hmm, that's hard--I've been pleased with the response to most of my vids, and I've got pretty good at knowing which will and won't ping with fandom (fandom is predictable). The closest I can come is Paranoid Android since it was so much damn work that I feel no amount of feedback will ever fulfil me! ;) That said it was objectively very well received, so it's definitely a case where the vidder's ego is out of proportion to the vid. ;)

Best song/video combo (the song you chose was just perfect for the theme): False humility thrown aside, I think one of the things I do best is match song to subject, so it's hard to pick. I like my vids to reflect the tone of the source, so a recent example is DLZ which I think is tonally perfect for T:SCC and is about an apocalypse. I lived in fear of someone beating me to it! radioreverie is the genius behind Paranoid Android, Samson and Java Jive: I am privileged to often brainstorm song-video ideas with her.

Video you had the most fun with: I Kissed a Girl by a MILE. Firstly I made it really fast, secondly ... well, just look at the content. CLARK. CLARK NAKED. CLARK NAKED WITH GIRLS. CLARK WITH SLASHY SUBTEXT. CLARK NAKED. LOTS OF CLARK. Dude! There's just no wrong there. I giggled and grinned my way through the entire edit.

Video you had trouble editing because of the song: Hmm, most of the time I only pick tracks I'm naturally drawn to so I think I circumvent most problems that way. 'Like a Friend' was a bitch because it was repetitive and I'd never pick such a boring song again but I was desperate to vid Clois to something.

A video you'd like to remaster: DLZ, if I could muster the patience--it'd be lovely to re-do once the DVDs are out.

Most inspired sequence you made: Er... I'm not sure I've had one, but possibly the opening and ending of Southside?

Movie/show you have most enjoyed using for a video: I enjoy all of them, really... FNL has lovely shaky camerawork, BSG is great for action, and Smallville is visual overload.

Pet peeves (stuff you often see around in vids that makes you go wtf): Vids in which I can't feel any heart or soul. Vids that feel like a cold, technical exercise on the part of the vidder. Which is rather mean of me since these things are subjective. Mostly though, I think people need to chill out about their 'peeves' and just learn to not watch if those things really annoy them. I try to keep an open mind.

All my vids can be found here:


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