Vid: DLZ

Jun 15, 2009 12:42

Special note: This vid exists thanks to the amazing generosity of counteragent and her donation to the Red Cross appeal for the Victorian Black Saturday bushfires. The Victorian government has pledged to rebuild the affected communities and a Royal Commission is underway to investigate the fires. The bush is recovering speedily with new growth rising from the ashes thanks in part to recent (very welcome) rain. On the personal front, I recently saw a car driving through Melbourne with posters stuck to the windows that read 'Thank you from the survivors of the Marysville fires'. I would also like to thank all the other people who donated even if they didn't bid on the vid or win.

Vid: DLZ
Artist: TV on the Radio
Source: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Warnings: spoilers for entire two seasons, violence, disturbing imagery and themes
Description: We are the Resistance. (ensemble)
Download: direct download (79MB), or small version (37MB); streaming at YouTube, BAM or Blip
Credits: Thanks to the incomparable supacat for three rounds of amazing and intense beta-ing.
Notes: I will make a longer notes post about my journey with this vid, as it was complex to say the least. I hoped it, like the show, would reach an intelligent, reflective audience--no matter how small. And it already has, so thank you!

Congratulations on the mess you made of things;
On trying to reconstruct the air and all that brings.
And oxidation is the compromise you own
But this is beginning to feel like the dog wants her bones

You force your fire then you falsify your deeds
Your methods dot the disconnect from all your creeds
And fortune strives to fill the vacuum that it feeds
But this is beginning to feel like the dog's lost her lead

This is beginning to feel like the long
winded blues of the never
This is beginning to feel like it's curling up slowly
and finding a throat to choke

This is beginning to feel like the long
winded blues of the never
Barely controlled locomotive consuming the picture
and blowing the crows, the smoke

This is beginning to feel like the long
winded blues of the never
Static eplosion devoted to crushing the broken
and shoving their souls to ghost

Eternalised. Objectified.
You set your sights so high.
But this is beginning to feel like
the bolt busted loose from the lever

Never you mind
Death professor
Your structure's fine
My dust is better
Your victim flies so high
All to catch a bird's eye view of who's next

Never you mind
Death professor.
Love is life,
My love is better.
Eyes could be the diamonds
Confused with who's next

Never you mind
Death professor.
Your shocks are fine,
My struts are better.
Your fiction flies so high,
Y'all could use a doctor
Who's sick, who's next?

Never you mind
Death professor.
Electrified, my love is better
It's crystallized, so'm I.
All could be the diamond
Fused with who's next

This is beginning to feel
like the dawn of the luz of forever.

This is beginning to feel
like the dawn of the luz of forever.

This is beginning to feel
like the dawn of the luz of forever.

ETA: Aspect ratio issues should be fixed now--new versions uploaded, apologies to those that got the first dodgy batch.

sarah connor chronicles, vids

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