2008 vidding meme

Dec 21, 2008 20:45

Aka, my second year of vidding. I'm kind of sliding two posts into one here, as
This was my post for 2007, and my post about my first year of vidding.

Videos I made this year:
I will be your girlfriend (Smallvillle, Clark/Lois)
Java Jive (Smallville, coffee)
Handle with Care (Friday Night Lights, ensemble)
Paranoid Android (Smallville, Lex)
Sugarcane (Dexter, Deborah)
Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying (Nodame Cantabile, Chiaki/Nodame)
Clint Eastwood (Battlestar Galactica, Gaius)
I kissed a girl (Smallville, Clark)

Total vids: 8

Two more than in 2007! I feel like I made a pretty good number--I'd rather have improved the quality of a couple of them, but hey, you can't have everything. ;) I'd settle for 6 good vids in 2009, but knowing me I'll also knock out a few throwaway ones as well.

My favourite video this year (of my own):
Paranoid Android. Like Middleman the year before, it's the one I put most into and the one that means the most to me personally. It's kind of my masterwork.

My least favourite:
I will be your girlfriend. I was happy enough with it when I made it but it sticks out badly as the weakest vid of the year to me now. Let's face it, I was just desperate to make a Clois vid, any Clois vid... but finding a good song for them is a lot harder than you would think.

Most successful video:
Clint Eastwood, thanks to sockkpuppett including it in her favourite vids of the year in NY Magazine. But amusingly enough, the one that garnered the most comments on LJ was 'I kissed a girl'. Win for the shallow! ;)

Video most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying, but that's what happens when you vid a fandom only two people (actual figure) on your f'list watch. ;)

Most fun video to make:
I kissed a girl. *still giggling*

Hardest video to make:
Paranoid Android. The post about making it only scrapes the surface of the journey. If I ever did a commentary on any of my vids, it would be on that one.

The things I've learnt this year
1. It's really f***ing hard to control my muse. Sometimes the vid I feel is most valuable or worthwhile is not the vid I end up making. But where I persist and really commit, it pays off.
2. It's possible to love vidding more and more every month while still finding that it never gets any easier.
3. It's possible to produce a GREAT MANY vids using little or no effects. (But I'm not proud of that.)
4. Talking about the vidding process with other people--whether vidders or vid-watchers--is a really wonderful way to learn, perhaps the most valuable way of all.
5. Humour is hard. I am not good at it.
6. Deadlines really, really stress me out and even if I can vid to them, I wind up feeling like I haven't.

Things to work on in 2009
Effects. Sigh. Still on the list from 2007. God I suck at them so much.
Depressingly, when I look at the vids I have made this year, I actually find myself thinking they're not that great. Which is CRAZY because I spent most of the year really chuffed with how I was progressing as a vidder--I felt like every vid stretched me in a new way, and I felt like I was growing. But maybe it's just that I've watched a lot of vids in the last few days but it just feels like all the stuff out there is a lot more sophisticated than what I'm making. When I come back to watching my own vids it looks like kindergarten, colour-by-numbers kind of stuff. I really want to produce something more sophisticated next year. Something that works on more than one level.
I really should learn to post to comms.

So to cheer myself up, I revisited my post on my first year of vidding and I can report that I have done some of the things I set myself as goals:
- I posted to a comm. Um, once. Eep! I still really need to work on getting over that phobia.
- I still struggle with titles but I have worked a couple that I think are 'not bad' now. \o/ I definitely put a lot more into them this year than last.
- I sort of worked on crossfades. Sort of. Still not my strength.
- I have done colour correction work on my vids now! *G* \o/ That is a MAJOR breakthrough for me. I can do, like, two things. \o/
- Hmm, not quite a snazzy effect but I have used jump cuts with great fondness occasionally this year.

I didn't make another action vid though and that makes me really sad. I meant to all year and I think about ideas for one very often, but that uncontrollable muse thing is problematic. I feel like I'm at a bit of a crossroads in my vidding right now, so perhaps this is an intention to revisit.

In terms of my personal journey this year, I notice that I started with quite a flurry. Then 'Paranoid Android' ate up a lot of energy. So did 'Clint Eastwood' though it was a very different process. The big thing for me this year was submitting my vids to conventions. I hadn't even planned to do it, but I took the plunge and it was so rewarding to do so! Even though I was filled with envy for the people actually at the cons, I was very excited that my little vids got played somewhere at the other side of the world and didn't totally suck!

Next year I think I need to really knuckle down and get better at tech. I don't know how to. I don't know where to start. I just know that everyone's a lot better at it than me. And so here I am, two years in, still a total newbie. There's nothing wrong with being a newbie, but I wish I knew what the next step was. I don't know how to get past the roadblock of lack of tech know-how--and lack of knowing what I don't know. i.e. I watch a lot of vids and still don't understand how the vidder knows when to use which effect where. I wish there was a school in remedial vidding. ;)


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