Feb 22, 2005 07:52
So how has everyone been these past two months. I sure wouldn't know cause I have been able to update. Ummm.. nothing really interesting has been going on in my life. So just try to comment if you have some spare time!
Love Brit
Feb 19, 2005 12:37
Hey how is everyone doing. I am doing fine. this year has been so great for me. but i havent had time to go on my live journal i guess i am too busy. but hey i have nothing planned for next week so if anyone wants to chill with me feel free to hit me up and we can plan something okay don't forget though!
Dec 22, 2004 20:11
Hey friends,
why doesn't anyone like to comment in my journal? I didn't do anything wrong to any of you! Oh. well i guess nobody cares. Well I guess I will comment back later okay. bye bye
Dec 20, 2004 11:05
Hey Everyone.
Today is just another boring day just sitting in my house. I hate winter, it is just soo cold and tooo cold at that. Well I don't know what I have for plan today. I might go up to the mall and shop some more but I am not sure yet. I woke up today around 10 o'clock. Well I guess I will comment later!
LoVe YoU mUcHiEs
Dec 19, 2004 23:17
I am a little bit upset cause I was looking forward to see some comments in my journal but there is none. I wish I could hear from some more people and get to know others. Well if you get the time and you pass by this journal try to comment!
Thanx a Lot! *
Brittany ***
Dec 18, 2004 20:59
Hey eveeryone!
I am new to this and looking for people to comment in my journal!! You might know me from a couple movies as uptown girls and just married and with Eminem in 8 mile!!
I would LOVE to have new friends added to my list soo PlEEze comment me!!
Love Always,