two overly long posts in a day, what? if you'd had the week I've had, you wouldn't care either!

Apr 16, 2009 18:58

Livejournal, why did you not tell me that they're re-issuing Hikaru no Go with new cover artOH AKIRA AKIRA AKIRA AKIRA I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER *____* look look look also you have to click on the teensy hikaru stone to see the new covers but ZOMG LOOK AT THEM. the first cover is so beautiful, so so so beautiful. (You can also see smaller ( Read more... )

hikago, when you have takeshi obata, touya akira is my density, 2 years 4 months, meta, i love you i love you hikago, lj, why settle for a straight mangaka?, 2009, books

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Comments 15

samenashi April 16 2009, 23:03:44 UTC
hey aja


arboretum April 16 2009, 23:08:05 UTC
if you had been on the dreamwidth hikago community I bet you'd have seen it


samenashi April 16 2009, 23:08:21 UTC


samenashi April 16 2009, 23:16:04 UTC
hey aja, it's me sam (i used to be thewhiteprophet)


raucousraven April 16 2009, 23:44:53 UTC
...Aja, I thought you already knew!! Otherwise I would've been over here with bells on, ringing as hard as I knew how.


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