me, recs, yuletide, 2009, books

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  • Things I want, today, Nov. 5, 2009:

    bookshop Nov 05, 2009 01:46

    1. for books 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Jeeves & Wooster series to magically fall in my lap. *cries*

    2. gay serial killer fic. Franzi said that I should ask you all for it, but really what I would most like is for you all to go watch Strangers on a Train (Instant watch on Netflix!) and then report back to me with squee & slash and very ( Read more... )

    me, bump of chicken, music, gay serial killers, 2009

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  • Evernight! + LJ + Whip It

    bookshop Oct 09, 2009 14:53

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    me, us, fandom, lj, life, 2009, books

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    bookshop Oct 06, 2009 10:42

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    life, 2009

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  • Things.

    bookshop Sep 30, 2009 10:32

    1. I haven't had much to say so far about Banned Books Week, but in part that's because I've been busy reading a banned book: jbknowles' fantastic Lessons From a Dead Girl, which was just challenged by a school in Kentucky -- the same school district that is apparently now not letting teachers wear shirts that say "I read banned books" in support of BannedRead more... )

    life, 2009, books

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  • It's Bad Musicals Friday! :D

    bookshop Sep 18, 2009 18:44

  • Let's start off with this excerpt from Pride & Prejudice: The Musical with music & lyrics by Rita Abrams ( Read more... )

    theatre, life on the moon, lists, life, 2009

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  • have been obsessively reading things about james hampton ever since April.

    bookshop Sep 16, 2009 00:39

    The Throne

    James Hampton, 1909, Elloree, SC - 1964, Washington, DC
    Custodian, General Services Administration; Maker of The Throne

    I couldn't take it all in, And I was a little frightened. )

    st. james, 2009

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  • now or someday?

    bookshop Aug 24, 2009 00:25

    Hello, Livejournal!

    I am in D.C. with arboretum who is even lovelier in person, a feat which I did not think humanly possible, and who has put up with me getting us lost fifty times while fumbling our way around Washington and Virginia. We are going to see The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Milennium General Assembly tomorrow and I'm so ( Read more... )

    ue wo mezashite, hikago, touya akira is my density, life, 2 years 4 months, my flist is sugoi, i love you i love you hikago, 2009

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  • Hello, livejournal!

    bookshop Aug 21, 2009 13:09

    I am going to D.C. for a long weekend to meet the loveliest arboretum! And visit the equally loveliest alestar! (And! an_sceal? Are you free anytime between now and Monday! :D)

    I am excited. Eddy and I are going to introduce Erin to Hikago and we will all get to watch it together and it is going to be the best thing in the entire world. ♥♥♥

    See you Tuesday!

    hikago, my flist is sugoi, touya akira is everyone's density, i love you i love you hikago, life, 2009

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