
Apr 03, 2006 10:28

okay, so, the one thing the last 3 weeks at pillarchallenge have taught me is that you cannot. have. enough. Matchmaker Fuji. Because Fuji was clearly invented for the sole purpose of manipulating the world into indulging his every whim by succumbing to the unending appeal of gay romance.

Poll ^_^You should take this poll only if you wish to participate in the ( Read more... )


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Comments 72

bookshop April 3 2006, 14:38:33 UTC

:( there should be people in teams writing tenipuri ships round the clock all the time.


soundczech April 3 2006, 14:53:35 UTC
I really just want more Tezuka/Ryoma/Atobe, do you think Fuji could set that up for me?

fitz: i buzzed aja and she ignored me and now she's made a new post
fitz: so much for our love story now
annabel: shes commenting to herself...


bookshop April 3 2006, 15:00:02 UTC
sadkfjksd;ljl god, i'm at work. i just emailed wonapalei and chiya and riya earlier with this gushy pointless email about tezuka and ryoma and i came SO CLOSE to including you on it but then i was like GOD STARLA WILL THINK I AM SUCH A DORK. klsajdkfl;ssadjkfl; it's just god, Chiya's manga scans, did you see them. they're like DRUGS to me.

i imagine Fuji would be delighted to give you more Atobe/Tezuka/Ryoma. Atobe and Ryoma would be all for it. Tezuka would probably need a little push. ^_^


soundczech April 3 2006, 15:09:29 UTC
I think you've yet to get an accurate idea of what a gushy dork I am in reality. The little somber font gives people the wrong idea.

Anna and I watched Boat Tennis movie before and were talking about who would have to share beds, 'cause everyone is sharing a room. I was dying at the thought of Tezuka having to share with Momo and Eiji and looking over mournfully to see Ryoma sharing with Fuji and Inui. Momo and Eiji would chat like little girls all night, Tez would be like D::::::::::::. And Ryoma would cuddle up to Fuji in his sleep, and Tez would want to kill somebody.

See, who is the dork now.


kessie April 3 2006, 14:49:35 UTC
There are too many ships. :| I cannot choose.


bookshop April 3 2006, 14:52:51 UTC
:(( i knowwwwwwwww. YOU HAVE REQUESTED MOMOKAI TOO omg if someone doesn't request kamio/kirihara i am totally changing my request. Or maybe I should hold out for momo/kamio/an? OR FUJI/TACHIBANA/AN/YUUTA. OH GOD IT COULD BE THE INCEST FOURSOME TO RULE THEM ALL.

possibly this should just be the FUJI ORGANIZES A GIANT ORGY challenge.


kessie April 3 2006, 14:59:08 UTC
If it involves Kaidoh, I want Karupin to be involved. YES. *_*

Fuji must set up the entire world. *nod* Sibling ties, or not. :D :D


happiestwhen April 3 2006, 17:20:59 UTC
If it involves Kaidoh, I want Karupin to be involved.

Well, there are no two ways around that point. Karupin is involved by default, obvs. XD


prillalar April 3 2006, 14:56:52 UTC
Aarhg, this would be fun, but I just finished one fest and signed up for another and I have so many WIPs to finish. Slow down, fandom! I can't keep up anymore!


(The comment has been removed)

bookshop April 3 2006, 15:21:06 UTC
you're not stupid, it was just spontaneous and i haven't posted the info first! That will all go up when the pairing requests are compiled.

this is a free-for-all challenge. if you write for it, you are only bound to go by the details mentioned in the request poll, which i will put together. No one is obligated to write, it's just for fun and the deadline will be next month sometime. Easy cheesy!


akatonbo April 3 2006, 15:06:50 UTC
Is this the 'everyone who makes a request also writes a fic' type of challenge?

Also, I think the world needs matchmaking An even more than matchmaking Fuji... but if they join forces, then NO ONE WILL BE SAFE.


bookshop April 3 2006, 15:25:44 UTC
oh god, An/Fuji is even scarier than Fuji/Inui or Fuji/Yukimura in terms of ABILITY TO RULE THE WORLD proportions. god. but really i just want Fuji to set EVERYONE up with EVERYONE.

this is a write-if-you-like! challenge! Very laidback. :D I'll compile the requests and you can write as many or as few as you want.


akatonbo April 3 2006, 16:00:52 UTC
Suddenly I am imagining Inui, Fuji, and An all pooling their resources. *GLEE*

Also I am reminded that I had the barest beginnings of a story idea involving An fixing up Ryouma with Shinji and Momo with Kamio, after the date ep.


happiestwhen April 3 2006, 17:41:18 UTC
Important question!!!: Why/how is Yukimura at Fuji-level of scary/intimidating/world-pwningness? :\


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