
Apr 03, 2006 10:28

okay, so, the one thing the last 3 weeks at pillarchallenge have taught me is that you cannot. have. enough. Matchmaker Fuji. Because Fuji was clearly invented for the sole purpose of manipulating the world into indulging his every whim by succumbing to the unending appeal of gay romance.

Poll ^_^You should take this poll only if you wish to participate in the ( Read more... )


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kessie April 3 2006, 14:49:35 UTC
There are too many ships. :| I cannot choose.


bookshop April 3 2006, 14:52:51 UTC
:(( i knowwwwwwwww. YOU HAVE REQUESTED MOMOKAI TOO omg if someone doesn't request kamio/kirihara i am totally changing my request. Or maybe I should hold out for momo/kamio/an? OR FUJI/TACHIBANA/AN/YUUTA. OH GOD IT COULD BE THE INCEST FOURSOME TO RULE THEM ALL.

possibly this should just be the FUJI ORGANIZES A GIANT ORGY challenge.


kessie April 3 2006, 14:59:08 UTC
If it involves Kaidoh, I want Karupin to be involved. YES. *_*

Fuji must set up the entire world. *nod* Sibling ties, or not. :D :D


happiestwhen April 3 2006, 17:20:59 UTC
If it involves Kaidoh, I want Karupin to be involved.

Well, there are no two ways around that point. Karupin is involved by default, obvs. XD


kessie April 3 2006, 17:24:07 UTC
Yes. XD

(OMG, Your icon. ♥_♥)


happiestwhen April 3 2006, 17:34:22 UTC
Their love is true. *_*


kessie April 3 2006, 17:36:22 UTC
*flails hands* YES. OMG. *______*


bloodybrilliant April 3 2006, 18:06:25 UTC
That icon still will always kill me ded. *_*


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