A Game of Poker, Chapter 18: Second Hand

May 21, 2009 18:41

Title: A Game of Poker
Author: Bookkbaby
Rating: Teen
Warnings: YAOI
Summary: LUCKY Pair. It started as a simple game of poker, but a little white lie from Lavi changes everything. ['If you lose... you spend the night here, with me, and let me do whatever I want with you.']

A/N: This is my first multichapter fanfic for the DGM fandom! Yay! I’m fairly new to the fandom, but hopefully I haven’t made any unforgivable mistakes.

Warnings: YAOI, which means BOYS LOVING BOYS. If you dislike that, then the back button is easy enough to find. Please click that and leave. Limes are in the future, and lemons in the uncut versions (not on fanfiction(dot)net). Maybe some OOC, spoilers for the end of the anime later on.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these lovely characters, that honor belongs to Katsura Hoshino. (Though if Hoshino-sama ever has a sale, I call dibs on Tyki… what?) I don’t own anything but a copy of the anime series and all volumes of the manga in English. Anything you don’t recognize (like the plotline of ‘A Game of Poker’) does belong to me. Everything else… not so much. Please don’t sue.

Beta’d by Misster Cackles! All remaining mistakes are mine.

Last Time On ‘A Game Of Poker’:

Just a little while longer, and then he’d accept the consequences of having formed bonds while with the Black Order. Even if he was ‘Lavi’ right now, he was still Bookman Junior and would always be Bookman Junior. ‘Lavi’ wouldn’t be around forever, but until it was time for ‘Lavi’ to disappear he would let himself enjoy the bonds he had formed.

As long as Bookman didn't know for sure, he would be able to enjoy the attachments he had unwittingly made.

And Now, The Continuation

A Game of Poker, Chapter 18
Second Hand

The dining room inside the Earl's stronghold was completely silent. Three of the four remaining Noah stared at the Maker in surprise. Road kept eating, her expression cold and stiff.

"Tyki... betrayed us?" Devitto said. He and Jasdero shared a look, identical expressions of shock on their faces. The Earl nodded, his customary grin malicious.

"Those horrible Exorcists have turned Tyki against us. They must be punished for that," the Maker explained. "This changes our plans. Without Tyki, things will need to be delayed."

"Delayed?" Jasdero echoed. Road nodded.

"We no longer have Tyki to fight the Exorcists. We need more time," she said, voice colder than anyone present could remember hearing it. Lulubell nodded slowly but didn't speak, instead lifting her bowl of milk to his lips and lapping at it thoughtfully.

"That Tyki bastard!" Devitto snarled, fists slamming on the table. The silverware and plates jumped.

"Now, now Devitto," the Earl said, tone only mildly chastising. "No need for that. We'll see that Tyki is properly punished too."

The Maker looked at each of the remaining Noah, expression turning as serious as it ever adid.

"There is a slight change to my orders for you, my beloved family," the Earl said. "Instead of concentrating on killing Exorcists, bring me Innocence. Don't destroy it - bring it to me."

Jasdero, Devitto, and Lulubell stared in shock. Lulubell set down her milk once more. Road was well aware of the Earl's plan for the holy crystal and went on eating, face still a mask of coldness and her eyes distant.

"Bring the Innocence here?" Lulubell asked softly, voice betraying no emotion. The Earl nodded.

"Why can't we kill the Exorcists?!" Devitto demanded.

"Yeah! Kill the Exorcists!" Jasdero echoed, giggling.

"Go ahead and kill them if you like, but I want the Innocence," the Earl said sweetly, but firmly. Simultaneously, Devitto and Jasdero gulped and nodded.

Line Break

Tyki stared at the ceiling of his room, arms folded behind his head. The cold metal of the manacles around his wrists wasn't exactly painful, but the restraints felt heavy. The chain connecting the metal cuffs was long enough that it didn't really hamper his movements - he could stretch his arms out almost straight - but it was a constant reminder that he was a prisoner.

He longed for a cigarette. His habit of smoking was slowly being eradicated by the lack of nicotine since the Order didn't provide him with any cigarettes. The entertainment was sparse too, since the majority of his day was taken up by staring at the walls. At least they had provided him with clothes, comparable to what he had worn as a miner. The pants were black slacks and the shirts were button-ups made of cotton. His Tease was currently in Komui's care, not that he had expected the Order to let him keep the cannibal golem with him.

He sighed, shifting and sitting up. The metal clinked as he moved and the chain piled on the bed. Tyki glanced around the room he had been given - at least if he was a prisoner, he had a nice prison. It was definitely preferable to the Earl's dungeon.

It was a standard size room made entirely out of stone. From what he had seen of the building, that was normal. He had a small night table next to his bed and a mirror set directly across from said table. The window had bars preventing him from escape, not that he would have tried. The room he was in was fairly high up and it would have been suicide to try jumping out the window when he didn't have access to his powers.

His shackles clinked again as he shifted and he lowered his gaze to them. He could feel the power of the Earl's seal inside the metal, though it didn't burn or hurt since it wasn't directly applied to his skin. The shackles only made him feel heavy, though he was used to the feeling now.

The Order's nurse had surgically removed the paper seal after he had woken up. She hadn't put him under any form of anesthetic, but the painkillers she had been feeding into his IV since he had arrived were sufficient to dull the pain as she carefully cut the burned skin the scrap of paper had adhered to. Tyki now had new scars to show for it, though the marks were small. His arms and legs had healed - it seemed his involuntary Noah powers were still in operation, even if he couldn't consciously access them.

Tyki's eyes flicked to the door, a series of thick wooden planks connected by metal and always left slightly ajar when he was in his room. Two Finders were always posted right outside, there to escort him to his meals or the bathroom and, of course, to spy on him and keep track of what he was doing at all times.

He didn't have a whole lot of freedom, but it was better than dying. Even when Komui and an old man called Bookman he vaguely recognized from Edo came in to question him, they never tried using violence to get answers. Bookman always stared at him with a shrewd, calculating expression that unnerved him a bit, but he generally ignored the older man.

Ever since he had woken up almost a week ago, Bookman and Komui had been visiting him. They had an almost constant stream of questions, some of which Tyki didn't know the answers to - how the hell was he supposed to know if the Akuma had any weaknesses besides Innocence? As far as the Pleasure knew, the only thing that could kill an Akuma was Innocence or a self-destruct. He had answered as truthfully as possible, since it hardly helped his position if he lied or withheld information.

The food wasn't half-bad, at least. The chef had practically swooned the first time the Finders took Tyki to get food, saying he had never met a more handsome man. Politeness never hurt, especially with the person who would be making all his meals, so Tyki had smiled back. He hadn't been sure what the Exorcists ate or what the Order would give him to eat, but the food Jerry had prepared was at least as good as the stuff the Earl served at 'family dinners'. If not for his confinement and the whispers he heard whenever he was allowed out of his room, he might have even enjoyed his stay so far.

The Noah could hear the Finders gossip about him. Some of the shallower ones murmured to themselves about his good looks while others speculated that he was going to murder them in their beds the moment he managed to free himself from his restraints.
He had heard whispers that the Exorcists had something wrong in their heads and Komui had gone 'round the twist. Those Finders seemed to think that any rumors that they had heard about Tyki were lies or that the Order had the wrong man since Tyki hardly seemed dangerous. Most rampant, however, were rumors of how he had come to be a guest of the Order's hospitality.

Some seemed to believe he had teleported in or somehow accessed their Ark and Komui or an Exorcist had found him wandering the halls. Some said he had strutted up to some ‘gatekeeper’ and demanded to be let in. Others claimed he had brought an injured Exorcist back to headquarters and asked to join up. Perhaps the closest, though not entirely accurate, story claimed that he had fallen in love with one of the Finders or one of the Exorcists and followed her to the Order so he could stay with her.

When he had heard that, he had needed to bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing. The most common name guessed for his supposed 'love' was Lenalee Lee, a name that seemed vaguely familiar but one he had difficulty in placing. It had been on his list of targets what seemed like years ago, even if in fact it hadn't even been a month. He was fairly certain that this 'Lenalee' was the girl who had been with Walker and Lavi inside the Ark in Japan, but wasn't entirely sure. The story was wrong on many counts anyway, but hearing and mentally disproving the guesses helped to pass the time.

For one thing, he hadn't followed a girl here. For another, he had thought about it and was sure he didn't love Lavi. There was deep affection, certainly, but it was hard to sleep with someone repeatedly and not feel any amount of care for them. 'Love' was something that he had so far successfully avoided without really trying. For him, falling in love would be like losing at poker - there were still far too many hands for him to play for him to be content quitting.

What he felt wasn't love. It couldn't be. Lavi just wasn't out of his system yet; he wanted more. Once he had the Exorcist a few more times and worked out his lust, then he could move on and carry on as he had for years. He could freely admit to fondness and affection for the redhead, but that wasn't 'love'. Fondness and affection were natural and inevitable - he did remember those people he had lain with repeatedly in the past with some fondness and this time with Lavi was no different from any other time.

Well, maybe a bit different, but it hardly merited thinking about. He couldn't remember ever feeling quite like this before, but he had convinced himself that the differences in what he had felt back then and what he felt now were minor.

It couldn’t be anything… more than affection.

It wasn't.


In any case, it didn't matter. He hadn't seen the Exorcist since the redhead had found him in his cell. He had been unconscious for quite some time and when he had woken up in the Black Order's infirmary, Lavi had been long gone. The redhead hadn't even come to visit him once.

It was frustrating and not just in a sexual way. The physical was part of it - Tyki hadn't had a good lay in weeks. Something about the Exorcist kept calling to him and made it difficult to find proper release in anyone else's body. His mind was frustrated too. Though he had seen the younger man's teacher and his supervisor, he had yet to see the redhead himself. Even just spotting him across the dining area or hearing his voice would do for now. As much as Tyki craved release, he craved seeing the Exorcist or hearing him more, or smelling Lavi's scent if possible.

His chest ached. He scowled.

Why hadn't Lavi come to visit him? Tyki could hardly waltz out to find the redhead, but it seemed like the Exorcist had no interest in seeing him again.

The ache in his chest increased and he lifted a hand to rub at it with quick, irritated motions. The chains clinked.

He missed the redhead. He longed to see him, smell him, touch him, kiss him, move inside of him-

He closed his eyes and leaned back against the headboard of his bed.

Tyki wanted Lavi. Having the redhead with him would make his situation a lot more bearable and help remind him why he had betrayed the Earl in the first place. He sighed heavily.

He hoped the redhead would visit soon.

Line Break

Lavi walked slowly down the hall, the light weight of a deck of cards heavy in his right pants pocket. As he had thought, he hadn't been able to visit the Noah since leaving the infirmary. Bookman hadn't exactly said anything about the redhead's obvious attachment, but the old man had kept him busy ever since. The moment he had gotten close to completing one task, Bookman would create another for him. Lavi barely had time to sit down and enjoy his meals, let alone visit anyone. It had been incredibly frustrating, though Lavi had hidden his irritation under his usual dopey smile and cheerful demeanor.

Now, though, Bookman was asleep. Spry and sharp as he was, he was still old and needed plenty of rest. Lavi had wanted to see the Noah all week, since he was never in the lunchroom long enough to even catch a glimpse of the man. He had heard the rumors, though, of how good-looking the Order's latest 'guest' was and speculation on how and why the man had come. The redhead had seized his chance while his mentor was asleep and slipped out of their room after covering Bookman with a blanket.

Bookman hadn't been the only thing preventing him from visiting either. Lavi still didn't know why the Noah had saved him and the lack of an answer bothered him a bit. Without an answer, he wasn't quite sure where he stood with Tyki and he had needed to work up the courage to visit. Making the decision to allow himself to enjoy the bonds he had created as ‘Lavi’ was different than actually doing so, but reminding himself that he only had a limited amount of time to truly feel connected to other people had helped him gain the courage necessary.

Bookman had been letting him slide for the most part with the friendships he had formed while at the Black Order, but once the old man found out exactly how deep into one relationship he was, the rest would have to go too. Bookman would know that he had been too lenient with Lavi and monitor his relationships more closely. The redhead would no longer be allowed to joke around with Allen or mess with Yuu by braiding said samurai’s hair. (Not that he had been allowed to mess around with the samurai much lately - Kanda was still furious with him for bringing Tyki here and hadn’t spoken to him since.)

He wouldn’t be able to be there for Lenalee if she needed him. He wouldn’t be able to drop by Kuro-chan’s room to talk about books they had both read. He hadn’t really spoken to Miranda that much, but the woman was shy and seemed like she needed a lot of boosts to her confidence. He wouldn’t be able to help her with that. Bookman wouldn’t let him bug Komui when he was bored or go talk to some of the Finders for a while when he was done with work.

He would probably have to stop calling Bookman ‘Gramps’ too, since the word was more of an affectionate term of address than a serious one. Bookman would insist on being referred to as ‘master’ or ‘Bookman’ only once again rather than allow the redhead to have such bad habits. Everything would be so much simpler if he could simply stop being the old man’s apprentice, but he couldn’t stop. Apprentices were occasionally let go, but then their Bookman master would remove their memories since the only person allowed to know the true history was the Bookman himself or the one he was training to carry the secrets of the past. An apprentice couldn’t just leave - inevitably, the deed caught up with them and most met sticky ends or went insane.

Bookman wouldn’t just let him go or honor his request to quit. The man truly was old and probably wouldn’t be able to find another apprentice to train properly before he died. Lavi was the last hope to continue the Bookman line. Even besides the duty Lavi had to the history of the world, there was the old Panda himself. Gramps. The man had taken him in when no one else had wanted him - he couldn’t repay that by abandoning him when it became convenient. Even if it would be difficult, he’d keep his relationships a secret and then let them go once it came time for Bookman and Bookman Junior to leave the Black Order.

He’d regret it, certainly, but he had no other path to take. He’d miss being able to be friends with Allen, Kanda, Lenalee, Krory, Miranda, Komui, and everyone else, but most of all, he would miss Tyki. He was certain that Bookman would do his best to make sure that Lavi and the Noah never crossed paths again. If they saw each other, it would probably be under the watchful eye of the old Panda himself. There was a lot he stood to lose (well, lose earlier than he had planned since loss was inevitable eventually) if word of him and the Noah ever reached his mentor’s ears, but those were risks he would just have to take. He would need to juggle his life as a Bookman apprentice and as Lavi. Not seeing Tyki was just unthinkable and not only for the physical aspect of their relationship.

Self consciously, one of his hands went to the pouch hanging on his belt and brushed the item concealed there. It was embarrassing to bring, since said item made his intentions clear, but he doubted Tyki would have anything they could use. At least hand lotion was more innocuous than lubricant, since there was no way he could explain carrying lube around with him if the Finders searched him before letting him visit the Pleasure.

He lifted his eyes from the floor, spotting two unfamiliar white-cloaked figures sitting outside of a slightly open door. He felt his heartbeat accelerate and he pasted on one of his usual happy-go-lucky grins, waving at the Finders as they spotted him. Neither waved back as Lavi approached. The redhead stopped just as he reached the first of the two Finders, a woman with dark hair who was a bit shorter than he was. Her partner was a tall, thin man who had probably shaved his head.

"I'm here to visit the Noah," Lavi said, smiling winningly at the woman. She frowned, staring at him intently.

"Are you Lavi, then? Supervisor Komui told us to expect you." She stepped aside, her blue eyes watching him closely. The Exorcist could feel another set of eyes on him, no doubt belonging to the other Finder. Their scrutiny was a bit unnerving, but Lavi kept his smile fixed in place.

"Go ahead. If you need assistance, Richard and I are right here. The door will be open," the female Finder said.

The redhead mentally winced. He forced a small laugh.

"I don't think I'll need any help. Would it be all right if I closed the door?" he asked. There were some things he just wasn't comfortable with doing if the door was open even a bit. The woman and Richard shared a look Lavi couldn't read before Richard nodded slowly and made some strange motions with his hand. It seemed to be some sort of code or sign language, for the woman nodded in understanding and turned back to Lavi.

"You may shut the door, but don't lock it," she warned him, and waved her hand as if she was impatient. The redhead nodded cheerfully, not outwardly bothered by her irritation. He could live with the door being unlocked as long as it was closed.

"Thanks! You're a pal- both of you," he said, keeping his tone civil, if a touch sarcastic. He quickly moved towards the door and pushed it open. As he did, his motions slowed imperceptibly. His heart thudded in his ears, even as he kept his expression bright and cheerful.

With a deep breath, he stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. Once he heard it shut, his expression turned serious and he dropped his gaze towards the floor. Nervous butterflies fluttered inside his stomach. Every other time he had seen Tyki, it was because the man had come to him. He had never been the one to seek out the Noah. Was he being too presumptuous by bringing the lotion? Did Tyki still even want him that way?

It was almost funny - he hadn't considered any of this until he had stepped into the room and now all the negatives and 'what ifs’ were hitting him like a ton of bricks.

One thought crept into the back of his mind, a cold comfort that assured him he was probably welcome in the Pleasure's room. While Tyki was under twenty-four hour guard and mostly confined to his room, away from the general population of the Order, he would be unable to seduce anyone except perhaps one of his guards. If the man wanted sex, Lavi was the only person he could get it from.

After the probation period was over, however, and Lavi knew it was only a matter of time until Komui was convinced that Tyki was indeed on their side, then the Noah wouldn't have any problems finding a new partner. The way some of the Finders had been talking about the older man had made the redhead's jaw clench, but there was nothing he could do about it. There would be plenty of people, male and female alike, willing to jump into bed with the Pleasure the moment he was free.

Until then, Tyki was stuck with what he could get and all he could get was Lavi. The Exorcist only had him until then. His chest felt tight and hurt at the thought, but it was the truth.

Perhaps it was better that way. Once Tyki moved on, then perhaps Lavi could too and he would have an easier time becoming the perfect Bookman apprentice once more. As things were now, that was impossible.


The nickname gave Lavi a boost of confidence and he looked up. Worrying about the future wouldn’t help - he would just need to take what he could get as it came and hope that he would be satisfied in the end, or at least learn to live with what regrets and longing he still had afterward.

He smiled weakly at Tyki's surprised expression, eyes automatically moving to take in the Noah's appearance. His skin was still olive rather than gray and his eyes were a warm shade of brown rather than gold, but he was still Tyki.

"Hey, Tyki," Lavi said in greeting, not moving closer to the bed where the Noah sat. "How are you?"

The older man lifted a hand, the chains clinking loudly in the quiet room. Lavi's eyes rested on the manacle before moving back up to Tyki's face. The Noah seemed to be studying the restraint.

"I've been better, I suppose, but I've also been worse," he answered, then dropped his hand and turned back to Lavi. "What brings you down here, Exorcist?"

The redhead could feel his face heat slightly and his heart seemed to be trying to bust through his ribcage. He glanced down and then looked to the side as he dug in his right pocket for the deck of cards he had there. With them firmly in hand, he paused for a deep breath.

He could feel Tyki's eyes on him and sense the man's curiosity. Taking a firmer grip on the deck, he turned back to the Noah and lifted the cards for the older man to see.

"I stopped by to see if you'd like to play a card game," he said as casually as he could. He hoped the Noah couldn't see him tremble slightly in a mixture of fear and anticipation of the man's response. Tyki was silent for a moment, eyes fixed on the card deck before traveling slowly over the redhead's body. The heated look sent a slight shiver through Lavi, one that the Noah definitely noticed. He smirked.

"A card game?" he asked knowingly. "Poker, I assume?"

Lavi nodded, unable to speak. A feeling equal parts relief, excitement, and anticipation swept through him at the man's implied agreement. He moved closer to the bed, finally leaving the safe, easy retreat of the wall. The Noah moved to make room so that both could fit on the narrow bed. Tyki sat cross-legged at the head of the mattress while Lavi took the other end. The redhead climbed up and made himself comfortable, sitting up straight since the bed had no real endboard and therefore had nothing for him to lean against. Tyki spoke again.

"What are the stakes?"

Lavi smiled, still nervous but slowly gaining confidence in his plan, and handed the card deck to the Noah. Tyki took it and began shuffling with practiced motions, his eyes never leaving the Exorcist.

"Same as our first game," Lavi told him. The Pleasure smirked, his acceptance of the stakes made obvious with that single expression. The redhead hadn't expected him to refuse the terms, but it still sent another wave of relief through him. He almost didn't care that Tyki had probably only agreed because Lavi was his only option.

"Ah, but Lavi, I don't have your Innocence this time. What do you get if you win?" Tyki asked.

The redhead shrugged. He doubted that he'd win and didn't really want to, so it didn't matter what he got if he won. It would have felt too strange to Lavi to come here empty-handed and ask the Pleasure to have sex with him, but the card game’s only purpose was to lead into a much more physical activity.

"Answer one question I ask you truthfully, then," he replied. Those had been the conditions of their planned second round of poker, though they had been interrupted by the Earl calling Tyki away.

The Noah smiled to himself and began shuffling the deck in earnest. His chains clinked lightly at the motions.

Something inside him had lightened almost immeasurably at the redhead's appearance and anticipation sang through his blood. He wouldn't have minded if the Exorcist had simply shown up for certain activities, but if the redhead wanted to play poker Tyki was more than happy to oblige. Some prizes were best enjoyed if one had won them, after all, even if the game was a ruse. He was certain that Lavi knew as well as he did where they would end up after their 'game'.

A stray thought made him pause, hands stopped in the act of shuffling. He looked up at the Exorcist, expression almost concerned.

"Did you bring something to make things easier later?" he asked. The redhead nodded, face flushed red, and turned to dig into the pouch at his side. After fumbling with the bag's fastener, Lavi withdrew a bottle of hand lotion and held it up briefly for the Noah to identify it before setting it next to him on the bed. The sight of it sent a rush of heat through Tyki's blood. The Exorcist had thought this through and come prepared.

Lavi wanted it. Lavi wanted him.

Tyki smirked. His heart felt as though it was expanding inside his chest, an inexplicable happiness rising within him at the thought. He resumed shuffling, mind playing back images of the redhead under him, above him, crying out in ecstasy.

Soon he would get to see that again. He shivered once in anticipation as he began to deal the cards.



Next (friends-locked)

lucky, yaoi, tyki, lavi, fanfiction, poker

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