50 Lovelier Lucky Drabbles, Part 2

May 15, 2009 20:20

Title: 50 Lovelier Lucky Drabbles
Author: Bookkbaby
Rating: Everything from K to M
Warnings: YAOI, lime, lemon implied, rape, character death, fluff
Summary: YAOI Lucky Pair, LavixTyki. 50 more drabbles for Bookman Junior and the Noah of Pleasure. There's angst, fluff, dark!drabbles, AU, in-universe; something for every fan.

Warnings: YAOI, which means BOYS LOVING BOYS. If you dislike that, then the back button is easy enough to find. Please click that and leave. DRABBLES ARE ANYWHERE FROM K to M. You have been warned. Some drabbles are in the present and some are in the past. Some are in universe and some are not. There are LEMON and LIME flavored drabbles and there are RAPE drabbles and CHARACTER DEATH drabbles. You have been warned.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these lovely characters, that honor belongs to Katsura Hoshino. (Though if Hoshino-sama ever has a sale, I call dibs on Tyki… what?) I don’t own anything but a copy of the anime series and all volumes of the manga in English. Please don’t sue

Kudos to the awesome SisterWicked of AssHat Productions (a group I am now a proud member of), who got me started on Lucky and lets me use 'lovely'! Beta’d by Misster Cackles! All remaining mistakes are mine.

50 Lovelier Lucky Drabbles, Part 2

#26 - Goodbye

"Don't come to find me again. We're enemies the next time I see you," Lavi said coldly, not sure whether to despise or be grateful for the training that allowed him to keep his face fixed in a stony, disinterested expression. Tyki stared at him, shock widening his golden eyes for an instant before they narrowed again and the Noah turned away from the redhead.

"I should have known," the brunet said, tone a failed attempt at casual nonchalance. "An Exorcist and a Noah were never-"

Lavi laughed loudly without even a trace of humor.

"'An Exorcist and a Noah'? Don't make me laugh. That has nothing to do with this," Lavi took a deep breath, turning away from the other man. "I'm just sick of this. That's all."

He could hear the Noah turn around again and quiet footsteps approach him. He tensed.


"Don't!" Lavi hissed, hands clenching his elbows almost painfully. "Don't call me that. Just get out of here."

There was a pause, then a sigh and soft footsteps walking slowly away and abruptly fading as his lover walked through the wall rather than use the door.

Lavi let his hands drop to his sides, shoulders shaking with a mixture of rage and pain.

"Are you happy now, you damn Panda?" he whispered to the empty room.

#27 - Hide

Lavi struggled to keep his breathing quiet as he hunched down behind a box inside an abandoned warehouse. He could hear footsteps approaching his hiding place, the sound of heeled loafers echoing off the walls of the large room. The redhead held his breath, taking a firmer grip on the handle of his hammer as the other person - his opponent, the Noah of Pleasure - came closer and closer...

The sound of footsteps stopped not five feet from where he was hidden.

"Come out, come out, little rabbit," the Noah said softly, his voice echoing inside the warehouse. Lavi could hear the quiet flapping of the wings of the many Tease the Pleasure had with him and held perfectly still, heart pounding in his ears.

"The Big Bad Wolf wants to play," the older man continued. The words would have been comical if Lavi had been anywhere else. He took a deep, shuddering breath, careful to keep silent as he prayed that the Noah wouldn't find him.

#28 - Fortune

"If you could have any treasure in the world, what would it be?" Lavi asked curiously, lying on his back and staring up at the slowly moving clouds overhead. His lover sat on the grass next to him and had been watching the clouds as well, but at Lavi's question he turned towards the redhead.

"Treasure, lovely?" he asked. Lavi nodded lazily.

"Yeah. Treasure. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?"

Tyki considered for a moment, looking back up at the clouds. The wind brushed through the grass, the gentle breeze creating the only noise in the small meadow. After several moments, Tyki shrugged.

"I can't think of anything. I already have everything I need." A hand briefly touched Lavi's hair, stroking it gently before it was gone.

The younger man closed his eyes, a soft, contented smile stealing over his face.

#29 - Safe

The hands touching him had killed Exorcists before. The fingers trailing so gently over his chest, the fingers that drew lines of fire that made his lust burn hotter and his longing sharper had wrapped around the hearts of other people and ripped the muscle, still beating, from its owner's chest. Lavi couldn't bring himself to care as those deadly hands slid to his hips and helped position him while his lover shifted above his body. As the Noah thrust in and slid his arms around the redhead to embrace him, Lavi couldn't help but feel safe inside Tyki's hold.

#30 - Ghost

Sometimes, late at night, Lavi thinks he can still feel a pair of hands caressing him or an arm wrapped securely around his waist while a firm chest presses against his back. Then, of course, he wakes up to find his bed empty and cold, only a void where there had once been a beloved person. He always ends up lying awake for the rest of the night, staring at the walls and praying for the day when the ghosts of what used to be would stop haunting him.

#31 - Book

Lavi glared at the book on the top shelf of the bookcase. Though he was reasonably tall, he couldn't reach it even when he stretched and the damn stepladder had been broken just that morning. He growled in frustration, jumping half-heartedly to try and reach the thin volume. His fingertip brushed the spine and, encouraged, he put one hand on a lower shelf and jumped with more enthusiasm, pushing himself up in an attempt to grab the book. His hand brushed it a bit more firmly, but he still couldn't quite reach. He tried again, letting out a surprised yelp as his foot twisted under him upon landing and he began to fall backwards. He shut his eyes, waiting and bracing himself for the inevitable impact.

His eyes opened again moments later and he let out a startled 'oomph' as the impact came a lot sooner and a lot softer than he had expected. Two hands came up to steady him, resting firmly on his hips. When Lavi had his balance again, the redhead turned to look at the man who had stopped his fall. He opened his mouth to say 'thanks', but the word caught in his throat as he saw a flash of dark, wavy hair and a wide, seductive smirk.

"T-Tyki?" he stammered, turning around completely and backing into the bookcase. "What are you doing here?"

The older student smirked, moving closer. Lavi gulped, attempting to back up even further and feeling the hard edges of the shelves dig into his back. Tyki kept advancing until every breath Lavi took pressed his chest more firmly against the brunet. The redhead could smell the light, masculine scent of the older student and he averted his face, looking to the side and trying to ignore the firm warmth of Tyki's body pressed against him.

"I noticed that you were having problems getting a book down, Lavi," the older teen said smoothly. The brunet's breath tickled the younger student's ear as he continued. "Would you like help?"

Lavi shook his head mutely, trying not to inhale too deeply and take in more of the older student's scent and resisting the urge to press himself even closer to the sexy Portuguese teen. Tyki chuckled and the sound reverberated through Lavi's chest.

"Are you sure?" Tyki asked teasingly. He shifted just slightly in a move that could have been accidental but rubbed just right against the younger man's groin. The redhead gasped quietly, hands clenching into fists and nails digging into palms as he resisted his body's urge to thrust against the leg pressing against him intimately.

After a moment, the pressure dropped off and Lavi let himself breathe normally. Tyki pulled back slightly, moving a book into the redhead's line of sight. Lavi blinked at it, confused.

"Is this what you were trying to grab?" Tyki asked. Numbly, Lavi nodded. He automatically accepted the book from the older student when it was presented to him, looking up into the brunet's eyes.

"Thanks," he said quickly, glad when his voice didn't come out shaky or high-pitched. Tyki smirked and the redhead almost melted.

"No problem, little rabbit." The brunet leaned forward, leaning until their noses touched and all the while staring deeply into Lavi's eyes. "If you need help again..."

The older teen's breath moved softly over Lavi's face. The redhead could taste spearmint in the air when he breathed in.

"-then just ask. I'll be more than happy to help." With that, the brunet pulled away completely and began to walk away as if nothing had happened. Lavi stood, frozen in place as he watched the Portuguese teen disappear around another bookshelf. Face red, he turned and began walking away, book clenched in his hands.

#32 - Eye

Tyki slid his hands through the redhead's hair, playing idly with the string that held his boyfriend's eyepatch on. He kept his touches casual, distracting Lavi with a passionate, open-mouthed kiss while his hand purposefully tugged at the knot keeping the damn piece of cloth over the younger teen's eye.

Instantly, as Lavi had done every other time the eyepatch had been threatened, the redhead broke the kiss and shoved away. The younger teen couldn't go very far since Tyki's body was pressing him down into the worn leather couch in the basement of the older teen's home, but the redhead could shove against Tyki's shoulders and push him away. The brunet sighed, propping himself up with his hands so his weight wasn't resting entirely on the redhead's thin arms.

"What's wrong?" he asked, pretending to be concerned and confused even though he knew damn well why Lavi had shoved him away and he was getting sick of being pushed away every time he tried to slip the eyepatch off. The redhead looked away, brow furrowing as some sort of internal dispute took place inside Lavi's head.

"Just... don't touch that, okay? I always ask you to leave it alone, but whenever you think I'm good and distracted-"

Tyki sighed, pressing his forehead to the younger teen's.

"If you really want me to leave it alone, then I will. I just want to see it." He pressed his lips to Lavi's, sighing again more softly when the redhead didn't respond. "What can be so terrible that you won't let me see?"

Lavi shook his head rapidly, pushing away harder. Taking the hint, Tyki sat up and moved off of the redhead's body, allowing the younger teen to sit up and move to one side of the couch. Lavi combed his fingers through his hair nervously, sliding his bangs to cover the black patch of cloth more firmly. Tyki looked away, leaning his cheek into one of his palms and propping his elbow on his knee. He studied his boyfriend, a bit irritated that the mood had been ruined.

"Do you want me to drive you home now?" he asked, careful to keep the sourness out of his voice. He really did love the redhead, even if the younger male frustrated him at times. He knew the other was sensitive about the covered eye, but... was it honestly too much to ask to just see the redhead's face completely free of covering for once?

Tyki watched Lavi absently, expecting a nod. He straightened up when the younger man shook his head. Slowly, Lavi raised his hands to the back of his head, fumbling with the knot to his eyepatch.

"Lavi-" Tyki said, frozen in surprise as he watched the knot come loose under the redhead's trembling fingers. The younger man leaned forward, bangs covering his eyes. The eyepatch was clenched in one pale hand.

"You want to see it, right?" he asked quietly. Tyki nodded slowly, eyes still wide. He could see Lavi swallow thickly.

"Just don't blame me if you don't like what you see," the redhead said in a near whisper. He took a deep breath and turned to face his boyfriend, one hand coming up to sweep aside his bangs so Tyki could clearly see the skin that had previously been hidden from his sight.

He stared, face blank and nonjudgmental as he took in the dark scars surrounding the empty socket. The eyelid was still present in places, but it seemed like most of it had been cut off with surgical precision. There wasn't even enough skin left to hold a false eye in place of a true eyeball, leaving just the dark, if healed, cavern in Lavi's face.

The redhead held still, hand still keeping his hair from covering the sight. He shook slightly, watching Tyki's face for any hint of disgust. The redhead was like a rabbit before a wolf, terrified and unsure where it would be the safest to bolt.

Slowly, cautiously and trying not to scare the younger teen, Tyki moved closer and lifted his hand to gently run a finger along one of the scars. He carefully avoided the socket, not sure whether or not touching it would cause the younger teen any pain.

"How did it happen?" he asked, reaching with his other hand to pull the redhead closer. A small, grateful smile broke out over Lavi's face and he swung his legs over Tyki's thighs to straddle him, dropping his hair and linking his hands together behind the older teen's neck.

"When I was younger, my parents died in a car accident. I don't remember much of them, but I apparently lost my eye then too. My grandfather tells me that the doctors did what they could, but parts had to be removed because of infection. I'm lucky I was so young when it happened - its healed relatively well."

Tyki leaned forward to kiss the corner of the empty socket, keeping the pressure gentle. Lavi moved closer, shifting to capture the older teen's lips with his own. Tyki moved one hand to the back of his boyfriend's head, fingers tangling in red locks and the other slipped to grab the eyepatch from Lavi's hand. The redhead willingly gave it up and Tyki tossed it in the general direction of the coffee table before moving his hand to the small of the younger teen's back and pulling Lavi closer.

#33 - Never

"Did you ever... care for me? Beyond sex?" Lavi asked in a small voice, not looking at the Noah. Tyki snorted inelegantly, making sure to keep his eyes on the Exorcist's bowed head.

"No, never," he said, turning away. "Now be a good little rabbit and leave. I kept you because your body pleased me, but I've grown tired of it."

The redhead flinched at the nickname that had once been murmured lovingly into his ears and was now so cold, just another knife with which the Pleasure could hurt him. Pain and anger mixed and the redhead mustered up all his energy to glare at the Noah's back. The expression was feeble, more pain visible in his eye than he was comfortable with, but the brunet wasn't watching.

"Fine. I'm gone." Lavi turned towards where the alleyway opened up into the street, footsteps at first hard and quick but then softer and slower until he stopped by the mouth of the alley.

"Tyki?" he called quietly, just audible to the older man. Neither turned. "Be safe."

Lavi turned quickly around the corner and broke into a run. Had Tyki been looking, he would have seen the redhead's shoulders shaking. The Noah looked up at the moon, face expressionless. Unbidden, a question Road had asked him once floated to the forefront of his thought.

'"Ty-ki~ have you ever told the truth about anything important?"'

Smiling bitterly, he lowered his gaze to the ground.

"No, never."

#34 - Sing

Inebriation was a wonderful thing. Alcohol, after all, was the best source of courage a man could have, especially if he was going to do something embarrassing, such as proposing to a certain lovely redhead by singing to him at a crowded karaoke bar during happy hour in front of all their friends and relatives.

#35 - Sudden

This battle was unlike any of their others. The Noah would press forward but would dodge more than attack - it was almost as if the Pleasure didn't want to hurt Lavi, though the redhead couldn't understand why. With a frustrated growl, he pressed forward, swinging his hammer with deadly intent towards the older man's head.

His opponent just smirked, instantly disappearing into the ground. Lavi cursed, stopping his momentum as quickly as he could and bringing Ozuchi Kozuchi up in a defensive position. He scanned the area warily, keeping his eye open for any movement - especially on the ground beneath his feet. He knew exactly what Tyki Mikk was capable of and no matter that the Noah didn't seem keen on hurting him this time, he wouldn't bet his life on the continuation of whatever whim the older man's behavior was caused by.

The sound of displaced air above him was his only warning. He looked up, bringing his Innocence up in a block as the Noah came down from above. Lavi cursed as the Pleasure pushed off of the air and dodged his strike, the man landing neatly just in front of the redhead. Lavi tried to back up, aware that the man was too close for him to hit, but the brunet just advanced as well, not letting the distance widen.

Suddenly, Mikk reached out to grab the Exorcist's wrist in a tight grip and yank him forward. Lavi yelped, stumbling into the Noah's firm chest while the older man's other arm wrapped tightly around his waist. He struggled, glaring up at the Noah as he tried to break his wrist free and slam his opponent over the head with his hammer.

Mikk ignored the struggles, quickly moving his head to press his lips to the redhead's in a sudden kiss. Lavi instantly froze, eye widening as the demanding presence against his mouth grew more passionate and a tongue brushed against his lips. He gasped in surprise and the older man took advantage to slip his tongue between the redhead's lips. The Exorcist remained frozen in the brunet's grasp, Innocence falling from his hand and landing on the ground with a dull clang.

When air became a pressing need, Mikk pulled away. He smirked at the shell-shocked redhead, licking his lips slowly and very, very deliberately.

"You taste good, Exorcist," he said, opening his mouth to continue when the distant sound of voices calling for the younger man reached their ears. The Noah frowned a bit, then shrugged and reluctantly released Lavi. "I was going to see if you tasted as sweet in other places, but I suppose that will have to wait."

The redhead just stared, one hand moving numbly to his lips as the Pleasure turned and began walking away as if nothing unusual had happened.

He was still standing like that several minutes later when Lenalee and Allen found him.

#36 - Stop

One of Tyki's least favorite words is the word 'stop' unless it is preceded by a 'don't' and lately his dislike of the word has increased to the point where he only likes it when Lavi is begging 'don't stop' while said redhead is wrapped around him and crying out in ecstasy.

#37 - Time

Time was a really strange thing. It seemed like only yesterday that he and Tyki had been at each other's throats and trying to kill each other and only hours ago that they had first shared a brutal, brief kiss after a particularly intense fight and only minutes ago that Tyki had knelt before him and pulled a ring from his jacket pocket.

As Lavi blinked, dazed, he realized that it had indeed been only minutes ago that the former Noah had asked for his hand and the man was still waiting anxiously for his answer.

#38 - Wash

Tyki was always curious to see who it was that did their laundry. He was certain no one else went through as many sets of sheets as he and his little bunny did; the nickname 'bunny' was not just for show. He hadn't heard any rumors about himself and the Exorcist though he was certain some gossip or another would have found out and spread the story as far as it would go until it was almost unrecognizable and had them both in bed with every other eligible Exorcist.

Imagine his relief when he found out it was a new and improved Komurin that did the Order's laundry and then Lavi's horror when they found out that this Komurin could accurately analyze what had been done on a bed and by whom due to the wrinkling of the sheets and was selling the information to Lenalee's doujinshi group.

#39 - Torn

The Noah breathed deeply, coming back to himself and feeling something sticky, heavy, and wet weighing down his palm. The air was heavy with the scent of copper but no trace of sweat, as though something had just died without much of a struggle. Tyki looked around the familiar hotel room in horror, noting the crimson-splashed walls and the barely disturbed furniture.

He swallowed thickly, refusing to look at his hand or consider what the substance was that was making his glove stick to the back of his hand and refusing to think about what his fingers held so tightly.

"Lovely?" he called out, voice weaker than he had ever heard it. The last thing he could remember was the Earl's malicious smile, the revelation that the man had known all along about his little rabbit, and then Road-


He could recall his niece's cold look, her hand reaching up to press against his forehead and then... nothing. Nothing but darkness and a vague sense of something being terribly, horribly wrong until he had woken up to the smell of blood and a weight in his hand that he wasn't thinking about, could not think about...

A large splash of the crimson liquid drew his attention against his will and his eyes followed the splash down the wall to a heartbreakingly still, pale figure with hair that blended in to the color drying on the walls.

Stunned, Tyki dropped to his knees. The mass he held in his hand fell out, released by numb fingers. It made a wet sound on the floor as it connected with a sickening squish.

His little bunny's heart.

He stared down at his hands in disbelief, unable to look at the corpse of the Exorcist. It wore such a gentle, if pained, smile, even now. The boy's Innocence was still firmly in the holster and shirt was gone, revealing the unmarked though discolored flesh of the boy’s chest. The Noah stared at his hands, breath coming more rapidly and raggedly as he watched Lavi's blood drip from his fingers, the same fingers that had caressed the redhead's skin and brought the boy to the peak of pleasure time and time again...

'"We knew this couldn't last, but if one of us had to go-"'

Tyki shook his head in vehement denial, grabbing at his hair with his hands and feeling the blood soak into the strands as he tried to will the memory away.

'"-I guess it's better that it's me."'

"No, no..." Tyki moaned, still shaking his head as the phantom sensation of their last embrace encircled him.

'"I love you, Tyki."'

"NO!" Tyki screamed, all of his pain and rage and hatred pouring into the cry. He had never known this sense of loss and it tore at him, leaving only a void where there had been warmth, emptiness where his affection had once resided. A gaping hole had been opened up inside of him and it bled and sucked everything else around him into it, allowing nothing to fill it. This was not the kind of wound that simply healed - it was empty and raw and it hurt as though someone were ripping his heart out of his chest, as though someone were taking his lungs and squeezing, squeezing until they were useless masses of flesh and it hurt. He screamed and he screamed and he screamed, letting his cry continue beyond words as tears threatened to run down his face and all he felt was pain.

His throat was raw but he couldn't stop screaming or stop his mind from endlessly replaying images of his beloved rabbit.

His heart was in shreds. All he could see was Lavi; Lavi's smile, Lavi's laugh, Lavi's honest expression when the Bookman apprentice has first said 'I love you' in return. And now, by his own hand, he had-

Tyki screamed, darkness consuming him as he tumbled from sanity and a vine-like pattern grew over his skin. Vines sprouted from his back, encircling his body and he gave himself over to the Pleasure.

If nothing else, the Earl and Road would pay dearly for this. They would pay in blood and pain even if Tyki died in the process.

#40 - History

"What are you studying?"

Lavi looked up from his book and turned towards the familiar voice, smiling as he recognized the man standing just inside the door to his dorm room. He flipped the front cover of his book so the college senior leaning against the closed door could see it.

"Hi, Tyki. To answer your question, it's history. We have another three chapters due next week," he explained, turning back to his book. "I just need to get through a few more pages tonight, if you can wait a few minutes..."

Tyki made a small 'hmm' and began to walk across the floor, his feet making soft noises on the cheap flooring the college had put in. Lavi tuned him out, paying attention to his note-taking once again, but then there was a looming presence at his back and two arms came around the front of his chest, around his shoulders, and pulled him back from the desk. Lavi straightened up, blood firing in anticipation as warm air blew gently passed his ear and teeth bit lightly into the shell before a warm, wet tongue smoothed the mark and traced the sensitive skin lightly.

"I'd rather not wait, lovely. I'm sure I can find ways to distract you if you insist on doing coursework..." A hand began to slip down to cup the redhead through his pants.

Lavi gasped, dropping his pencil onto his desk as the hand fondled him, the motions sending jolts of pleasure through his body. Tyki chuckled, lips sliding down to suck at the redhead's neck. Lavi tilted his head to give the older student more room, hips rocking slowly into the motion of the brunet's hand.

"Do you still want me to wait a few minutes?" Tyki teased, flicking open the redhead's pants with ease born of long practice. Lavi shook his head as the other student's hand dipped below his waistband and wrapped around him firmly, stroking him slowly.

"Now's good too," he managed, putting all thoughts of his history homework out of his mind and turning in his chair to kiss Tyki. The older student moaned quietly in appreciation, letting Lavi's manhood go as the redhead stood up. Slowly, the brunet began to guide them to the bed for an activity much more interesting than homework.

#41 - Power

Lavi had never understood why some people enjoyed being tied up and completely helpless. Why would anyone want to put himself completely at another's mercy, to be totally overpowered and powerless before someone else, no matter how close they were to that other person? It made no sense, but now Lavi thinks he's beginning to understand.

There's something exciting about being totally at Tyki's mercy, something erotic about the way the silk ropes hold his hands to the headboard and keep his legs spread for his lover to rest comfortably in between. The touches the Noah gives him seem hotter when he can't touch himself and the caresses are more delicious when he has to describe in detail so his tease of a lover will do what he wants. There's something strangely empowering about being the one tied up but still calling the shots, of being able to command the Pleasure to lick him or kiss him and having his commands followed.

Being totally helpless isn't bad, not at all, though Lavi still thinks it will be a while before he's willing to wear the blindfold too.

#42 - Bother

It used to bother him when his partners for the night would ask him to stay since the sex was never worth staying the entire night. Only now, as he and the redhead slowly cross the line from partners to lovers, is the question more of an honor and less an unreasonable request.

#43 - God

"Oh God, don't-"

"God doesn't exist here, little Exorcist," Tyki hissed, biting deeply enough to draw blood on the redhead's neck. The bright crimson went well with the yellow-blue flesh of bruising. Lavi cried out in pain, arms jerking against the chain holding his wrists above his head. He strained his muscles and twisted desperately, trying to buck the Noah off of him.

Tyki just laughed darkly. That move had never worked and would never work. He drew away from the redhead's neck and licked his lips, pressing his mouth harshly to the Exorcist's in a move that was less a kiss than a claim. The younger man whimpered, jaw forced open by the Noah's fingers as they dug in to his cheeks. Lavi could taste his own blood on the Portuguese man's tongue and it sickened him, his stomach roiling at his absolute helplessness and the knowledge of whom it was that was claiming him.

Tyki broke away from his lips, hands moving down to shove the Exorcist's knees further apart. Knowing what was coming next and unable to stop it, Lavi turned his face from the sight. Even with his perfect memory, he couldn't remember the last time he had been warm and safe and happy. All he could recall, especially at moments like these, was the cold of this room, the pain of being used and hurt and taken against his will again and again, and the terror of hearing the doorknob turn and not knowing who would be coming to 'play' with him.

"Oh God don't, please don't, not again-"

All Lavi knew was splitting, burning agony and the pain of cuts not fully healed being ripped open. He cried out, trying desperately to tug himself away from the Noah, but his attempts failed just like they had so many times before.

"I thought I told you," Tyki hissed at him again, moaning quietly as he drew back out and slammed inside the redhead. The younger man cried out in pain, mindlessly pleading for someone, anyone, anything to stop what was happening. "God doesn't exist here."

#44 - Wall

Komui blinked, watching Allen as the flustered boy tried to explain why he wanted to soundproof the wall between his room and the room next to his. The white haired Exorcist had dark bags under his bloodshot eyes, proof of many nights spent with little to no sleep.

"I just hear them every night and they keep me awake..." Allen mumbled, silver eyes distant and wide with something that may have been horror or awe. "All night long, all the moaning and screaming and the bed creaking-"

Komui cleared his throat hurriedly. He really did not want a long description of what noises came from Lavi and Tyki's room at night.

#45 - Naked

Tyki smiled at his soon-to-be lover, gently moving the redhead's hands so he could see Lavi's body without any sort of obstruction.

#46 - Drive

Moments like these, with the top of the convertible down and the music playing just loudly enough to be heard easily over the sound of the wind while Tyki drives just over the speed limit to some as-of-yet unknown destination are some of the most peaceful moments Lavi knows.

#47 - Harm

In retrospect, the Earl knew he should have seen this coming. His right hand man, Tyki Mikk, was standing over the redheaded Exorcist's unconscious form, blocking the blow that would have severed the boy's head from his shoulders. The Earl narrowed his eyes at the Pleasure, leaning more of his considerable weight on his sword to try and break through the shield Tyki had created.

"You traitor," he hissed. "Betrayer. Black sheep. Judas."

"I'm sure... you know more phrases than that for what I am... Earl," Tyki bit out, keeping his stance firm even as his arm shook from effort. The golden-eyed man returned the Earl's glare with interest. "But I won't... let you hurt him."

The Earl mentally snarled, shoving off of the shield and pushing both himself and the former Noah back a few feet from where their standoff had been - over the redhead's limp form.

Tyki stood, breathing heavily but ready to jump back to the Exorcist's defense at a moment's notice. The Maker turned, customary smile still in place though it held a new, sharper edge of malice and hatred.

He should have seen this coming ever since the Pleasure had begun failing at missions where he would need to harm an Exorcist. At first it had only been the redhead and the Earl would hardly deny one of his Noah a pet, but then Tyki had started refusing to hurt other humans besides that Exorcist and now-

The Earl snapped his fingers, signaling a retreat.

They would come back.

Oh, they would be back.

#48 - Precious

Tyki lay awake in bed, listening to the soft sound of breathing beside him. A warm weight was curled half on his chest and half at his side, one arm laying gently on his chest and a hand resting over his heart. His arm was wrapped around thin but sturdy shoulders, holding that light, warm weight close to him.

He let his head loll to the side, red hairs tickling his nose a bit as he breathed in the scent of his lover. The Exorcist was deeply asleep by now, cuddled up to him as if this meant something more than a bit of comfort in a large, dirty world. Though Tyki wasn't quite ready to admit it, he hoped that one day he would be able to sleep next to the redhead just like this, cuddled up because it did mean something more.

Until that day, he would take the precious moments where he could pretend and hope that one day it wouldn't just be make-believe.

#49 - Hunger

Lavi kicked off his shoes, walking into his home with a wide smile. Classes were finally done for the week and he could enjoy a nice, relaxing weekend with his lover instead of worrying about what he was supposed to have learned for this or that professor this week.

"I'm home!" he called out, dropping his bag and coat by the wall in the small, eternally open closet. He could hang the coat up later if need be, but he wasn't too worried about it. He could smell some of his lover's excellent cooking and his mouth watered, feet carrying him to the kitchen/dining area. There was no door, just an open doorway to pass through and Lavi eagerly rushed through the space, heart becoming lighter as the stress of the week slid from him like water off a duck's back. He could hear movement in the kitchen, a wooden spoon scraping a metal pan and the sound of something frying. He didn't care what it was - it would taste wonderful. He was already salivating at the thought.

He moved into the kitchen, a huge grin spreading over his face when he saw his lover busy at the stove, the older man stirring what seemed to be a mixture of rice and vegetables with one hand while flipping thin strips of chicken in some sort of breading with the other, frying the meat in oil in a large, flat bottomed pan.

The redhead leaned against the doorway, grin softening to a content smile. The man at the stove turned, smirking at the younger man.

"Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes, lovely," the older man said, indicating his work on the stove. Lavi nodded, moving away from the wall.

"It smells wonderful, Tyki," he said honestly, walking towards his lover for a welcome home kiss. The joining of their lips was brief but sweet, tender and affectionate with only the barest trace of desire. They broke apart, the older humming softly in appreciation. Tyki looked into his younger lover's eyes with a hint of mischief.

"Would you like dinner or dessert first? This will keep until we want to eat it, so if you want dessert now..." The brunet's hands slid low on Lavi's hips, pulling the redhead closer. "-that can be easily arranged. I have some whipped cream in the fridge."

Lavi smiled, opening his mouth to bet the control of the can of whipped cream on a race to the bed, but just then his stomach growled loudly and he reluctantly pulled away from his lover. He blushed slightly, embarrassed by his stomach's opinion on what came first, dinner or dessert. Tyki just laughed.

"Dinner first then."

#50 - Believe

With the words 'I love you' echoing in his ears, he lets himself believe that maybe, just maybe, this can last longer than a 'fling' and last longer than the stupid war that forces them to keep this secret and forces them to steal moments like this, hidden from their friends and enemies by the dark of midnight.

The End

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed these! They were darker than my previous set, but I think I like these better.

Let me know what you thought! For those of you who are reading A Game of Poker, I am working hard on chapter 19 and hopefully I will be able to update regularly or somewhat regularly after I post chapter 18 next week. (I don’t want to post 18 until I’m done with 19, though I should be done with 19 this weekend) Please note that I will not be able to update as frequently as I have been able to in the past, but I will try to update at least once a month. I’ll probably be able to update once every other week. Thank you for your patience.

drabbles, yaoi, tyki, lavi, fanfiction

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