Psychopaths are so high-maintenance. TVD 3x12

Jan 20, 2012 00:46

Oh, Thursdays. You are the most superior of days! I came home today in the worst mood due to general work fuckery, and I was like, that's it, pretty sure it's just gonna be all darkness and villainy from here on out. Gonna grab whatever cat is looking evil-est at the time, find a lair and just . . . send threatening notes to Inspector Gadget, or ( Read more... )

vampire diaries

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bookishy January 23 2012, 01:01:34 UTC
Personally, I'd go with 75% annoyed and 25% bored. xD

This math is absolutely correct.

WORD. It's storytelling magic.

But then it also drives me slowly crazy. So it's a trade-off!


ever_neutral January 20 2012, 08:45:01 UTC
I can't even . . . what was happening with it in the Kiss Outing scene after Elena told him he wasn't invited? Was it a pout? Was it a smirk? WHAT IS THIS THING, A SMOUT?

HAHAHAHA I COULDN'T. I think Damon dropping the kiss bombshell was out of annoyance at Elena snubbing him. These are the games they play~~ She refuses to give him the time of day, so he goes out of his way to disrupt hers. :D

Also, speaking of highly scientific theories . . . I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOUR CERTIFICATES IN SIRE-BOND BREAKING, SIR.

lol, mte.

Also, all the lolz for Alaric's casual "Huh" after the exchange where Damon helpfully pointed out that all of his exes were dead.

Bwaha, that was strange, right? Yet amusing. Guess Ric couldn't be fucked staying mad at Damon.

Was halfway hoping that when Daniel said, "If you want us back, all you have to do is say the word," that Klaus would go, "No, Daniel, you're horrible."

LMAO. I WISH KLAUS HAD SAID THAT. The bitchface would have been magnificent.

Also, as much as I hate to say it, my heart got sort of ( ... )


bookishy January 23 2012, 01:13:07 UTC
LMAO. I WISH KLAUS HAD SAID THAT. The bitchface would have been magnificent.
And now he is dead. *sigh* We will never know.

I sort of felt this way too. A friend suggested that she told Stefan to see how he'd react, which is an explanation I like and suits my theory that those two will get back together in the near future.

I have come to agree with your friend! A part of me thinks that Elena's sudden switch to "I kissed him" was more about her trying to provoke a reaction from an ex she doesn't understand than any sudden willingness to claim agency in it. (Not that I think she doesn't, I just think there's a reason she suddenly pulled it out with Stefan).

"You're better than him" makes me raise my brow a bit, because he has no moral high ground TO SPEAK OF (and you're right, Stefan does have a tendency to try to ~walk away for Elena's "own good" * ), but the second part saved it for me. This line made me angry! Angry brow raises! Because if we're pointing fingers at the most recently active serial killer . . . *points at ( ... )


thunderemerald January 20 2012, 16:24:07 UTC
:: The one thing I can't quite decide if he decided to mention the kiss because he was annoyed/slightly hurt that Elena didn't want him along for the ride, or just because he was bored.

These two things are not mutually exclusive. Well, those plus the ALL ABOUT ME theory, with which I 100% agree.

:: Also, all the lolz for Alaric's casual "Huh" after the exchange where Damon helpfully pointed out that all of his exes were dead.

And a bonus lol for the term "dead-adjacent," which may be my new favorite thing.

:: Attractive Jamie is attractive. Approved as a love interest for Bonnie, pending application and suitable evidence of angst.


:: It does such a good job of making me respect it for not giving into my slavering desire for wish-fulfillment.

So, like, the show is playing hard-to-get, and that totally pushes your buttons? God, that's so messed up! ::jumps on bandwagon::


bookishy January 23 2012, 00:48:37 UTC
These two things are not mutually exclusive.
This is true. I understand all now.

is playing hard-to-get, and that totally pushes your buttons?
I am weak, and it is a tease!

So . . . we sort of failed at getting together today, didn't we? I slept most of the afternoon and then woke up at 4. I hope you had a good one!


savage2003 January 21 2012, 14:11:54 UTC


bookishy January 23 2012, 00:46:18 UTC
HURRAY! This should really help up the show's heart-tearing out count.


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