Psychopaths are so high-maintenance. TVD 3x12

Jan 20, 2012 00:46

Oh, Thursdays. You are the most superior of days! I came home today in the worst mood due to general work fuckery, and I was like, that's it, pretty sure it's just gonna be all darkness and villainy from here on out. Gonna grab whatever cat is looking evil-est at the time, find a lair and just . . . send threatening notes to Inspector Gadget, or something. I HAD ALL THE FEELINGS, AND THEY WERE BAD. I wasn't even that enthusiastic about watching TVD tonight, but then all of a sudden it was eight, and I was like, WELL MAYBE, let's just try it. And then those feelings changed from bad to OMG HAPPY HAPPY BUT KIND OF CONFLICTED.

+++Bonnie took some awesome pills this episode, y/n? First, letting Elena in on the location of the coffins and telling Stefan to deal with it, followed by her truly saintly reaction to finding out about the Damon/Elena kiss considering her feelings for Damon can mostly be summed up as "aneurysm-y." "Was it good?" indeed. Sort of wanted to make Bonnie a crown out of something sparkly at that moment, for not making an already awkward situation more awkward by trying to turn it into something that would make Conflicted!Elena feel even more conflicted. I had watched the web clip of Damon outing their kiss to Bonnie as soon as it was posted and had assumed it was going to be a much bigger deal than she ended up making it, and there was going to be some sort of convoluted way that it ended up being revealed to Stefan. But no--real friends let you tell your ex-vampire boyfriend about kissing his vampire brother on your own time! When they should probably be hustling to try to rescue you from kidnappers!

+++There are more things to talk about right now, and those things are Damon's face. I can't even . . . what was happening with it in the Kiss Outing scene after Elena told him he wasn't invited? Was it a pout? Was it a smirk? WHAT IS THIS THING, A SMOUT? Maybe the true maxim is not if you make a face it will stick that way; it's if you make too many faces, eventually they will all blend into one and you will look like a weirdo. BUT ANYWAY, my highly scientific theories aside, I loved this scene. I did, mainly because I like to torture myself by reading message boards full of opinions that I know are just going to make me indignant, one of which is that everyone on the show is acting out-of-character because they have evolved beyond what the show established in the first fifteen episodes. But then there's this, which was such a perfect example Damon pulling the same crap that he did back in the beginning, gleefully dropping tiny seeds of discontent in the hopes that it would manipulate people into talking ALL ABOUT HIM, it's just the context that's slightly different. Never change, wonderful, manipulative, narcissistic asshat! The one thing I can't quite decide if he decided to mention the kiss because he was annoyed/slightly hurt that Elena didn't want him along for the ride, or just because he was bored.

+++Hate to say it, but the Tyler/Caroline plot this episode sort of made me zzzzzzzzzzzz when it wasn't creeping me out. Caroline's dad just isn't developed enough as a character to be doing all the dark stuff he's been tasked with in these episodes. Also, speaking of highly scientific theories . . . I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOUR CERTIFICATES IN SIRE-BOND BREAKING, SIR.  His whole process seemed just a little slapdash, if you ask me, especially for something that involved Tyler willingly breaking all the bones in his body. Although something has to be said for Tyler and his desperation to fix this and make amends to Caroline if he was willing to trust that guy.

+++Oh Alaric, trying to get your dates drunk at a LUNCH DATE. Also, all the lolz for Alaric's casual "Huh" after the exchange where Damon helpfully pointed out that all of his exes were dead. If Damon really wants to protect his BrOTP with Alaric, perhaps he should just mention that fun fact to Meredith. Can't really tell yet if I like her or not; kind of feel like all the good and speedy healing she's doing by snagging vampire blood is counteracted by the bad that is being done by helping to cover up all the vampire-related deaths that occur in Mystic Falls.

+++YAY, DANIEL THE HORRIBLE HYBRID is back! Was halfway hoping that when Daniel said, "If you want us back, all you have to do is say the word," that Klaus would go, "No, Daniel, you're horrible." Daniel seems especially needy--Tyler is loyal to Klaus, but he doesn't seem to want to loiter around him all the time. I still could use a pamphlet that breaks down the ins and outs. (So You've Been Sired: What to Know).

+++Attractive Jamie is attractive. Approved as a love interest for Bonnie, pending application and suitable evidence of angst.

+++ALL THE POINTS TO ELENA FOR manipulating Jamie's compulsion to her own ends and then knocking him out with the gun. I'm glad they're letting her show off her training, but aren't being too over the top with it. I need a gif. I need a gif. Send it to me at my new email address: Also, as much as I hate to say it, my heart got sort of smooshy on Elena's behalf when Stefan noticed how she's changing.

+++Gah, the Stefan/Elena stuff. The Stefan/Elena/Damon's lips stuff. I don't know how I feel! CONFUSED FEELINGS. At first I was like, "ARGH, Elena, I know you feel guilty about everything, and it's cute, it is, but don't tell him about the kiss, you owe him nothing!" But then I was like, "Hmmmm, but I do like how she said 'I kissed Damon, so okay, Elena keep going." And then Stefan's face was so sad, even with the dimmer switch, and I maybe shipped S/E, just a little bit; but then he got up and walked away without saying anything and I was like, "HEY DOUCHEBAG, GET BACK HERE. SHE JUST DE-SPLINTERED YOUR ENTIRE CHEST, SO I THINK YOU SHOULD RESPECT. I HATE YOU." I am on a ferris wheel of emotion, basically.

But stepping back a little bit from it and to bring up another complaint I see on the message boards about how Elena is moving on too quickly from Stefan, by confessing the whole kit and caboodle to Stefan, Elena essentially turned a Her and Damon thing into a Her and Stefan thing. This made the poor doomed D/E shipper in me a little sad, because it felt like a . . . really big step back on the Damon and Elena Path to Intimacy. But it makes sense. AUGH, this show. It does such a good job of making me respect it for not giving into my slavering desire for wish-fulfillment.

This was never more evident than when Stefan said that Damon didn't deserve Elena . . . and neither did he. On one hand, truer words have never been spoken, and I can somewhat admire Stefan trying to detach from Elena for her own good. On the other hand, guys making decisions for ladies "for their own good" is a trope that always makes me grrrrrrrrrr, not to mention that if Elena were to actually adhere to this and take it to heart, what the hell am I going to watch? Stefan would then owe me a DVD set. It would probably be Dawson's Creek.

+++ALL THIS SAID. The one thing I hated was Stefan's apology for the bridge incident, and Elena's non-reaction. It seems like she has sort of forgiven him for this? In one episode? I call BS. Like, I know that Elena is the Queen of Forgiveness. I have often speculated that if Elena ever becomes a vampire and her essential Elenaness is heightened, first she will just start hugging everybody and then she will say, "I forgive you." And then Caroline will be like, "Elena, that is a dead tree." So.... It's sort of in her nature. But this tension should have really been carried way, way further.

+++Stefan punched Damon in the face. I enjoyed it, much like I enjoy this fanvid to "Grenade," which is four minutes of Damon getting the crap kicked out of him. I offer no excuses.

+++ELIJAH! I am glad he is back, even if it meant the death of Daniel.

Aaaaand now it is 1am. Bed? Bed? Oh, there you are.

vampire diaries

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