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Comments 12

dannylionthe1st May 5 2010, 13:24:51 UTC
OMG! :( This sounds very bad. I loved the first book and was "meh" about the second. I have the other... two or three but can't pick them up yet (and now I don't know if I want to invest my time with them). This sounds HORRIBLE though. I wonder if a fangirl, after finishing the book, is jumping up and down yelling "He took my plot! He took my plot!!1 OMGZ! I love him. Bestest book EVAR!"

P.S. I've always hated Angel (she felt like a Mary Sue from the start to me) but this is like taking it way to far. :(


lycoris_ride14 May 5 2010, 14:07:21 UTC
It would be pretty funny if that were to happen. I wonder if a fangirl would be happy, pissed off, or disappointed if that would happen.

You're right. Angel did seem like a Mary Sue from the beginning. She has like a dozen powers, looks adorable (like an angel), and is super speshul. The only thing stopping her full Mary Suedom is the fact that she isn't the main character of MR.


dannylionthe1st May 5 2010, 14:57:57 UTC
I agree. Angel would have been called a Mary Sue from the beginning if she were the main character (And I wouldn't have bought more books). I had a feeling that JP wanted to make her a bad guy (I don't know why, but I always thought it).

Dude, if I had written a (horrible) fanfic that was similar I would have $.$ for my eyeballs. But, this book makes me sad. I didn't read it, but by your review alone it sounds bad. What are the reviewers on Amazon smoking? Then again, the last couple off things (a book and movie) that I looked up and I KNEW were horrible had major positive reviews.


twistedfriction May 5 2010, 13:30:35 UTC
Despite liking Max/Fang and believing that they should actually be together, I agree with you.

This book blew; it didn't even feel like the same characters. I hat Angel, Gazzy and Iggy annoyed be and Nudge was just...there. But I think my dislike was mostly because of how JP wrote the conclusion. There were a million ways to keep Max and Fang and the Flock together, but I think he just skipped over the possibilities to create more drama.

Ugh. JP has RUINED his own writing. What a sad thing.


lycoris_ride14 May 5 2010, 14:13:16 UTC
"There were a million ways to keep Max and Fang and the Flock together, but I think he just skipped over the possibilities to create more drama." Amen to that. I hated how the flock just kicked Max out like that. And I hated it even more when Max just forgave them a couple of chapters later. I wish she'd just kick Angel's ass.

FANG felt like a rushed book to me. It was as though JP just wrote it for the money. Though I wonder why people at Amazon(dot)com kept on praising this book as the best among the series. The Angel Experiment was the best if you ask me.


chibisah May 5 2010, 15:10:24 UTC
I became dissatisfied with the story halfway through the third book; I didn't think the whole thing with Fang's blog and everyone coming to save the bird children was realistic at all. But I kept reading and thought it had a nice enough ending. Then came the fourth book...Yeah. I never even tried to read another one of the books again after that one. Any Max that actually concerns herself with the environment is, in my opinion, not really Max at all. :/ And I'm glad I stopped! This book sounds horrifying. >_<

I have to admit, I always thought Angel would make a great character IF JP had her turn evil early on, and have her STAY evil - not go back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...And not give her every power known to mankind for no reason. Ugh. He could have handled her character SO much better...:/

And, of course, the reason people keep praising this book is because Max and Fang are all over each other! Because, let's face it, that's all the majority of the fans of the novels care about :/ I personally wouldn't mind some ( ... )


inverarity May 5 2010, 19:18:51 UTC
I've never read any of the Maximum Ride books, but I downloaded a free excerpt from Fang when I got my ereader. It was among the most horribly-written forty pages of text I've ever abused my eyes with.

Does he actually write like that in the other books, too? And people enjoy them? It was like reading a middle school student's creative writing assignment, with the sole saving grace that it was (more or less) grammatical.


d_artagan July 29 2010, 20:32:00 UTC
GOD NO. The first book was brilliant, it was psychological and seemed more like a young adult book that a Twilight/Fanfic crossover.


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crystal_ness May 5 2010, 23:47:56 UTC

... )


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