Fang: A Maximum Ride Novel

May 05, 2010 00:16

Being a kid with wings--constantly on the run--has never been easy, and Max and her flock are getting tenser than ever. First, on a trip to Africa, they meet a mysterious billionaire whose intense scrutiny of the flock makes her fear the worst. Then, a cryptic message from a young girl arrives, warning them "The sky will fall." And as if an impending apocalypse weren't bad enough, canny birdkid Angel makes a dire prophecy about Max's soul mate: Fang will be the first to die.

Max's desperate desire to protect Fang brings the two closer than ever. But can the team weather the storm, or will the turmoil rip them apart for the last time?


When I first read the first book of the MR series I fell in love. It had everything I could ever want in a book - action, comedy, suspense, etc... - I adored it. The second book was even better. The third book was good too. But then came... the fourth book. Then the fifth book. And finally, the worst book that I have ever read, the sixth book. Also known as 'Fang: A Maximum Ride Novel.'

I admit that when JP went all 'Save the ENVIRONMENT' (beginning on the fourth book) on us, I was a bit surprised. But even then I continued reading the series. It was alright. I could hardly remember the fifth book. It was as exciting as a shovel. My god, JP, what in the hell were you thinking? It was at the fifth book that my interest in the Maximum Ride series began to decrease. But not enough to stop me from reading the sixth book though, which I still regret reading.

Let me begin by saying this: "James Patterson has been reading MR FANFICTIONS!" I swear, he has. This book has every cliched fanfic plot I have ever read. Max and Fang lusting for each other (yes, they could not get their hands off each other), the Flock kicking the two lovebirds out because of their being so irresponsible, a new Gary Stu character joins the flock, Angel taking Max's position as leader, Angel joining the mad scientist for some reason; oh yeah, I SO haven't read those in a fanfic before. What really made me think that JP has been reading fanfics is this particular scene in the book:

“… ‘Cause I can sing,” finished Dylan, standing up.
“You were in the rain, I saw you there,” Dylan sang. Angel recognized the words of a song that had been playing incessantly on the radio. “I want to kiss the rain, and your
sorrow, from your hair… .”

... Angel sat back on her lounge chair and grinned. The reporters were eating this up, taking pictures, yelling questions. She was going to ask for more money.
Gazzy jumped up and stood behind Dylan, adding a beat box layer to the song. Iggy began drumming on a table with his hands. Nudge began singing backup and harmony,
the way Angel had heard her do a million times, along with the radio.
“Give me your pain, I can take it.” Dylan jumped up on a bench by the pool and spread his wings. “Give me your heart, I won’t break it.”
“I won’t breeeaak it,” Nudge echoed, her voice sounding great with Dylan’s

Uh....... Yeah, I'm not making this up. Nor did I take this from a fanfic. This really happened in the book. Seriously. I know that JP can let his characters do whatever he wants and all but WTH?! Singing? Really? The Flock oh-so-happens to be talented musicians as well as kick-ass fighters? How convenient. Especially since, other than Gazzy, no one in the flock has ever been mentioned to like singing or could sing or had an interest in music. If Gazzy and Iggy were to pick up some guitars and Total were to suddenly appear with a drum set and the three would rock on with Dylan and Nudge, I would have screamed bloody murder. Really JP? Really?

Oh, and let's not forget Max's amazing dialogue:

I opened my mouth and shrieked, as loud and as wildly as I wanted. “Ohhgodohhnooooiiihitjusthurrrtssssooomuuuch!”





The first two were bearable but 'jeepers?' Would the badass Max really say such a thing? It sounds like something an old guy would say. Hmm... I wonder if JP self-inserted... no, that would be totally mind-scarring.

Oh yeah, and there was this other scene in the book that irked me. It was when Max and Fang went to Las Vegas and... Here:

“Jackpot, Max! Jackpot!” It was Fang, and he was giggling hysterically.

I don't think I need to elaborate more on this.

Other stuff that happened in the book:

A new villain/mad scientist/'good doctor' is introduced. He's Dylan's former pimp BTW.

Angel becomes a full pledge bitch (instead of just a mini-bitch like before), betrays the flock especially Max, teams up with the bad guy (for realz this time), and became my most hated character ever. Oh, and she reveals to us that she has a 'voice' of her own. Yeah, go ahead JP, give the little psycho every cool power there is. In fact, why not give her three more arms, another head, and snakes for hair and still look adorable?

Iggy wants to see again. How unexpected. Speaking of which, Nudge, Gazzy, Total, and Iggy hardly get any screen time in this book. They're just there mainly for background purposes. FANG focuses more on Max and Fang making out and Angel scheming and bitching. And occasionally praising Dylan cos' he's so perfectly awesome. I bet he sparkles.

Fang runs away. Fang gets caught by the new villain (Angel's new sugar daddy). Max cries. Fang dies. Max cries some more. Max revives Fang by stabbing him with a needle. Fang lives. Dylan tries to go emo and attempts to kill himself but fails. Max is happy. But then Fang runs away again. END.

Oh yeah, Total and Akila finally get married. I knew those two could make it. They have so much chemistry between them. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with two dogs, ahem, a dog and a mutant dog getting married. This happened before Fang tried to ran away again so there was a little FAXNESS at this scene.


Max + Fang = Flock annihilation

Angel is a power-hungry, irresponsible, seven year-old

Dylan is a Gary Stu, plain and simple. And he's too robotic.

Fang can giggle. GIGGLE.

Note: I apologize to those who actually enjoyed this book and think of this book as the 'best' among the series. I've read reviews of FANG in Amazon(dot)com and most, if not all, were positive reviews. Meh, to each his own I guess.

scrub my brain, character development fail, kill it with fire, i love this author but what in the world

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