
Feb 01, 2010 11:26

Am I ever going to pass up an opportunity to babble extensively about AWESOME LADIES? The answer is: no, I most certainly am not!

Therefore, stolen from in_the_blue and a few other people by now: name a canon you know I know, and I'll tell you (in no particular order) my three favorite females and why. And then I'll name a canon for you, because I'm just ( Read more... )


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Comments 57

wavesofwood February 1 2010, 18:16:42 UTC


bookelfe February 1 2010, 19:45:20 UTC
DALEMARK oh man okay! Oh this is going to be hard.

Hildrida Navisdaughter: I never stopped loving Hildy - cranky, pompous, stuck-up brat though she is, but I have a fondness for cranky, pompous, stuck-up brats. And I love her determination, and how even though in many things she's selfish she always puts her brother first, and that she somehow miraculously grew a kind of moral code even with the upbringing she had. And I spend a lot of book 4 fanwanking her behavior to make sense, because yes, she's acting awful to Mitt at that point, but . . . kids are allowed to go through phases of being awful, and I do believe she has reasons for it.

Maewen Singer: OH MAEWEN. How can anyone not love Maewen? Partly because she's a reader stand-in, totally - an Ordinary Girl dropped down into the middle of this crazy story - and partly because she knows how history goes, and she just has to hang in there until it comes out properly, and because she yells at Mitt and Moril to get their heads on straight and she's got such good sense at heart ( ... )


wavesofwood February 1 2010, 20:01:55 UTC
Hildy-- Oh, man, see, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy Hildy at first! I can't remember why, now, but needless to say I got to the part where she draws Wind's Road and tears it in two, and writes Ynen on one piece and Hildy on the other, and then crosses her name out and writes Ynen again, and I loved her wholeheartedly from that point onwards. I love her because she's so stubborn and determined and kind of an idiot sometimes because of that, and I was really sad by her behaviour in Crown of Dalemark. I pretty much fanwanked it away too-- "She's caught up in being at boarding school! She'll sort it out eventually!"

Maewen-- OH MAEWEN♥ Maewen is sort of my favourite! She's so sensible, and she tries so hard to put everyone at ease when they're all busy hating and mistrusting each other! And I love her for inciting the miners (were they miners?) to strike, and for almost saying "I'm in love with--" when Al asks her for a truth, and for her "nervous, freckly look ( ... )


bookelfe February 1 2010, 20:25:49 UTC

And YES the boat scene is one of my favorites <333333 Hildy. (My personal fanwanking for Hildy is that she knows Mitt has a crush on her, and she kiiiiiiind of sort of has a crush on him too and HATES IT, and, because she's a ridiculous teenager, she decides to make it go away by being AWFUL to him so he will stop being soppy and things can go back to normal. Clearly that will help everything sort itself out! BEST PLAN.)

And also yes to everything else too. *_* How is everyone in Dalemark so awesome? LADIES ESPECIALLY.


elspeth_vimes February 1 2010, 18:26:45 UTC
The Sun Sword!


bookelfe February 1 2010, 20:44:32 UTC
That is HARD. Because there are like a million characters and they are all awesome ladies! :O

Serra Teresa: How do have absolutely zero official status and still manage to completely manipulate the fate of an entire empire? BY BEING AS BADASS AS SERRA TERESA, THAT IS HOW. (Which means that no one else can, except possibly Serra Diora.) What I love most about her, though, is after all that badassery, in the end she's completely capable of throwing it all away and picking up a different life when it becomes necessary. Because that is possibly the most hardcore of all.

Finch: Yes, I love Jewel . . . but I possibly am starting to love Finch even more, for trying so hard to BE Jewel, and for "What Would Jewel Do? . . . aside from be a jerk, but OTHER than that." And for trying really hard to stand up for herself against some terrifying and powerful people! I am so looking forward to seeing more of her.

Serra Maria: Another minor character who I love unreasonably! I am so fascinated by her, and how on earth she has managed to ( ... )


elspeth_vimes February 2 2010, 03:18:10 UTC
Excellent choices, all! Of course, it is kind of impossible to find non-awesome women in that series, and kind of impossible to choose just 3!

And you give me a very hard choice! I shall choose a few who I feel deserve more love (not that Nina, Yukiji, or Uran do not deserve love! but I think they get it fairly often).

From Monster, we have Lotte! Because more Lotte is needed. I love her smarts, her mad research skills, and the fact that she does really cool things simply because she likes people and wants to help them out, whether they realize they need the help or not! She can be sneaky, sly, and mischievous, but all in the name of good things like making sure a massive fortune goes to the rightful heir! And the way she falls for Karl is really sweet and I know they eventually end up together because anything else is unacceptable.

From 20th Century Boys, we have Koizumi Kyoko! ...And because my copy of volume 6 is lent out, I don't know if you've met her yet or not. But I love Kyoko! She is a ditzy teenager who does things like ( ... )


bookelfe February 2 2010, 19:38:19 UTC
MINOR CHARACTERS YAY! You know how much I love Lotte. *grins* I have not met Kyoko, but from your description I am fairly positive I will love her LOTS. *_*

Hee hee sure, why not! It is not like Otherland does not have lots to choose from. :D

Sam Fredericks: Oh, like this was going to be a surprise. Sam is pretty much my favorite character in the books! Because she really has no backstory angst - she's got all the necessary social skills, a supportive family, and so on - but she feels like she wants something more out of her life, even though she doesn't know what yet; because she thinks making gender a big deal is kind of stupid; because she read Lord of the Rings and didn't tell Orlando, but she knows she's totally the Sam. I love how at first that plotline is totally all about Orlando, but in the fourth book it becomes Sam's story. (I also love the fact that she's biracial, and it's not a big deal or a source of massive angst or whatever. And one of the things I love about Otherland is that it is not a story full of ( ... )


agentclaudia February 1 2010, 19:01:20 UTC


bookelfe February 1 2010, 21:13:41 UTC
Ohhhh a wealth of options here! And I am going to go with some unpopular ones, because I am contrary like that. >:D

Cordelia Chase: OH CORDY. How so awesome! I am a total sucker for the bitchy-girl-turned-awesome-heroine trope - that girl who may be a jerk, but you know what, in face of peril, she continues to be a jerk who does what needs doing and also is a jerk to the bad guys, and thus proves her bona fides of hardcoreness. I loved how she did not care enough to tell the nice little lies to each other that everybody else did, and that she might not have actually liked the Scoobies all that much, actually, but that doesn't stop her from fighting evil anyway.

Tara: What I love most about Tara is how, once she comes out of her shell a little, she is so quietly sane. When everyone else in season six is running around digging themselves deeper and deeper into their own little unhappy holes, Tara gets herself out of an unhappy situation and keeps on living her life. She's calm, but she's got massive amounts of backbone. Also I ( ... )


agentclaudia February 1 2010, 23:28:05 UTC
Kate:: I just finished rereading The Taming of the Shrew, which can be read many different ways, many of which are horrible and antifeminist. But I decided to read it in the least horrible and antifeminist way I can think of, in which Kate is just too witty and smart and awesome for the patriarchy, and is the only person who knows that Bianca is a big fat fake, and has a low bullshit tolerance, and this is why she has turned into such an unhappy and constantly-spoiling-for-a-fight person by the beginning of the play. And then she and Petrucchio basically team up to fuck with everybody once he out-insanes her, and that whole horrible speech about obedience at the end is basically the same shit Kate was doing right at the opening of the play--which is becoming the center of attention by talking way more than Elizabethan women were supposed to talk, and scolding Bianca--only this time they have successfully conned everyone into thinking that it's totally awesome. And they make a lot of money!

Mistress Ford and Mistress Page from The ( ... )


bookelfe February 2 2010, 19:20:39 UTC
Emilia is totally one of my favorite Shakespeare characters ever. I got to play her once for a class project and it was AWESOME - I am kind of sad I've forgotten that monologue she has about double standards for men and women, because it is amazing.


oneechan19 February 1 2010, 19:39:33 UTC
Avatar the Last Airbender!


bookelfe February 1 2010, 21:22:16 UTC

Toph: TOPH IS AWESOME. EVERYBODY BETTER RECOGNIZE. FULL STOP. She is literally the most badass person on the show, quite probably the most badass person IN THE WORLD, and also the most hilariously cranky twelve-year-old in existence. <3333 This combination is like my kryptonite! Every time she punches Sokka in the shoulder in a manly way because she can't admit she liiiiikes him, my heart grows three sizes. Every time she and Katara bond over Toph's secret secret inner angst, my heart grows FOUR sizes. Every time she reminds them all for the umpty millionth time that SHE CAN'T ACTUALLY SEE THE POSTER YOU'RE UNFURLING, my heart grows FIVE SIZES!

Mai: I love Mai, and I love her extra because for some reason there are large portions of fandom that are bizarrely anti-Mai. How can you hate Mai! I love her hilarious deadpan, and how she is almost as cool as she thinks she is, and her FIVE MILLION KNIVES, and how she doesn't hate Zuko, and how, in the end, the fate of ( ... )


oneechan19 February 2 2010, 04:31:44 UTC
I will admit: I'm one of those who does not have a lot of Mai love. I only really started to sort of like her when she helped Zuko, Sokka, and Suki escape the prison island.

FMA! SO MANY CHOICES. I think I have to start with:

Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye: She is just AWESOME from the very beginning. She's loyal to Mustang, yet she will TOTALLY undermine him, especially if he's being stupid. It's only chapter seven where she's knocks his feet out from under him, saving him from Scar's hand, and he's, "What was THAT for?!" and she goes, "You're useless on rainy days." and the USELESS hits him like a ton of bricks. Plus so many other awesome things she's done. She potty trained her dog by scaring him with a gun! SO MUCH LOVE.

Izumi Curtis: How could anyone NOT think she's awesome? The first thing she does when she first meets young Ed and All is throw a bed at them! She beats up the baddies, then throws up blood, then continues beating them up! She and her husband are total badasses, then they hug and have hearts around them and are all "I ( ... )


bookelfe February 2 2010, 19:16:46 UTC
The more I read/see of FMA, the more Hawkeye becomes one of my favorite characters OF ALL TIME. <333333 I love her to a ridiculous degree. But I love everyone else too! WHICH IS WHY I HAD TO MAKE A WHOLE POST ABOUT THEM. *cough*


I don't have an appropriate icon uploaded yet genarti February 1 2010, 19:41:42 UTC

(It's that or Inda. :D)


Re: I don't have an appropriate icon uploaded yet bookelfe February 1 2010, 21:41:46 UTC
DUDE IT'S NOT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW ALREADY *giggling* (Alternately: EVERYONE in the Awesome FMA Ladies Post I made a week or two ago.) But OKAY I guess I can bring myself to babble anyway

Lt. Riza Hawkeye: GOSH WHAT A SURPRISE do I have to rehash everything we have been saying in email all day week THIS PAST LONG TIME. *cracking up* But for the benefit of anyone else who might be interested: Riza is so awesome! She is a HARDCORE ACTUAL GROWNUP PERSON who TAKES RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER ACTIONS; it is not that her only choice is to revolutionize the world, she does have other choices, but it's the only way to live with herself. <3333333 Haaaaaaawkeye.

Izumi Curtis: Izumi is so incredibly badass! But besides that, as I have said before also and will say again: dude, where else in fiction have you ever seen a disabled woman with an incredibly strong and happy marriage be the single most hardcore person in the universe? Susannah probably qualifies, but I think that's it.

General Olivier Milla Armstrong: It breaks my heart not to ( ... )


I have an appropriate icon now! genarti February 2 2010, 23:17:51 UTC
Well I was curious which three you would pick! THERE ARE SO MANY AWESOME ONES TO CHOOSE FROM. Although I do admit that none of these choices surprise me at all. But some of them could've gone otherwise. :p

Utena: ummm. See, I am handicapped because web_of did the same canon up there, and she picked awesome ones, and I am torn between agreeing with her entirely or picking different ones partly out of pure contrariness!

Anthy: She starts out such a cipher -- and she stays one, in some ways, but she's so complicated, and there's a young woman under all that weight of role and allegory. I love her for her spite and her stubbornness and her cruelty and the way she giggles at elephant flip books and adopts snails. I love that she starts out being the damsel, and turns out to be the witch who wouldn't be a princess, and turns out to just be Anthy.

Juri: She is so messed up. So messed up. And she knows that so is everyone else around her and so is the system, but she can't break out of it anyway. She's in love with a dead guy and a ( ... )


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