
Feb 01, 2010 11:26

Am I ever going to pass up an opportunity to babble extensively about AWESOME LADIES? The answer is: no, I most certainly am not!

Therefore, stolen from in_the_blue and a few other people by now: name a canon you know I know, and I'll tell you (in no particular order) my three favorite females and why. And then I'll name a canon for you, because I'm just ( Read more... )


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elspeth_vimes February 1 2010, 18:26:45 UTC
The Sun Sword!


bookelfe February 1 2010, 20:44:32 UTC
That is HARD. Because there are like a million characters and they are all awesome ladies! :O

Serra Teresa: How do have absolutely zero official status and still manage to completely manipulate the fate of an entire empire? BY BEING AS BADASS AS SERRA TERESA, THAT IS HOW. (Which means that no one else can, except possibly Serra Diora.) What I love most about her, though, is after all that badassery, in the end she's completely capable of throwing it all away and picking up a different life when it becomes necessary. Because that is possibly the most hardcore of all.

Finch: Yes, I love Jewel . . . but I possibly am starting to love Finch even more, for trying so hard to BE Jewel, and for "What Would Jewel Do? . . . aside from be a jerk, but OTHER than that." And for trying really hard to stand up for herself against some terrifying and powerful people! I am so looking forward to seeing more of her.

Serra Maria: Another minor character who I love unreasonably! I am so fascinated by her, and how on earth she has managed to ( ... )


elspeth_vimes February 2 2010, 03:18:10 UTC
Excellent choices, all! Of course, it is kind of impossible to find non-awesome women in that series, and kind of impossible to choose just 3!

And you give me a very hard choice! I shall choose a few who I feel deserve more love (not that Nina, Yukiji, or Uran do not deserve love! but I think they get it fairly often).

From Monster, we have Lotte! Because more Lotte is needed. I love her smarts, her mad research skills, and the fact that she does really cool things simply because she likes people and wants to help them out, whether they realize they need the help or not! She can be sneaky, sly, and mischievous, but all in the name of good things like making sure a massive fortune goes to the rightful heir! And the way she falls for Karl is really sweet and I know they eventually end up together because anything else is unacceptable.

From 20th Century Boys, we have Koizumi Kyoko! ...And because my copy of volume 6 is lent out, I don't know if you've met her yet or not. But I love Kyoko! She is a ditzy teenager who does things like ( ... )


bookelfe February 2 2010, 19:38:19 UTC
MINOR CHARACTERS YAY! You know how much I love Lotte. *grins* I have not met Kyoko, but from your description I am fairly positive I will love her LOTS. *_*

Hee hee sure, why not! It is not like Otherland does not have lots to choose from. :D

Sam Fredericks: Oh, like this was going to be a surprise. Sam is pretty much my favorite character in the books! Because she really has no backstory angst - she's got all the necessary social skills, a supportive family, and so on - but she feels like she wants something more out of her life, even though she doesn't know what yet; because she thinks making gender a big deal is kind of stupid; because she read Lord of the Rings and didn't tell Orlando, but she knows she's totally the Sam. I love how at first that plotline is totally all about Orlando, but in the fourth book it becomes Sam's story. (I also love the fact that she's biracial, and it's not a big deal or a source of massive angst or whatever. And one of the things I love about Otherland is that it is not a story full of ( ... )


elspeth_vimes February 3 2010, 03:23:21 UTC
LOTTE FOR GREAT JUSTICE. And I am fairly sure Kyoko will be turning up in volume 7!

I think Otherland is a great guide for how to Do Things Right. It's not perfect, but damn it pulls off so much so well.

And now I desperately want a t.v. show about Calliope (and her poor partner)! It would be so good. *_*

Now for Sunshine!

Rae Seddon: Obviously I absolutely love Sunshine. She's sane, kind of geeky, and just tries to do the right thing on principle. She's not an epic hero, she's too sane to want that. What she wants is to exercise her mad baking skills and to read her fantasy fiction, and that is awesome. She's among the most human of protagonists I've ever encountered. I relate to her enormously.

Sadie: Sunshine's mom is badass. She didn't just have the guts to completely cut ties with her family in order to ~follow her heart~, she had the guts to take her daughter and leave with no support from anyone when the guy turned out to be a controlling jerk. She's ended up with a good place in life because she's worked for it, and no ( ... )


bookelfe February 3 2010, 15:52:09 UTC
VOLUME 7 COME TO ME. *attempts to speed up publication schedule by sheer mental will*

Yeah - it's definitely not perfect, but there's a lot of things that it does incredibly well. (It amazes me more because I have yet to be that impressed by anything else Tad Williams has written. Where did Otherland come from, Tad Williams! And where did it gooooo. D:)

That is one of the amazing thing about Sunshine, is how incredibly relatable she is! And I loooove her relationship with her mom, messy as it can sometimes be.

OH MAN but how can I talk about awesome female characters without spoiling you? D: Because the third book has some awesome ones. I will try to be vague . . .

Yoko: UM HOW MUCH DO I LOVE YOKO. I LOVE YOKO SO MUCH I WROTE A WHOLE LJ POST ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE HER AND IDENTIFY WITH HER. THAT IS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOKO. I mean BASICALLY she is one of my favorite fantasy heroines of all time, because it's not easy, and because of how much she grows, and because even though she had no real connections at home she still ( ... )


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