
Feb 01, 2010 11:26

Am I ever going to pass up an opportunity to babble extensively about AWESOME LADIES? The answer is: no, I most certainly am not!

Therefore, stolen from in_the_blue and a few other people by now: name a canon you know I know, and I'll tell you (in no particular order) my three favorite females and why. And then I'll name a canon for you, because I'm just ( Read more... )


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Comments 57

web_of February 1 2010, 16:42:53 UTC
Princess Tutu! Because nothing says badass like a tutu.


bookelfe February 1 2010, 17:02:09 UTC
Princess Tutu, I am ashamed to say, is pretty easy for me because even though there are lots of awesome ladies there are clearly some that hold special places in my heart.

Rue: After several rewatches, Rue has become completely my favorite character in the series. She's so complicated, and she grows so much, and there's so much she gives up - I love how human she is deep down, and how her friendship with Duck is ultimately as important as her relationship with Mytho (even though she's never talked to another girl like this, she doesn't think she hates it!) and how the one thing she knows how to do is love, and every time I hear "The Dying Swan" these days, I have to stop and go RUUUUUUUUUUE in my heart.

Duck: Of course I adore Duck! Drosselmeyer's Mary Sue who destroys the script and thwarts tragedy single-handedly, just by real person who cares about everyone and not just the pretty boy she's supposed to be in love with. I love her terrible taste in clothing (DUCK PANTS) and her amazing Fakir impressions and how very, very hard ( ... )


web_of February 1 2010, 19:17:42 UTC
Aaaaa, Utena is kinda hard since there are so many awesome ladies to choose from!

Anthy: I love how Anthy changes, so very subtly, over the series, and how you get that little 'ohsnap' moment when you're rewatching and realize what she must've actually been thinking. I love how, despite being sympathetic in the end, she is still not completely a good person. And it's understandable that she isn't! And I love so much her giant fuck you to Akio at the very end.

Utena: You can't watch this series and not love Utena. She's completely awesome, in ways that I'm sure I don't have to explain. But what I love most about her are those little peeks at fucked-upedness we get as the series progresses, ultimately culminating in a complete deconstruction of her beliefs.

Nanami: Nanami is completely hilarious, for one thing. From her first appearance she is pretty much the best scheming Mean Girl ever. But out of all the characters in Utena, I think she's the one that grows the most, and, is, in a sense, the normalest out of the bunch. Compare her ( ... )


bookelfe February 1 2010, 20:15:49 UTC
That is one of the many reasons I love Utena! *_* In the end, it is ALL ABOUT the ladies, including the three that you mentioned who are ALL AMAZING. (And man, I keep thinking I have an Utena icon and realizing I don't. One day soon I will have to remedy this. :O)


futuresoon February 1 2010, 17:04:20 UTC



bookelfe February 1 2010, 17:18:28 UTC
Baccano! is so hard! TOO MUCH AWESOME AND I LOVE THEM ALL @_@

okay okay okay um

Rachel: I LOVE RACHEL OKAY. She is the Biggest Damn Hero ever to not appear in the opening credits. I love how she just kind of casually rescues everybody without even breaking a sweat, AND ALSO how she totally ends up having lunch and giving romantic advice to the most feared assassin in the world, ALSO without breaking a sweat. And also her inexplicable fashion choices. (Why army fatigues? WHY NOT.) Even the editor of the Daily Days thinks she is the most hardcore! If I end up requesting Baccano! for Yuletide next year I am totally requesting Rachel fic, because it needs to exist.

Nice Holystone: oh like you didn't know this was coming. NICE. She keeps a bomb in her eye socket! Do I even need to say anything more! And she totally does not even care about who sees her scars by this point; she is awesome and self-confident and totally in charge of a gang of amazing bootleggers. (Yes, Jacuzzi is technically in charge. But we all know who ( ... )


futuresoon February 1 2010, 17:26:59 UTC
EXCELLENT CHOICES ALL. One of the things I love most about Baccano is the ridiculously high number of awesome ladies! Awesome ladies who get to do awesome things and are not looked down upon or oversexualized! (Nice may like to show off her cleavage, but that is more because she is Confident With Her Body rather than using it as a tactic to get what she wants, and also nobody ever comments on it anyway.)



bookelfe February 1 2010, 17:37:31 UTC
Me toooooo. I mean, there is a ridiculously high number of awesome characters in general . . . but so many of them are ladies! *_* (Exactly! There is that one awkward moment with Jacuzzi and Miriacleavage, but other than that I can't really think of anything fanservicey at all. Also, let's face it, Nice's outfit is AWESOME.)



minkhollow February 1 2010, 17:16:11 UTC


bookelfe February 1 2010, 17:45:56 UTC
Discworld is haaaaaard. Um, this will totally be influenced by the fact that I read Unseen Academicals most recently. But yes.

Lady Sybil Ramkin: Lady Sybil IS. AMAZING. She's so warm-hearted and practical and freaking badass when it counts, and I ship Sybil/Vimes enormously. The city's whole hospital is named after her! FOR GOOD REASON. Someday, I would love a book where Lady Sybil and not Vimes gets to play the major active role - she's completely capable of it, and when Young Sam is a little older you know she will be charging back into the fray. (And now I want to reread Guards, Guards!)

Susan Death: When I was younger I always loved the Susan books best; now I think I love the Guards books a little more, but that does not detract from my belief that Susan is made of pure awesomesauce. I love her development from wannabe-goth teen to most sensible schoolteacher ever, I love the poker under the bed, and every time she and her grandpa have a heartwarming reconciliation I am full of joy.

Glenda Sugarbean: I fell in love ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

bookelfe February 1 2010, 17:50:46 UTC
Zoe Washburne: Who is surprised that Zoe is my favorite? NO ONE is surprised. The deadpan snark, the utter loyalty, the complete and utter badassery . . . the only complaint I have about Zoe is that she was never given enough screentime or a story of her own, and if I have one dearest sorrow about Firefly being cancelled, it's that now we'll never get it. (Not that we necessarily would have anyways . . . but we'll never know now.)

Patience: Okay she appeared for all of one episode. But dammit, I love a lady who is willing to shoot off Mal Reynolds' kneecaps. (I love Mal too! But there is something about Patience's cheerful amorality that I seriously adore.)

Kaylee: I think Kaylee was my first exposure to the cheerful girly mechanic archetype, and it was so exciting! And I remember being really, really happy to have a character who was not hardcore-badass and who liked frilly dresses and girly things but was still competent, a character who I could identify with ( ... )


blacksheep91 February 1 2010, 17:33:39 UTC
I don't know if you know, but I'll ask anyway:

Hana Yori Dango. (The LA drama preferably.)


bookelfe February 1 2010, 17:52:42 UTC
I actually do not know it! I saw a few episodes of the Korean version (Boys Over Flowers), but not enough to really get a sense for any of the characters except, like, the main three. Pick again?


blacksheep91 February 1 2010, 18:37:19 UTC
Already had a back up. ^^ (And that's a shame! Nearly all the female characters are made of awesome!)

Sheeeeerlock Holmes.


bookelfe February 1 2010, 20:10:16 UTC
Oh man, it has been too long since I read the short stories!

Irene Adler: Of course Irene Adler has to be up here (story-canon, specifically, though movie-canon Irene is cool too.) She's the only person, let alone woman, who ever turned the tables on Holmes! And moreover, she does it with such good humor, and such class. (And cross-dressing! You know my feelings about cross-dressing, and they are a+++ at all times. :D)

Mary Morstan: I love both movieverse and short story-verse Mary; she is a cool, classy, sensible lady, who totally gets that occasionally her husband has to run around having ADVENTURES. (And once had an ADVENTURE of her own! And I hope if there are movie sequels that we will get to see Mary being clever and active and full of agency. It is my dearest wish!)

Mrs. Hudson: She puts up with SO MUCH from her tenants. You have to sympathize. D: How she has not yet kicked them out is an EXCELLENT question. And yet nonetheless (in book-canon at least) she is unfailingly polite and very sweet! I am awfully fond ( ... )


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