Letters: Part fifteen

Jun 06, 2007 00:12

Title: Letters: part fifteen
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: post the break-up
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters belong to Joss Whedon
Word count: 1452
Comments: A series of letters between Jayne and his Ma. Pre-series to way past the BDM. Previous chapters here. The companion series Corresponding Read more... )

jayne, letters, ocs, crew

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Comments 8

troy_gal June 5 2007, 18:11:20 UTC
I may be wrong about this, but I get the feeling that Simon and River will want to take Ellen up on her offer. Ms. Tam is quite taken with Jayne's brother, and the good doctor probably wants to spare Kaylee his presence.


bookaddict43 June 6 2007, 12:17:13 UTC
Simon can be quite chivalrous sometimes even for the wrong reasons. I'm not sure what's going to happen with these two now - it's the variable that are interesting.


anxiety_junkie June 5 2007, 19:33:21 UTC
Mal aint good at being thanked hes better with yelling.

Hahahaha! So true. *g*

Okay, I'm starting to get upset worried; I don't want Simon to leave Serenity! Because you know River will not go if he does, she won't like being planet-bound. *sigh*


bookaddict43 June 6 2007, 12:14:22 UTC
Don't be upset! *pets you* Things aren't quite as bad as they seem. I figure Mal responds much better to yelling than gratefulness LOL!


ladytalon1 June 5 2007, 20:24:08 UTC
lol, "I ain't cuddling Moonbrain" XD You tell her, Jayne - Kaylee's the one you need to be cuddly with in dark corners ;)

See ya later, Simon - don't let the ramp close on you on your way out. And LOL again at River listening to the rugs and Jayne having some rich lady sniffing around him so she can add another notch to her bedpost *wouldn't mind being a notch on HIS*


bookaddict43 June 6 2007, 12:12:18 UTC
You have Jaylee on the brain, I'm soo glad :) Thanks for the lovely comment *twirls you*

I'm going to be the notch first cause I'm older and wrote the fic!


mercsgoodgirl June 6 2007, 13:59:34 UTC
Hey, Bookaddict, I'm even older'n you are. Does that mean I can go to the head of the line? 'Sides, ladies, I suspect there's more'n enough Jayne to go around!

(Things "talk" to me. Does this mean I'm a moonbrain, too?)


ceslas June 10 2007, 01:55:32 UTC
*Phew...wipes brow* Finally got here!...been a looonnnggg week...

Jayne, cuddling! Hell yeah! And with River? Excellent >;0) Good Ma Cobb...

Come on by now Kaylee gotta be seeing the wonderfulness that is Mattie- and less grumpy too >;0)


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