Letters: Part fifteen

Jun 06, 2007 00:12

Title: Letters: part fifteen
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: post the break-up
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters belong to Joss Whedon
Word count: 1452
Comments: A series of letters between Jayne and his Ma. Pre-series to way past the BDM. Previous chapters here. The companion series Corresponding Notes is here.

Dear Ma, Weren’t nothing wrong with us the fella had no money and wanted to get back to Greenleaf. He didnt tell Mal that when he took the job though hun dan. Kaylee likes the black and the ship thats how come shes still here. The whorehouse is a real mess we might be here awhile helping. Doc still aint talking, everyone else is fine. The scarf you knit is mighty fine I gave your presents around the girls gushed something awful. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, River sent a capture of everyone wearing my gifts you do look fine. Youre thinner though boy am I right? You keep quiet youre doing fine Rivers going to talk to her brother. Kaylees finished that job at the mines and as well as helping with the flowers is working in Booral now. You must help your friends we can wait and maybe the longer it is the easier itll be for Kaylee. Please tell me you aint taking payment in trade again Jayne? Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Im thin cause I werent allowed to eat much till my stomach healed. Doc says Im healthy dont worry. Whats Kaylee doing in Booral now? That ride aint safe you know. I aint trading this time were just working we near on got the house finished. Next were going to town the Reavers really wrecked the place. Itll be another coupla weeks before we move on. Lucky we got some savings cause we aint earning. I cant send coin but made this for you. Hows Mattie? Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Dont worry bout the coin were doing fine. Im glad to hear youre ok I worry you know. Kaylees fixing machines at the new shoe factory one of the Prince boys works there and rides with her every day. Shes safe boy wed never let anything happen to her. My flowers are coming on good the tools you made are gonna be well used. Matties doing good still Im so happy bout that. You eating ok now? Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Im back to eating whatever I like. The Doc says my diet would kill most folks.but I ignore him. We finished at the town and the whores threw us a send off party it gave Mal an uncomfortableness. Nara lined up another job smuggling rugs or some such its gonna pay good. Crazy wants me to send this for Mattie. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Why was the Captain uncomfortable? You always did eat whatever was going and stayed healthy. Still you should listen to Simon hes a doctor. Kaylee still aint happy but she puts on a good front. Having that kitten is good for her hes a real mischief and loves her so much. What sort of rugs boy? The things you do fascinate me. Weve got everything ready to go for the wedding all we need is our guests. Look after yourself Jayne. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Theyre some sorta ancient rugs Nara says were taking them to Bellerophon for some rich core fella. The girl got all excited bout them talking bout stories to be told. She stands there like a statue and says shes listening to them its downright creepyfying. Mal aint good at being thanked hes better with yelling. Im fine Ma dont go worrying. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Kaylee told me bout your last visit to Bellerophon I hope this one went better. River does hear things you know be patient with her. Before Kaylee finished in Booral we went to the picture house again I did enjoy it. We didn’t have to pay either the woman there says our girl saved the business. The flowers are growing but we have to keep the kitten out he likes eating leaves. Kaylee and me are making more pretties and we made some sweets hope they travel awright. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, I guess things went awright. I didnt get shocked or threatened by crazy girls this time noone else got hurt and we got paid. I bought boots and something for you. The sweets were good I ate mine afore the others got to them. Nara got us a bodyguard job for a coupla nobs visiting here. This time its Mal has to wear the suit Im doing outside and that suits me. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Hows Serenity? Kaylee misses that boat something awful. Thats a mighty fine gun you sent boy. Mattie set up the target and weve been practising it shoots real straight. Did you leave yourself short sending all those bullets? Rivers upset with Simon. Ive written to her but she needs someone to cuddle her. Theres something you aint saying bout the bodyguarding boy what is it? Love your Mother

Dear Ma, I aint cuddling Moonbrain even if shes Matties girl. I got Nara to talk to her shes good at that stuff . I don’t ask bout the stuff you send. You need all them bullets theyre hard to get and I aint going short. One of the women nobs was sniffing round me is all I hate that kind. The boats fine Kaylee sent another gorramn list Ill be glad when shes back. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Im sorry Im your Ma I gotta ask that stuff. Youre good to me and Mattie I just want to know youre ok. You could cuddle River you used to be good at it you know. What kind I dont understand boy? Kaylees being doing little odd jobs round the place and is going to town with Mattie tomorrow. Mr Thames set up a corner of the shop for her and folks bring in their bits and pieces. Were all gonna miss her when she goes. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, I do awright you taught me good. If I cuddled the girl the Doc would scream maybe I should do it after all. Theres married Core women wanna be sexed by someone from the Rim so as they can boast on it. A least a whores honest bout what she does they mostly aint. Were on our way to pick up the cargo for Higgins Moon we got a coupla jobs in between then were back with you. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Nara wrote to me bout the wedding and Im a mite puzzled. Hasnt Simon said anything bout his plans or breaking up with Kaylee? I think either you or River are gonna have to speak. Otherwise things might get tense and I dont want Kaylee upset shes so looking forward to seeing her family again. Mattie took a capture of us hope you like it. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, The Doc said his piece and everyones up in arms. Mals on his high ropes and says he can leave anytime. The girls like Kaylee bout the boat and dont want to leave. Mal says she dont have to. On top of this we got shot up on the job and Zoë got hit in the leg. Sometimes I wonder why Im still here. You looked real fine in that capture. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Poor Zoë what happened? Having Kaylee here and so busy made me think and I got some ideas. The mine medic died last year and there aint no doctor at Booral the closest is Gowan. If the doc stays some months each year the mine will give him a house. The mine needs a regular freighter too. Add that to the Higgins jobs and you folks could touch down here more often and could maybe stay longer. I know the rest of you love being in the black but some settling aint bad. Your grandfather Cobb’s house is still there. Think on it boy and mention it if you think it a good idea. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, The contact got stupid and tried to keep the money and Zoë got nicked in the fight. Shes already up and limping around thank Buddha. The jobs go smoother when shes around. What does Kaylee think bout your idea and Mattie? Wed still be more in the black than planetside you know. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Im glad Zoes fine she don’t need anymore sadness. Mattie thinks my idea could work he sees lots of need for a doctor. Kaylee likes it here but loves the Black more. I took her out to see the old house she loved it but said almost the same as you boy. The beans died but me and Kaylee are busy canning the peas. We got a bumper crop so since your closer Im sending you a box. Love your Mother

jayne, letters, ocs, crew

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