Corresponding notes: Part twenty-five: Kaylee

Mar 31, 2008 23:41

Title: Corresponding notes: part twenty-five: Kaylee
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Kaylee, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: post the dark corners
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters are the property of Joss Whedon
Word count: 2896
Comments: This series is a companion to the Letters series and is a collection of letters written between ( Read more... )

letters, ocs, crew, kaylee

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Comments 7

anxiety_junkie March 31 2008, 14:30:09 UTC
To prevent my making some horrible social mistake, as you know I am capable of, I’ve asked Ellen to accompany me. I’m sure she will steer me in the right direction.

Poor awkward Simon. *pets him* I'm so glad to see this back!


bookaddict43 April 1 2008, 13:12:57 UTC
Poor Simon! But at least he realises that he's a bit awkward now *cuddles him*. Thank you so much for still reading and reviewing :D


mercsgoodgirl March 31 2008, 17:38:21 UTC
I almost feel like I've bumped into an old friend whenever I see you've posted another installment of this.

Someone needs to remind Kaylee that the only way to make certain your heart never gits broke is ifn ya never share it...


bookaddict43 April 1 2008, 13:15:49 UTC
I'm glad you feel like they're friends when you read my story!

Poor Kaylee, it would be as hard as hell to get used to anyone she cares for getting hurt.

I love your icon, it's very cool...


mercsgoodgirl April 1 2008, 13:19:32 UTC
Glad you liked the icon. I did a couple of Jayne's Ma, just 'cause I thought they'd be fun.

And, as Ben Wade pointed out in 3:10 to Yuma, "Even bad men love their mamas."


ladytalon1 April 1 2008, 12:14:46 UTC
Aw! Love these - as I've said before, I love the contrast between Kaylee, Ellen and Simon's letters. There's a real feel of the person writing them :)


bookaddict43 April 1 2008, 13:20:07 UTC
Yay! You're good for the ego :) I'm glad you think I got the contrast right.


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