Corresponding notes: Part twenty-five: Kaylee

Mar 31, 2008 23:41

Title: Corresponding notes: part twenty-five: Kaylee
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Kaylee, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: post the dark corners
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters are the property of Joss Whedon
Word count: 2896
Comments: This series is a companion to the Letters series and is a collection of letters written between Kaylee, River and Jayne’s mother Ellen. This chapter Simon writes too. The series started off gen, but has moved to Jaylee with River/Mattie and Mal/Inara too. The missing punctuation is intentional. Previous chapters here. Thanks to cantonheroine for the banner and icon.

Dear Ellen, Theres so much to tell you so thisll be a long letter youd better sit down for awhile. Its shiny to be back with my girl but Im missing you and Mattie something fierce aint that strange? Serenitys engine room is looking all kinds of fine Jayne did a good job caring for my girl. I told him that and kissed him hard and he was all kinds of startled but kissed me back real good. The Captain rolled his eyes and said we had to keep that behaviour in our bunks but I laughed. You should see him and Nara. They aint as outgoing as Wash and Zoe used to be or as excitable as Jayne and me but they have their moments Ellen let me tell you. Lest you think all we do is loving on this boat that aint the case. Weve already delivered our first load for the mines and picked up the one to come back. This steady work is kinda new to us so everyone was a mite surprised when not one thing went wrong with the exchange. The Captain got kinda puffed up bout that and I had to poke Jayne fast fore he said anything! We took some passengers on at the next stop theres twelve of them and they clutter up the place some but theyre nice enough. Lion and Fifi are still getting on like a house on fire it helps that theyre nearly the same size I guess. They curl up together when theyre tired and play lots of games. Lion was scared the first time we took off but hes getting used to life shipboard and aint caused many problems. Though Jayne wont admit it him and Lion took to each other straight away and there werent any growling from either of them. There aint any growling tween me and Jayne either Ellen cept sometimes when were playing of course. I know I said we was going to go slow and it kinda seems sudden but I didnt want him being lonely or me either. And after the dark corners I didnt want to wait no more so moved to Jaynes bunk the minute we got on the ship. Weve had a time getting used to each other but were fitting together better each day. My legs still improving and I aint hardly tired no more. Zoe did my tests and sent them to Simon and he says Im doing good. Its strange him not being on board but I think hell be fine. He looked at that new infirmary like I look at Serenity and thats gotta be good. River worries bout him of course but knows that you and Mattie are looking out for him. I really miss you both look after youself Ellen Im looking after your other boy. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee, Youre a good girl looking after Jayne hes a handful that one. You moving in with my boy aint sudden I knew how it would be the minute I saw you two together. How come Zoe did your tests what about the medic? I visit Simon and Mattie does too hes settling in andll soon get used to everything. I went over and checked the other house and the garden alls fine there. Love Ellen

Dear Simon, Yes Im writing to you dont be all amazed. Whatevers happened between us were friends and always will be. I wanted to make sure youre doing alright I know everybody sort of decided for you what would happen. You went along with it and all but I wanna be sure! Are you settling in ok? What about the folks youve gotta train are they nice? Were doing fine here weve just delivered the first load and picked up the next. There was no problems Simon imagine that! Noone even got a scratch. Nara and the Captain are doing good arguing like always but thats their way and Im used to it now. Rivers doing fine shes such a good pilot one of the captains back planetside offered her another job. She aint leaving even though she pretended to think about it to rile the Captain. She couldnt leave Serenity anymore than I can. My ship is doing good you all looked after her fine. I aint doing too much work yet dont worry Jayne babies me something awful and does all the hard work. Im looking forward to getting back into my girl soon though. How does the tests look? Ellens gonna be checking on you she cant help mothering so dont be all offended. Were all looking after River so you can be easy. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee,

Thank you for your letter. I admit I was surprised to receive it, but am happy you still consider us friends. I too want to continue our friendship and am sorry that I caused you any sadness. I hope that I’ll be much more articulate in my letters and won’t be quite so mistaken in my comments to you, or anyone else.

Are you sure that Jayne doesn’t mind you writing to, and receiving mail from another man? I don’t want to cause problems for you, particularly considering our previous relationship.

Your tests show that you’re progressing well and soon your full strength will return. I know you’re eager to return to your duties, but don’t overdo things. I’m sending instructions to Miles for further treatment. Is there a reason he didn’t do your tests? He is well able to, I assure you.

I am slowly becoming accustomed to my new infirmary and quarters. The manager at the mine has tried very hard to produce suitable medical facilities; I’m surprised at how good they are. This week I plan to travel to Gowan to speak to the doctors there about medical exchanges and such. I think we could all benefit from them.

My trainees, as you call them, may turn out well. One is more suited to administrative duties than being a doctor, but that’s all to the good. I never did care for paperwork.

Mrs Cobb, Ellen, has been over several times to check on me and Mattie calls in every day. It’s quite clear they regard me as family Kaylee, and I’m not sure how to respond. Perhaps you can help me there?

Thank you for looking out for River. Even though I know she’s capable and much better, I worry for her.

Take care of yourself and the others.

Yours in friendship Simon

Dear Ellen, Thanks for visiting Simon. I knew you would anyway but I worry about him some. I wrote to him and it seems like hes doing fine. Weve dropped the passengers at last its good to have the space back. And it was so funny Ellen! One of the younger folk took a liking to me and followed me round some and flirted fit to burst. I aint denying that in the old days I woulda flirted right back and maybe done a bit more that flirting if you understand me. But I werent even tempted I think that boy of yours has turned my head completely. Not that we aint had a few ups and downs us both being a mite stubborn. But I never have a problem yelling at Jayne and he yells right back and then we make up so Im thinking the ups are gonna win. The medic his names Miles is ok he just aint used to folks like Jayne and the Captain. Hes plain terrified of my big man and dont know how to respond to the Captain at all. At least Simon would argue and be sarcastic with them this medic just hides. I knew hed be terrified examining me so I got Zoe to do it. She didnt argue neither she knows what he’s like and is gonna talk to the Captain and Simon bout using a different person next time. River and me went shopping while we were planetside and I got some stuff to brighten up our room. Jayne made jokes about my dress and all my pretties but he hasnt stopped me putting them all around. I was smart and fixed up a good cover for his girls first though so he couldnt be mad. He did raise his eyebrows at me Ellen and tell me not to get too cocky bout managing him. I dont really think I can you know. I know how far I can push him and he knows the same bout me. I like that a lot. Lions doing fine Ive been teaching him bout the engine room and hes real good there. He just curls up in my hammock or his box and stays right out of the way. Fifi comes too sometimes when she can leave River. Those two are devoted to each other. Rivers getting used to being without her brother though its hard for her you can see. How are you Ellen and Mattie and Mr Thames and everyone? I miss you all and am glad well be seeing you soon. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee, Were all well girl dont worry. Mr Thames is retiring soon and the store will be all Matties hes real pleased bout that. He aint been sick at all lately and I credit Simon with that. Simons clinic is going well folks are glad weve got a doc so close now. Hes still a mite stiff but I think hes fitting in better now and getting used to things. I miss you too girl look after yourself. Love Ellen

Dear Simon, Jayne dont tell me what to do and I dont tell him. Or so we say that aint always how it works though. We do end up arguing some I can tell you. But he dont mind us writing flirting now thatd be different. Anyway Im going to keep writing I always thought it sad you never got post. Should I write so much about Jayne? I didnt think bout your feelings there. Miles is a good medic its just he doesnt understand either the Captain or Jayne. Hes really scared of Jayne and I didnt want to make him unhappy like that. Zoe knew what was happening I think shes writing to you bout another medic for next time. Im getting stronger every day and am doing more with my girl. Dont worry I still have rests every day and everybody helps with the jobs. The Captain aint good with mechanics but he helps with the heavy lifting and dont complain when Jayne helps me. Rivers great with the wiring stuff and weve been fitting out the second shuttle with better navigation and such. Everyone else is well and your sister is doing good. We went shopping last time we were planetside and bought stuff for our rooms. Hers needs doing up its so plain. How are your quarters are they comfortable? If you want advice bout prettifying it you could ask Ellen. She and Mattie do think youre family you know. First cause youre Rivers brother and Matties real interested in her and second cause of Jayne. You’ve been on the boat with him a long time and patched him up and all. To them that makes you family. I know you aint so used to that but just treat them friendly like and itll be fine. Were off on a salvage job next and are keeping real busy. Look after yourself and remember to have some fun too. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee,

Thank you for your letter, it’s very welcome. With mail from you, River and Zoe; I’m doing very well.

Thank you too for considering my feelings. I do enjoy receiving letters and it brings me closer to my sister and friends. I understand you writing about Jayne, he’s part of your life as is everything aboard Serenity. I certainly don’t expect you to leave him out of your letters.

It’s a pity about Miles. His qualifications were good and I was impressed with his medical skills. But Zoe has written confirming your opinion, so I am searching for his replacement for your next trip. I know that the next trip will be longer, so want you all to have the best of care.

My quarters are comfortable and much larger than those I had on Serenity. I’d become so used to those, I don’t quite know what to do with all the space. I hadn’t thought much about decoration until Ellen bought some rugs she’d made. They brighten up my lodging considerably as do the sketches River has sent.

In the interests of having fun as you suggested Kaylee, I have accepted several dinner invitations. It appears everyone is eager to make the new doctors’ acquaintance. To prevent my making some horrible social mistake, as you know I am capable of, I’ve asked Ellen to accompany me. I’m sure she will steer me in the right direction.

She and Mattie have virtually adopted me. I’m glad you explained their motivations to me, I would never have understood. In Osiris, such a relationship would take years to develop.

The trainees are developing well and I am becoming very busy at the clinic. Many of my customers pay me with items for trade. How do I approach this Kaylee? I have no idea what is acceptable and what’s not.

I’ve checked the most recent of tests Zoe sent, and you are on target for recovery. Continue to take things slowly and you will soon be able to work on ‘your girl’ as much as ever.

Your friend

Dear Ellen, I don’t want to worry you everythings fine and Jaynes ok. But I gotta talk a bit. Did Jayne tell you he got hurt again? The fella we did the salvage job for didnt want to pay and there was a fight. Its the first time Jayne was hurt since weve been together and it frightened me Ellen. Of course Ive seen him hurt before and worse too and weve talked about things like this happening. But talkings fine the doings different. My throat was choking and my heart felt too big for my chest and my knees shook. It turns out that it werent much more than a scratch thank Buddha. But how am I going to be if Jayne gets hurt worse or killed? It worries me some that I didnt react too good to what happened. I havent talked to Jayne about it yet I dont want him worrying bout my feelings when hes out on a job that could get dangerous. What do you think Ellen? I aint gonna think about it anymore right now theres been enough brooding on this ship. So, thats wonderful news for Mattie no wonder hes all proud. Im glad hes still well too I know how much you worry for him. Simon is a wonder with the doctoring. Look at me Im near on back to my old self and walking true again. I wrote Simon again and hes kind of confused about taking things in trade. Maybe Mattie or you could give him some hints? I swear sometimes him and River are like two babes they have no notion of the simplest things. We did finally get paid for the salvage so I bought a congratulations present for Mattie. I hope he likes it. I bought some more stuff for our room too and thatll be the last. I dont want to try Jaynes patience too far. Were getting along good together still and ironing out the sharing problems. I’ve never shared a room ever except when we had visitors and the like and you know Jaynes opinion bout having his own bunk. He dont like me being cheerful in the morning and I think hes too grumpy and we argue some. But then we make up and your boy is pretty talented in that way Ellen and I cant stay mad at him for long. River and I have been doing up her room too. It was so bare and lonely before Im sure she missed Simon more because of it. Now it looks very fine. I wont tell you much else cause River took captures and is sending them with todays post. Youll be amazed. Were on our way back now and should see you in a couple of weeks its so strange to have a real home base. Give Mattie a big hug from me and pat all the animals. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee, Your worries and fears are natural girl not wrong dont fret so. I bet that both ‘Nara and Zoe had the same fears. In Zoes case poor girl they came true but she had the chance to have her husband for a good while and that aint nothing. You talk to Jayne he probably worries for you too you know. Its best to talk these things out. Simon and I went to dinner at the mine managers last night. He werent so stiff this and got on well with everyone hes learning. Ive been busy making some rugs for Grandfather Cobbs house and planting a garden over there. Itll be all ready when you get back. Ill be glad to see you all soon. Love Ellen

letters, ocs, crew, kaylee

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