Letters & Corresponding Notes: Dark Corners

Mar 20, 2008 22:59

Title: Letters & Corresponding Notes: Dark Corners
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne/Kaylee, River/Mattie, Crew, OCs
Rating: NC17 maybe
Disclaimer: Firefly and Serenity are the property of Joss Whedon
Word count: 2549
Comments: A long time ago I started a story called Letters which spawned a companion series Corresponding notes. I’ve finally ( Read more... )

jayne, corresponding notes, letters, ocs, crew, kaylee

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Comments 9

xenaclone March 20 2008, 16:14:31 UTC
Ya kinda got some technical hiccups there, but this is good!



bookaddict43 March 22 2008, 01:18:32 UTC
Thank you! I've fixed the hiccups, that was me trying to be clever *sigh* :D


anxiety_junkie March 20 2008, 18:54:54 UTC
OMG yay! Oh, I'm so happy! Though I am sort of sad that Simon left the ship. After all, who else is going to give both Mal and Jayne a bad time if he isn't there? *g*

But this is just lovely, and what a great way to start my morning! *hugs you*

Wow, I just realized I've dropped my one and only Jaylee icon. Oops.

Psst, check the coding.


bookaddict43 March 22 2008, 01:17:12 UTC
Thanks for the heads up about the coding, that was me trying to do the mouseover Chinese.

I'm glad I provided a good start to your morning *twirls* I never thought of Simon and the hassling *grins*, maybe River could take up that mantle?

And you've dropped your Jaylee icon? *raises eyebrows* This must be rectified!!


anxiety_junkie March 22 2008, 01:18:37 UTC
And you've dropped your Jaylee icon? *raises eyebrows* This must be rectified!!

*grins sheepishly* I had to make room for more Spike and Xander icons.


bookaddict43 March 22 2008, 01:21:31 UTC
I guess I can excuse that - they're so pretty together :D


ladytalon1 March 22 2008, 00:15:39 UTC
Yay for the dark corners! I'm so proud of you for getting it finished and posted *beams*

Mal being Mal makes me laugh :D


bookaddict43 March 22 2008, 01:11:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm hoping this has broken the fic drought I've been in. It wouldn't be finished at all except for you and guinny *huggles*.

I love Mal so much, I wish I could write more of him.

Also I'm here on MSN if you're still around...


guinny_hamilton March 22 2008, 09:44:38 UTC
You posted eeeeeeeeeeeeeet! And it's gooooooood! I definitely like the ending!

Let's hope your fic drought has been humidified! Hee!


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