Letters & Corresponding Notes: Dark Corners

Mar 20, 2008 22:59

Title: Letters & Corresponding Notes: Dark Corners
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne/Kaylee, River/Mattie, Crew, OCs
Rating: NC17 maybe
Disclaimer: Firefly and Serenity are the property of Joss Whedon
Word count: 2549
Comments: A long time ago I started a story called Letters which spawned a companion series Corresponding notes. I’ve finally managed to write this interim chapter which links both the series’. This is for noandwhere who has never stopped asking about it and for ladytalon1 and guinny_hamilton for their support and reading and re-reading. For anyone who still remembers it - I hope you like it!


“They’re comin’!” Kaylee was so excited she could hardly keep still. “I can hear Serenity.”

Ellen came out to the porch and looked up at the sky. “Are you sure girl? I don’t see anything.”

“Listen,” Kaylee hopped on her good leg and pointed. “Over that way, she’s coming and I’m gonna see everyone again. I hope they’re alright.”

“We woulda heard otherwise.” Ellen shaded her eyes and gazed in the direction Kaylee was pointing. “I still don’t hear…” she broke off as the roar of the approaching engine came to her ears.

“See!” As Serenity flew straight over the house; Kaylee’s bright smile swept across her face. “It’s my girl.” She giggled as the ship seemed to shimmy above them. “River’s waving.”

“She did that purposeful?”

Kaylee nodded and swung down the steps quickly. “She’s a wonder.”

“You be careful girl, you don’t wanna damage yourself now.” Ellen hurried after her friend with a smile.

“I won’t, it’s just…” Kaylee’s attention wandered as Serenity settled to the ground. “I’ve been gone a long time.”

She didn’t know who she missed more; her lovely girl or the folks who flew with her. Writing to them was fine, but seeing everyone would be better. Kaylee waited as patiently as she could for the ramp to lower. It thumped to the ground and Kaylee wriggled with excitement as Zoe stepped onto it, followed by Simon, the Captain, River and Jayne.

“Jayne!” Seeing his big form silhouetted against the glare, Kaylee forgot all her thoughts of going slow and letting folks get used to the idea of them together. She dropped her crutches and flung herself at him.

Jayne wrapped his arms around her and picked her right up off the ground. “Thought we were taking this slow?” he said into her ear.

“We are,” Kaylee tucked her head into his neck and giggled at the Captain’s stunned expression, River’s delight and Simon’s disbelief.

“Strange way of doing it.”

“Sorry,” Kaylee wriggled down and headed toward River and the others.

Jayne grinned and turning, swept his tiny mother into a hug. “Hey Ma.”


“I didn’t mean to spring things on you that way,” Kaylee watched as Simon injected her with a smoother.

“We’ve been apart some time now,” Simon pointed out. “I wouldn’t expect you to remain celibate.”

“It still musta hurt.”

“Yes,” Simon said seriously. “It did hurt, and I don’t pretend to understand. But I’m glad for you if you’re happy.”

“I think I’m gonna be,” Kaylee smiled sleepily. “But first I want my leg working properly again.”

“It will. I promise.” Simon waited for her eyes to close and went to work.


“So she’s gonna be alright?” Mal peered through the glass into the infirmary.

“Yes. She’ll be tired at first, but she’s healing well and it won’t be long before Kaylee’s back to her old self,” Simon answered. “She’ll still have to spend some time resting each day, so working on the engine all the time is out.”

“You ever tried to stop that girl doing what she wanted doc?”

“I admit it’s difficult, but I think Jayne may manage it.”

“Me?” Jayne looked startled. “I ain’t telling Kaylee what she can and can’t do, that’s Mal’s job.”


“Well what do you think Doctor?”

Simon looked around the room thoughtfully. There’d been considerable amount of planning done in the building of this clinic and he was pleasantly surprised. “I think we could do very well here.”

“Learning, knowledge, good times,” River whirled round the room till she reached the door leading to Simon’s new home.

Simon followed his sister into the quarters attached to the clinic and surveyed the area. While much smaller than his apartment in Osiris, these rooms were still comfortable; and compared to his bunk on Serenity, they were positively palatial.

“No noise,” his sister grinned at him. “A proper bed…”

“So you’ll stay?” the mine manager looked at him questioningly.

“Yes, I think so,” Simon exchange glances with River and smiled. They’d had several discussions over the last few weeks and Simon had come to the conclusion that his sister would be happier on Serenity. He would be in constant contact with the ship and could check on her at will. He also intended to fly out occasionally on the ships’ shorter runs and could assure himself of her safety and health. “Show me your plans and we’ll get started.”


“Oh ‘Nara you look so beautiful,” Kaylee sighed happily. “The Captain’s eyes are gonna bug out.”

“Why thank you mei mei, you’re looking very fine yourself.” Inara cast a comprehensive glance around her companions. “You all do.”

“Fine feathers, make fine birds,” Zoe remarked dryly.

“But we are not birds,” River objected.

“No honey, we’re not,” Kaylee smiled. “But we do look as shiny as some I’ve seen.”

“Will Mattie like it?” River looked down at herself. “I’m unlike myself - odd.”

“You’re beautiful and Mattie will want to dance every dance with you,” Inara reassured her.


“Your lookin’ mighty swai there Jayne,” Kaylee gazed wide-eyed at his suit-covered form. She hadn’t ever seen him look so formal and proper before and it kinda took her breath away.

“You’re looking mighty sexable yourself girl,” Jayne leered and slid an arm around her waist.

“Jayne!” Zoe shook her head at him.

“What?” Jayne looked up from his contemplation of Kaylee’s silk covered body.

“Not romantic,” River chided.


“Don’t worry ‘bout it,” Kaylee preened at the lustful look in his eyes and rested her hand on his chest. “But we’ll have to do this a mite later, we’ve got a wedding to go to - remember?”

“Rutting weddings,” Jayne muttered.


Mattie was a good dancer, River decided as she glided around the dance floor with him. He had rhythm and natural grace in abundance; she was thoroughly enjoying her time with him which made her happy.

Ellen nodded at her as she swirled past in the Captain’s arms and River giggled. Her friends had all conspired to keep both the Captain’s and Simon’s rumblings to a minimum.

The Captain was distracted by Inara and the wedding of course. He had made comments about no more romances, but for him, had been greatly restrained.

Simon and she had discussed Mattie and other things before landing. Her brother had lectured her about her and Mattie’s differences; had stressed the fact that theirs would be a long-distance romance and worried about her mental health.

Her dear boob’s worries over her well-being were a stumbling block for his plans to leave the ship. But she had at last convinced him to try. River would miss him of course, but she knew both Ellen and Mattie would look after him for her.

She smiled up at Mattie and was delighted when his arms tightened around her.


“Don’t River and Mattie look fine together?” Kaylee watched her friend twirl past on the dance floor.

“Yeah fine,” Jayne grunted.

The truth was he weren’t noticing much of anything except the armful of Kaylee pressed right up against him. He’d waited through the wedding, the dinner and now the dancing. He’d had to watch Kaylee dance with gorramn nearly every man in the place before he got his chance, and now her being so close was making his man-parts pretty excitable.



“Can we go try out those dark corners now?”

“Sure,” she giggled as Jayne grabbed her hand and hustled her to the nearest hidden corner. “You impatient or something?

“Or something,” Jayne agreed as he sank onto the chair and draped Kaylee over his lap.

She groaned in delight as his lips unerringly found the spot behind her ear guaranteed to turn her legs to jelly. “How’d you do that?”

“Mmmpf?” Jayne’s lips were soft, but insistent as they trailed a path down her neck to her collarbone and nipped.

Kaylee arched closer and started tugging at the buttons on his shirt. “How’d you know what I like?” She slid her hands over the expanse of chest, feeling the soft hair and hard planes beneath.

“Just lucky,” he growled, and surprised her by capturing her lips with his.

She was only surprised for a second, and then Kaylee was kissing him back; catching his lips gently between her teeth and letting her hands roam over as much of his body as she could reach.

Impatiently Jayne pushed the little straps off her shoulders and peeled the fabric over her breasts till they were visible to his eyes. Ke ku," he grinned and applying his tongue to one rosy nipple; pushed her dress up her legs.

His hands slid over the exposed flesh, stroking, kneading and setting her skin on fire as they trailed a path to her nethers.

Kaylee gasped and wriggled closer as Jayne thrust his fingers into her folds. Rocking against the invading fingers she ran her own thumbs over Jayne’s nipples making him groan quietly.

His thumb rubbed her clit as his fingers picked up the pace, and Kaylee felt the familiar tightening in her stomach. Knowing what was coming, she sank her teeth into his neck to muffle her groans. Jayne held her close as she shuddered against him, his insistent fingers now soothing her.

“Mmmm,” Kaylee snuggled closer, kissing the marks she’d made on his neck. She clung to him as Jayne tore his lips from Kaylee’s throat and quickly withdrew his fingers.


“Ma’s comin’,” he whispered, smoothing her dress back over her thighs and pulling up the straps. “Gorramnit!”

Kaylee giggled and rested her head against his shoulder. “She won’t be surprised none.”

“Maybe not,” Jayne remembered too late what his Ma’d said ‘bout disgracing and all. “But it won’t stop her being mad.”

“Jayne,” Ellen stepped around the partition and stood hands on hips as she took in the sight in front of her.

Jayne’s shirt was still unbuttoned, and tooth marks showed clearly on his collarbone. Kaylee might be wearing clothes, but her skin was all flushed, her hair was rumpled all to hell and her lips were swollen from kissing. Even as Ellen opened her mouth, Kaylee laid a protective hand on Jayne’s bicep and smiled her bright smile. “We’re having a shiny time, Ellen.”

“I bet you are,” Ellen grinned at the little girl and raised her eyebrows at her big son. “Ain’t you got anything to say for yourself Jayne Cobb?”

“Nope,” he shook his head and looked down at the girl standing at his elbow. “I figure Kaylee’s doing just fine.”

Ellen rolled her eyes at him in exasperation. He knew she was as likely to get angry with the mechanic as she was to fly. “Be that as it may, you gotta come out now.”


“It’s time to cut the cake, and the bridesmaid’s hafta be there.”

“I’m a bridesmaid,” Kaylee jumped off Jayne’s knee. “I can’t disappoint ‘Nara, Jayne.”

“And neither can you boy.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jayne grumbled as he followed them out of the corner. “Lot of go se if you ask me.”


“Wasn’t it shiny?” Kaylee fairly bounced with excitement as they watched the shuttle fly past. “The Captain and ‘Nara looked so happy.”

“That they did,” Zoe agreed. “Are you two coming back in to the celebrations?”

“Not right away,” Kaylee smiled at her mischievously. “Jayne and me have got something to do first.”

“We do?” Jayne asked.

“Yeah, we do,” she waved at Zoe and grabbed hold of his hand to tug him toward the barn.

“What are we doing?”

“Jayne Cobb, I didn’t think you’d have to be asking me that.” Kaylee fluttered her eyelashes at him and pushed him toward a hay bale.

“Oh,” Jayne reached out and snagged her round the waist. “I’m gonna get to feel you up again.”

“Nope,” Kaylee shook her head as she sank to her knees. “It’s my turn.” She ran her hand over the bulge in his pants. “You didn’t get tended to afore.”

“Ma won’t like us disappearing again,” Jayne pressed forward against her hand.

“You arguing with me?” Kaylee rested her head on his thigh and smiled up at him.

“Now that’d be crazy.”

“Yes it would,” Kaylee undid his pants and took him in hand. “You’re a big boy ain’t you?” she looked admiringly at his cock and bending her head, licked lightly round the tip.


“You hurt that girl and I’ll take a broom to you. I ain’t too old to do it you know.”

“I know you ain’t,” Jayne grinned at his mother.

“You be good too, try to stay outta fights.”


“You’ve got someone to come back to now remember, and I want grandbabies.”


“The way you two look at each other, I’d say you’re having plenty of baby-making practice.”

“Well we ain’t!” Jayne protested. “We’re supposed to be taking it slow.”

“No sexing?” Ellen was incredulous. “What was that I saw at the wedding?”

“That was us being frisky,” Kaylee came up beside Jayne and grinned at him flirtatiously. “We ain’t done much else yet but I’m thinking that’s gonna change pretty soon though.”

“’Bout time,” he grunted. “My man-parts are feeling all deprived.”

“Jayne,” his mother shook her head at him.

“What? You started it.”

“Stop it you two,” Kaylee giggled, then sobered up. “It’s time to say goodbye now.”

“Don’t go crying girl. You’re gonna be back in a couple of months.”

“I know,” Kaylee flung her arms around Ellen’s neck. “I’ll miss you and Mattie, that’s all.”
“We’ll miss you too. All of you,” Ellen pulled River into her and Kaylee’s hug. “I’m counting on you Captain, to look after everyone for me.”

“They never listen to me,” Mal complained as he frowned at Kaylee and Jayne holding hands.

River grinned at him mischievously and standing on tiptoe; twined her arms around Mattie’s neck and pressed her lips to his. She forgot all about teasing the Captain when Mattie’s arms swept around her and pulled her close. Enthusiastically he returned the kiss and River gave herself up to enjoyment. She didn’t really hear Simon’s gobbling or Kaylee’s pleased comments.

“Times a wasting Albatross,” the Captain’s words finally filtered through. “The ship ain't gonna fly itself you know.”

Kaylee giggled sympathetically as she watched River pull away from Mattie. “Aw Captain, they were having a shiny time.”

“Well that time’s over right now. We need to be going.”

River nodded and turned to her brother, enveloping him in her arms. “It’s alright mei, mei,” Simon patted her back. “If neither of us likes it, we change the arrangements.”

“Do you know how long those arrangements took?”

“Mal!” Inara tugged him toward the ship and gestured to the others to follow.

Simon watched as the two girls headed into the bowels of the ship. He felt vaguely hollow as Serenity lifted into the sky, but was hopeful that everything would work out.

“She’ll be fine,” Ellen patted Simon’s arm as he watched Serenity fade into the distance. “And they’ll be back in two months.”

“Ain’t long,” Mattie put his arm around her shoulders.

“Ain’t long at all,” Ellen turned and led both men back to the house. “Now there’s a few things I want to be doing…”

Ke ku = tasty

jayne, corresponding notes, letters, ocs, crew, kaylee

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