NaNoWriMo 2008: Day 6

Dec 10, 2008 13:21

-=The Keyholder and Sophie Together, Part II=-

“I'm sorry that I screamed,” Sophie was saying awkwardly. “It's just that I get so worked up when I've had too much coffee.”
She and the man from her refrigerator were sitting in her living room together, discussing the morning's little mishap over more (yes, more) coffee, and some little sandwiches. Sophie was quietly lamenting that this situation might possibly ruin her trip to the pawn stores, but circumstances couldn't be changed. A stranger had stepped into her kitchen by means of a highly unlikely door, and she now had no choice but to find out exactly how this situation had come about.
After all, who wouldn't?

The man sipped his coffee and elegantly crossed one leg over the other. Sophie marveled just a little bit at how straight he sat, and how charming his mannerisms were. He must have come from some kind of rich family, she was sure.

“I completely understand”, replied the man casually. “And I doubt your reaction had anything to do with your coffee. I mean, if I hadn't been born into the circumstances that I was, I think I'd have reacted just as you did to having a complete stranger appear out of my... my, um...What was that device called again?”
“A refrigerator?” suggested Sophie.
“Yes,” said the man. “A refrigerator. I expect that's not normally meant to be any sort of door that people take passage through.”
Sophie shook her head. Silently, she wondered what else he had thought it was supposed to be.
“No,” the man sighed. “I hadn't thought so... It was much to crowded. All that food inside, it was rather more like a pantry, I should think. Very cold though.”
“It's supposed to be cold inside of them,” Sophie threw in, trying to be helpful. She was also trying to make small talk. Small talk distracted crazy people, and Sophie was fairly certain that this man, despite his mild nature and swanky garb, was very most definitely for sure a crazy person. What else sort of man, if not a crazy one, would somehow come out of a kitchen appliance without any sort of proper warning? (Much less without knowing what the thing was that he was coming out of.) “It keeps my food fresh longer. You know, things like meat? Being cold helps to stop them from spoiling.”
“Does it?” the man asked, taking on a slight look of interest. It was the first sort of facial expression that he had exhibited since he got there. It looked strange on him. “That's a rather ingenious sort of contraption to have made.”
Sophie nodded. “Well, they've been that way for kind of a while... since somewhere in the eighteen hundreds, I think it was.”
“Strange...” the man mused into his coffee mug, before having another sip. “One would think I would have heard of it, if something like that had suddenly popped into society.”
It wasn't so very sudden, thought Sophie with an exasperated expression. ”Hum.” Is what she said. "The thing's been getting redesigned for about a hundred years..."
“I should get one,” decided the man, with a certain type of finality that told Sophie he was probably really going to.

“In any case,” she started, deciding it might be time to change the subject back to it's original topic, (the history of the refrigerator can only remain interesting for so long, after all.) “How did you get in there, anyway?”

“Ah, yes.” Then man set down his cup of coffee and folded his hands neatly over one knee. And then, quite placidly, he said, “That would be because I had gone through a bartender.”

“Oh,” was Sophie's brilliant reaction. Because 'going through a bartender' was probably the last thing she had expected to hear, but likely one of the first things a crazy person would be inclined to tell someone.

“You don't understand,” Said the man flatly.

“Not really, no,” she conceded.

“Oh,” was his uninspired reply.


-=Lavish and Islinne, Part I=-

Somewhere, in a place that didn't exist, a woman wearing a silver ring, and a gentleman named Lavish stood atop a windy hill together, and discussed with one another their next plan of action.


Skip to:
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six - You are here
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Seventeen
Day Ninteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Four
Day Twenty-Five
Day Twenty-Six
Day Twenty-Seven

NaNoWriMo 2009
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