We are doing it... 14 hours into the first 24.

Jul 26, 2009 14:00

Of course he slept the first seven but still.. it got him good and hungry. he cried for i think the first 10 minutes before he latched on the first time.. or rather before he allowed the nipple to be held in his mouth while the milk dripped in the first time.. he cried again when the second side was offered after about 10 minutes of that. cried ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

tamago23 July 26 2009, 18:47:08 UTC
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you! Do let us know how it goes. :)


dragonintherain July 26 2009, 19:05:21 UTC

what about pumping until you're not leaking as much, but not emptying the breast?


anibas1111 July 26 2009, 19:33:25 UTC
keep up the good work mama! you will figure it all out and it will change feeding to feeding.


stopityoumonkey July 27 2009, 13:27:30 UTC
I don't know your back story so I don't know what's going on with nursing for you, but I just wanted to say that I'm super lopsided, too. It's not unusual for me to get 7 or 8 ounces off the right side in a single pumping session while the left side produces at the most 2 ounces. Nothing I've tried to even it out over the last 7 months has made a difference, so I just go with it.


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