We are doing it... 14 hours into the first 24.

Jul 26, 2009 14:00

Of course he slept the first seven but still.. it got him good and hungry. he cried for i think the first 10 minutes before he latched on the first time.. or rather before he allowed the nipple to be held in his mouth while the milk dripped in the first time.. he cried again when the second side was offered after about 10 minutes of that. cried that time for maybe 5 minutes then sucked lightly for a while. slept 2 hours then did the lightly sucking thing without protest for a little while and slept another hour. in all this im leaking like a sieve and when he woke the next time he lapped it up l ike a kitten from my breast, then without warning actually latched on and nursed for about 15 minutes and went back to sleep for another two hours... just woke up happy and nursed about 5 on the less productive breast ( no matter that i double pumped this whole time, my left boob only made about half an ounce while the other would make 2.5 to 3 at a pumping... cant figure it. ) then started to fuss and i burped him, now hes happy holding on to his brother and i decided to update while we were in this happy place.. not counting on it to last. meanwhile my good producer is still leaking like a sieve and im afraid to pump cause he might want it soon... not sure what to do there.. keep praying, good thougths and all that that he gets more consistant on his latch and starts getting good amounts, and that he isnt just sleeping away hunger.
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