Yesterday, I found out some very upsetting news. Some of you may recall back in August my posts about my friend Jon's 3 year old daughter Lexi going through surgery to remove a
Cancerous brain tumor. For the longest time, she had been doing really well in her recovery and doing well with the treatment.
I had noticed that Jon had stopped giving us updates about Lexi, who is now 4, on Facebook a few weeks ago and caught him on AIM yesterday. I asked him how Lexi was doing and he told me, "Not well. She is dying because of a rare side effect she got from the Chemotherapy." ::Blink blink:: But she was doing so well...
The rare side effect she contracted is something called
Pulmonary Veno-Occlusive Disease. Jon told me that they started looking into Hospice care. The doctor gave her 2-6 Months to live. Very rare: she could live up to 2 more years, but with her system already compromised from the treatment and the cancer, it's not likely. She's in a lot of pain from the PVOD. Jon and his wife are doing what they can to make Lexi comfortable. There's nothing more that they could do, only wait. They just want the suffering to be over.
It's not fair. It's just not fair.