Mar 31, 2011 03:13
09:40:49 : RT @sesamestreet: The @ bronxzooscobra is visiting places around New York City. Can anyone tell it how to get to Sesame Street? 09:42:08 : @ LAGilman I finally got #Livejournal to work about a half hour ago. 09:42:34 : Oh hai... sorry. I've been here... just lurking. 09:45:37 : @ splunge2000 I love that WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? is on this list :) 09:49:28 : Dammit #Livejournal!! You were just working for me. -_- 09:57:03 : @ LAGilman Yep! And it happened as I clicked submit on a mini-novella comment that is now lost because it didn't post :( 10:10:24 : The worst part about #Livejournal going down is when you don't know it did until you click submit on a really long comment & poof it's down. 10:26:02 : Nora the piano cat in Concert! #CATcerto 10:27:43 : @ omegatheta Adding a :P at the end does not make it funny. 10:31:58 : @ djnrrd They lay Jelly Beans! 10:42:09 : Woooo!! My home #ScienceFiction Convention is following me! Hi @I_ConSF! :) 10:51:17 : I actually got a full night's sleep last night. So, why do I feel the need all of a sudden to have a nap (zen fire ze missiles!!!)?? 11:08:32 : @ KittasaurusRex I saw this tweet before I saw @muertaXangela's tweet about it & thought of CBT as not what she actually meant... #iamaperv!! 11:24:26 : RT @GreyDuck: Okay, folks, it's Hump Day. You know what that means... yes, that means we need to get our hands on some dromedaries. 11:43:40 : @ elephande YAY!!! 11:49:53 : @ heidela What's a chick-blogger event? 11:55:17 : @ heidela Oh cool!! Sounds like something I'd enjoy going to... 12:23:18 : @ muertaXangela HAHAHAHAHA! 12:25:10 : RT @culturepulp: One nice surprise for film-music nerds is SOURCE CODE's score by Chris Bacon. "Main Title"'s definitely worth a listen. ... 12:25:58 : @ culturepulp Oooooooh... ::drools:: 12:34:01 : Currently playing on Bonnie's internal radio: "Glory of Love" by Peter Cetera. 13:49:20 : @ culturepulp OMG! I love EMERGENCY! ::adds to Netflix Queue:: 14:23:24 : Why are delis so expensive when the sandwich you're getting isn't an egg one? 14:51:20 : Today has already been a mental drain on me & I'm no where near campus yet. 15:03:07 : Currently playing on Bonnie's internal radio: The theme song to the motion picture PHILADELPHIA 15:28:46 : Making the switch at Huntington. #LIRR 16:34:01 : Good thing I'm not in a rush to get to class. Bus is taking forever to situate itself in order to pick up a wheelchair passenger. 16:35:50 : One thing that #SuffolkTransit does quicker than #MTA based soley on which set of stairs turns into a ramp. 20:40:04 : #Disneypickuplines I could show you the world... 20:45:39 : Does anyone know if #Livejournal is back up yet? I haven't been on a computer in 6.5 hrs. Still won't be til 11pm EDT but want to voice post 20:51:53 : @ splunge2000 Sure you do ;) RT It's up for me! AND I JUST MEAN LJ. 21:30:25 : Do I have a sign on my forehead that says Ask me for money?! Because that is the 4th time in 20mins I've been asked. #LIRR I don't have any! 21:38:37 : "I don't know how you're gonna sit here, we have so much stuff." -Just said to me. I pointed to the overhead compartment. I'm sitting. #LIRR 21:41:17 : The people in previous tweet are talking about this couple that got engaged 2 weeks ago & are getting married 6 weeks from now. #LIRR 21:46:53 : You'd think more people would use it for this purpose #LIRR RT @ dqgneal .@Blondoid You mean the overhead compartment was for storage? [...] 21:50:08 : If it were possible to install a volume knob on people, I'd mute the woman sitting behind me. So LOUD! #LIRR #crankys 22:00:07 : Currently playing on Bonnie's internal radio: "She's So High" Tal Bachman 22:02:36 : LoL beer fail. #LIRR 23:15:22 : Oh hey I'm home & not going to school tomorrow! In light of #QC doing a Walk Out, my prof cancelled class. I only have that 1 class. I win!! 23:16:30 : @ wormquartet Awesome! I've actually never used one. I'm afraid I'd drown myself... Tweets copied by