Comic-Con (continued)

Jul 24, 2010 00:22

Today at the San Diego Comic-Con, there was a Bones panel preceded by interviews. Just some quick reactions to two of the interviews here.


First, Ausiello from EW talked to Emily D and David B. First reaction: skillful no-answers. The only thing they did acknowledge that is supposedly not totally official yet was that tehre's this Hannah girlfriend. And bringing up one more time the "poll" at last year's Comic-Con: enough already! I understand they can't really say anything about the plot but surely they must realize that when talking about almost nothing except the B&B storyline, they have to say something more than just the same old PR lines. If they reall don't want to say anything, then steer the conversation toward the cases or so. Also, Ausiello, why not call them out on them saying sort of that it's up to the writers: they're both producers and they're the stars so if they don't like the plot, it will be changed, so what's it gonna be?

Marisa Roffman from interviewed Hart Hanson. Oookay. Yep, he sure got a bit feisty. I does feel like he might be a little sorry about letting go of the helm a bit too much last season due to his new pilot he was working on. Yes, there are fake sides, that's pretty clear from his answer. The one where Brennan "strips" is my no. 1 candidate. Darn, I looked for that particular side and just can't find it anymore. I deleted all sides after reading them and I can't remember where exactly I saw it. Sorry! Can somebody else help out? Thanks. It had to do with Brennan & Daisy running into guerillas in the Indonesian jungle. Brennan talks about how their culture reveres women and they are dressed like men though so they need to strip out of their clothes to show they are real women in their underwear... Yeah, it sounds even more stupid when trying to recap... :-)  Also, am I correct in understanding that the new serial killer baddie is someone already known or at least already introduced as a character in last season's finale? The latter could mean that he/she hasn't even spoken yet... Maybe an extra that they liked a lot? Treble21 seemed to think hough that Marisa was alluding to episode 5x21 "The Boy With the Answer" instead...

So, Hart Hanson saying that Angela & Hodgins will stay together, period. Because there are good story lines for committed couples too. Good. However, did he say, maybe, that with B&B in mind as contrast? I could see B&B split up even more and then eventually mid-seasonish go back to the old more-than-partners-but-not-lovers status quo. Them getting together, even though he did seem to say that he doesn't want to keep them apart till the very last episode of the show, would then still only happen, say, in season 7...? One last observation: Hanson is really photogenic, you know, with his ever-present, infectious smile. Of course, for pure beauty, Emily is undisputed, smiling or not. David B, he's OK I guess, I don't feel any connection.

spoiler, angela, season 7, david b, 5x21, 6x01, hodgins, hodgela, emily d, season 6, hanson, comic-con

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