Brennan/Angela Fic Ch. 6-7

Oct 14, 2007 06:13

I've felt really inspired today. Hope people are still enjoying this story. I promise that I'll have some R ratings in the next few chapters. Hehe. : D

Title: Ch. 6 - Revelation
Author: Kit Givens
Disclaimer: Fox owns all rights. I am merely a fan of Bones, composing a work of fiction.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Angela tries to remember her husband's name, while Brennan comes to terms with what the future might hold.
Warning: Angst! Spoilers through S3

Angela sat in her zen-like office. She was attempting to meditate, to relax. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm her mind. Her eyes were closed and her ears were aptly taking in every sound around her.

"Who's there?" Angela asked eyes still closed. "Hodgins? Is that you?"

There was no answer from the peaceful room. Instead, Angela just heard a couple more footsteps towards her. Soft lips kissed her own. She smiled. She kissed them back with an open mouth. As she opened her eyes she was shocked to find Brennan in front of her.

"Tempe?! I thought you were Jack! What the hell? We're at work! What if someone would have seen us?"

Angela frantically looked around, half-expecting Hodgins to be standing in the doorway. But to her relief they were alone. Brennan just sat there with a smug look on her face; she loved it when Angela got all worked up.

"I couldn't help myself Ange. You were so adorable sitting there with your eyes closed."

"I was trying to relax! I'm going back to be hypnotized today. I was too nervous last time, I couldn't calm down enough for it to work."

"Why didn't you just say so? I know a way you could relax…" Brennan's hand ran up Angela's thigh, stopping teasingly close to Angela's groin.

Angela slapped Brennan's hand away in disapproval.

"Aww, Ange. I was just kidding. I'll let you get back to relaxing." Brennan brushed Angela's hair out of her eyes, smiled, then began to walk away.


Brennan turned to see Angela was now standing a few feet behind her.

"What happens if this works? …And I remember my husband's name…."

Brennan had thoroughly thought this through already. "Then… you divorce him. And you-- well you… marry Hodgins." The last words had a hint of jealousy to them.

Angela seemed to sense Brennan's disappointment and let the conversation end there.

In all the excitement of trying to find her husband, she had never stopped to think about what all this meant for her and Brennan. If she found her husband she would divorce him. Then the logical, expected, next step would be for her to marry Hodgins; for real this time. Yet, Angela was in love with Brennan. She knew she wouldn't be able to marry her prince charming while she was sleeping with her princess charming. The whole topic had begun to get her all flustered. Her heart was so conflicted. She decided to ignore it, for now. Right now, the most important thing was to remember her husband's name.

Brennan was standing outside Angela's office. Her eyes were stinging with held back tears. She watched Angela resume her spot on the floor and return to her meditation. Brennan wanted nothing more than to throw her inhibitions to the wind and tell Angela how much she truly loved her. She wanted to tell her to forget all of this. To run away, start again…together.

Brennan was so deep in her fairy-tale thoughts that a hand on her shoulder startled her back to reality.

A beaming Cam was at her side.

"Does she know?" Cam asked hurriedly.

Brennan's expression dropped. How could Cam…had she seen them kiss?! Brennan had sworn they were alone. She tried to regain her composure.

"What!?" It wasn't hard for her to sound shocked, "Cam. We're best friends -- that's it!"

It was Cam's turn to sound surprised. "I meant does she know her husband's name yet? …..What were you talking about?"

Brennan ignored the second question. "No. She's going back to be hypnotized this afternoon. Now excuse me… I've got work to do."

"Are you ok Dr. Brennan? You look like you've been crying…?" Cam had just noticed Brennan's watery eyes. She stood there trying to piece things together. "Is there something…going on? Between you and Angela?"

"Of course not. It's nothing-- uhh, there's nothing. " Brennan quickly found her way down the hall and out of Cam's sight.

Brennan sank down in the chair in her office. Her mind was racing. How could she have been so stupid? She replayed the conversation in her head. Shit shit shit shit! She could have just said, "Between Ange and I? Oh like the fact we've been having an affair for months? You mean that?" It would have been just the same as her stammering ignorance. She had almost blown everything, because she let her guard down.

That was not going to happen again. Everything depended on their affair remaining secret. Angela's engagement, Hodgin's happiness, the teams' dynamic, Brennan's reputation… everything.

Title: Ch. 7 - Skewed Observations
Author: Kit Givens
Disclaimer: Fox owns all rights. I am merely a fan of Bones, composing a work of fiction.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Things are complicated for Brennan and Angela. Cam finally puts things together and confronts Brennan on the seriousness of her actions.
Warning: Angst, Spoilers through S3

Since her encounter with Cam, Brennan and Angela had been extremely cautious about their affair. At work they were strictly business. Outside of work, they were becoming more and more intimate. They fell in love a little more, each day.

Now that Angela had remembered her husband's name it was only a matter of time before he was tracked down. Hodgins was beside himself with joy. He hung all over Angela like a love sick school boy. He had full faith that their private investigator would find Angela's husband, and that they would soon have their dream wedding. He was anxious to finally marry the woman of his dreams.

Brennan had walked in on the happy couple more than once. It infuriated her to see them flaunting their love all over the lab. She wanted nothing more than to be able to flaunt her love for Angela just as freely. But, as it were, she must play the fool. She knew Angela was conflicted. They never talked about Hodgins, or what would happen if he found out. Brennan never wanted to put Angela in the position to be forced to choose one or the other. Brennan knew that when the time come, in all actuality, Angela would most likely choose Hodgins. It was simple. She had a promised future with Jack, why wouldn't she marry him? It killed Brennan to imagine having to stand at the alter, as a bridesmaid, and watch Angela walk down the aisle again.

Angela had been more high-strung than ever. She was finding it increasingly difficult to play exuberant bride-to-be, while hiding her truest love for Brennan. It was like she was leading a double life. She knew that she couldn't hang on to both for much longer. Time was running out. She had weighed her options over and over, yet could never come to a conclusion. She knew that no matter who she chose, in the end someone was going to get hurt. She loved them both deeply, which made it even worse.

One afternoon Brennan passed by Angela's office and witnessed the two 'love birds' making out, as usual. Without realizing it, she had stopped to stare.

"Those two should just get a room already!" Cam's voice came echoing down the hall towards Brennan.

Angela and Hodgins heard Cam's comment, and waved in her general direction. It was at that moment that Angela also saw Brennan standing in their point of view. She met Brennan's eyes and could feel their pain. She tried her best to say, "I'm sorry" without being too obvious. Whether Brennan received the message or not, she turned and walked away in frustration.

Cam's eyes went from Angela to Brennan, then back again. Hodgins was still standing in Angela's office, yet Angela couldn't take her eyes off of Dr. Brennan. The wheels of Cam's mind began to turn. It was like all of the pieces had finally formed a clear picture. How could she not have noticed before? She replayed conversations in her head. She remembered the day Dr. Brennan was outside of Angela's office, crying. She reran all the moments she had walked in a room and the two of them had quickly separated to opposite corners. She couldn't even count the number of times Dr. Brennan had gotten angry for Angela and Jack's obvious disregard for inappropriate public displays of affection. It all came together, so vividly now. She rushed to Brennan's office as quickly as she could.

"Dr. Brennan, we need to talk. Now."

Brennan tried to think of an excuse why she couldn't talk, but she honestly had nothing to do right then. And as much as she hated it, Cam was her boss. She couldn't just say no.

Cam came in and shut the door behind her. She stood in front of Brennan's desk. Her mind worked quickly, trying to grasp the right words.

"Dr. Brennan, it has come to my attention that their may be a conflict of interest going on right here in the Jeffersonian lab. In the last couple of months I have noticed changes around here. Changes between you and Angela…"

Brennan's eyes widened. She had dreaded this moment. She had told Angela it was only a matter of time. Angela shrugged it off saying Cam was too caught up in her own feelings for Booth to notice. Point for Brennan. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of the good kind of "I told you so" moments.

"Dr Brennan. Let me just say, as your boss, you are putting a lot at risk here. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior within our own team. We are all adults here, and as such we must act accordingly when certain…feelings arise. Now, I of all people, know it is not uncommon for two people that work so closely together to fall in love. But when/if this happens it is important that the parties involved are well aware of the consequences of their actions. In this case, pursuing said feelings could easily lead to the end of this team as we know it. It's obvious that once this comes out, and you better believe at some point it will, the three of you will never be able to work together again. And that makes this my problem as much as yours. So, Dr. Brennan, please know that when you are weighing your decisions here, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. If you continue on with the way things are now, you will no longer have a job here. You've already put too much at risk."

Brennan took a moment to marinate Cam's speech. She was basically being blackmailed. Either stop seeing Angela, or loose her job. She had always known Cam put her job before everything else, but now she was just being cynical. Brennan tried to come up with a rebuttal but Cam obviously wasn't done.

"However, as a friend, I know that in the end you'll have to follow your heart. I can see the love in your eyes. And I know, that sort of love isn't something you can just forget. But also know that even if it takes an extremely long time to mend your broken heart, there will be someone else that makes you feel just the same. Someone else that you will love even more. …"

Brennan could not believe her ears! First Cam came in to threaten her job, and now she was offering up love advice? Who did this bitch think she was?!

"…All I'm trying to say here Temperance, is that Jack Hodgins isn't the only "bug guy" in the sea."

….What? Jack Hodgins? Did Cam seriously think Brennan was in love with Hodgins?? Holy shit. Brennan was wrong, point for Angela. She tried to suppress her relief with a neutral smile.

"Cam, thanks. Really. It’s been hard these last few months. As if one wedding wasn't enough, now I have to watch them do it again. I appreciate your concern, but trust me… I'll get over it. Before you know it I'll have absolutely no romantic feelings towards Hodgins at all. And everything can go back to normal around her. I assure you, there will be nothing between Hodgins and I." ...It was partially true.

This seemed to suffice. Cam smiled and nodded as if she had won some sort of argument, then turned and walked away. A few moments later Angela found her way into Brennan's office.

"I saw you and Cam having a serious conversation in here. Everything ok, babe?"

"Ange, things couldn't be better. Come over tonight and I'll tell you the whole story." She smiled and gazed into Angela's sparkling brown eyes. She loved those eyes. She loved everything about Angela. Most of all she loved their secret world together.

And she smiled contently knowing that their secret was safe, for at least one more day.
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